
Chapter 166: Goodbye Lin Fan


With the departure of Lu Changchun and others, the whole house seemed a bit empty, and only me, the third master and Su Xiaoman were left.

Looking at the four corpses on the ground, I haven’t spoken for a long time. The three masters should have noticed that my mood was a little depressed, and said with a smile: "Okay, things have developed to this point. It is definitely not what you and I want, but the world is It's so impermanent, only the living people can do it under the weight."

After all, the third master went out, and I asked him what he was going for. He said he had to go to some villagers in Niuwang Village to take care of their funeral.

For the next three days, I stayed in Niuwang Village with the third master and Su Xiaoman, and we were not ready to leave until Wu Lao and others had been dealt with after their affairs.

It is worth mentioning that because the coffin was engraved with the text of the ghost craftsman, Wu's originally tense face showed a smile of relief when he was in the funeral. What makes me even more delighted is that the third master told me that Wu Can has a son in Guangzhou, who is six years old this year and has been on his side.

I asked him why he didn't take the kid over to attend Wu Can and Wu's funeral. He said that the child is clean, don't let him know about Wu Can's unbearable past, just let the child live cleanly in the future.

As for the tombs of Wu Can, Wu Lao, Du Sanniang, Wu Old Lady, and Huang Jinshan, they were not buried in Wu Can’s house. Instead, they were buried in the place where the temple was originally planned to be built. The house and Du Sanniang’s house were converted into a children’s playground, which is free for life.

One more thing worth mentioning is that when Wu Can was preparing for the funeral, a suicide note was found on his bedside table. It said that after his death, he took one-fifth of the money to improve the nearby residents. Living environment, the remaining four-fifths are all donated to children in poor mountainous areas.

Then Wu Can specifically mentioned the feed factory in Ti Niuwang Village in his suicide note. He said that the feed factory was his industry. He wanted to divide the feed factory evenly among the original residents of Niuwang Village. The original residents of Niuwang Village have found a way to make money.

When we walked out of Niuwang Village, I was carrying the ghost maker Zhiwen, standing under the archway in Niuwang Village, and turning my head to look at this prosperous village, I felt deeply in my heart, and no one knew it. This seemingly prosperous village has this story hidden behind it.

Just as I was stunned, Su Xiaoman asked me with a blushing face. She said, "Brother Chuanzi, will Niuwang Village return to normal?"

I know what she meant. She should be asking me whether the sex workers will leave this Niuwang Village. I smiled and said, "If the seven evil spirits are cut, the direction of the Five Movements of the whole village will also change. The original residents of Shangniuwang Village also have a way to make a living. I believe that as long as they have a sense of shame, this Niuwang Village should be full of factories in the near future."

After I said this, I walked forward first. The third master gave a wry smile, shook his head, and followed up, while Su Xiaoman stared at Niuwangcun for a while and followed up.

Many years later, when I came to Niuwang Village again, the Niuwang Village had undergone earth-shaking changes. Just as I predicted at the beginning, the entire Niuwang Village has been transformed into an industrial powerhouse with factories everywhere. There is no such thing as squandering, and Niuwang Village also changed its name to Wang Niu Kou.

The word cow no longer means cowherd, but symbolizes hope, loyalty, and down-to-earth.

Of course, these are things to follow, so I won't express them for the time being. Let me say that after leaving Niuwang Village with the third master and Su Xiaoman, I went straight to the bus station and directly bought three bus tickets back to Guangzhou.

In the car, I was very puzzled, why Su Xiaoman didn't go home, but followed us to Guangzhou.

I asked Su Xiaoman the reason.

Without waiting for Su Xiaoman to speak, a word from the third master made me almost collapsed. He said that he had already decided to accept Su Xiaoman as an apprentice when he was doing the funeral for Mr. Wu. In other words, this Su Xiaoman became my junior sister.

This made me almost collapsed. You must know that when I was able to be the third master, it was my second master who paid a lot of money, and even used a little trick, and this succeeded in apprenticeship. Now it’s good, Su Xiaoman said nothing. Instead, the three masters were accepted as apprentices.

I have to say that there are still differences between people.

The third master explained to me that Su Xiaoman is talented in martial arts and will become a talent in the future. I am a piece of dead wood in martial arts, and I have to spend time slowly carving and polishing. It is also said that even if it is polished, the future achievements in martial arts will definitely be less than one-fifth of Su Xiaoman's.

For this, I just chose to ignore them. However, people are like this. When you have talents in one aspect, you must have shortcomings in the other.

After bumping in the car for more than two hours, we returned to Guangzhou.

When I first arrived in Guangzhou, before getting off the car, I had the urge to cry. The reason was simple. I came to Guangzhou this time to save my second uncle and Ge Yao's brother. Now that the old man Wu has passed away, how can I save my second uncle? How to save Ge Yao's brother

Although the second uncle’s affairs are not in a hurry, I will find another way after I enter the eighth office, but Ge Yao’s younger brother is urgent, especially Qin Lao San, in order to save Ge Yao’s younger brother. , I was stunned by the blossoming iron tree and stuffed me three thousand dollars. If I let him know that I didn't get the job done, that guy might kill me.

So, as soon as I got off the car, I quickly asked the three masters: "Master three, are there any bauhinia trees here."

"Bauhinia tree?" He wondered.

I hummed, and quickly said: "You also know that Ge Yao's brother is paralyzed, but he is paralyzed a bit wickedly. Only the sapling of the redbud tree can be accompanied by him in order to temporarily suppress his condition."

The third master frowned and said, "There are some redbud trees, but there are very few redbud saplings."

After all, he seemed to remember something, and continued: "I heard Wu Can say that his father liked to plant redbud trees for viewing. Maybe his old man has redbud tree saplings."

When I heard, Wu's hometown? Now Mr. Wu is dead, even if his family has it, he can't get it. However, I still plan to go to Wu's hometown to try my luck. After all, I had to thank someone there, and that was Lin Fan who led me to the Haoyue Minglou community.

After making this decision, I told the third master what I was thinking.

When he heard it, he said: "Okay, you go there and try it, if it doesn't work, we will think of another way. I will take your younger sister to the eternal gym first."

"Brother, wait for the meeting!" Su Xiaoman said to me shyly.

I nodded and didn't speak any more. The third master stopped a taxi for me and told the driver to take me to the Haoyue Minglou community.

I have to say that life is like this. After a big circle, I returned to the Haoyue Minglou community. Thinking about it now, maybe this is the so-called impermanence of life.

When I arrived at the Haoyue Minglou community, I didn’t know if it was a coincidence or what happened. I just ran into Lin Fan walking out from inside. She was still wearing a white dress just like a few days ago. Reiki gives people the feeling of not eating the fireworks in the world.

What I didn't expect was that when Lin Fan saw me, he smiled at me and said with a smile: "You really are here again."

"Here again?" I stared at her suspiciously, really don't understand what she meant.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)