
Chapter 17: The sound of midnight mahjong (part 2)


This so-called warm fire means that on the night of the move, you cannot sleep or turn off the lights. It must be lively.

But all the relatives are here, so I can't chat all night long!

Since then, Li Chengze took out several sets of plate cards prepared in advance, and a group of relatives set up five or six tables of plate plates, which looked so lively, and Li Chengze joined them in order to make his relatives enjoy themselves.

And here in Shonan, typing cards is a bit weird. It is often played by three people and more than a dozen people watching them. What is even more weird is that people who read the cards are always more excited than those who type. Even now, this phenomenon is still the case. If you go to our Shonan, you can often see three people typing cards, and a dozen people shouting on the side. You can’t play this, and that can’t be played. If you don’t listen, let’s fire it now. Got it!

Although there are five or six tables in Li Chengze’s family, Li Chengze is a rich man, and there are many relatives who come to warm up the fire. Just as the old class said, the poor are in the busy city and no one asks them, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. Most wealthy people do something at home, regardless of your relatives, they will attend.

Therefore, there were many people who were idle that night, so they gathered around to look at the nameplates, and looked like they were pointing the country.

There must be a win or lose in this typed card, and the winner must be laughed, on the contrary, the loser must be bitter.

Around the middle of the night, this Li Chengze's family had a relative who couldn't beat him. He lost some money, but in fact it was not much, just like he lost close to a hundred.

Of course, one hundred is not much for Li Chengze, but for that relative, it is a lot of money. To be honest, his relative originally planned to come here to win some living expenses, who would have thought that he would lose.

This is a loss. I certainly can’t say that I didn’t learn my craft, but I have to find a reason!

No, Li Chengze's relative said, saying that it was the people around him who were noisy. He looked at a few cards and was still chirping, which caused him to lose money.

Those who lose money have said this, and those who watch the cards on the side naturally have to converge a little, otherwise, it really makes a lot of trouble and it will be difficult to meet in the future.

In an instant, the new house, which was still lively and lively, suddenly became silent, and only those who played cards were muttering a few words there.

As soon as the new house calmed down, I heard a sound of rustling mahjong.

At first, Li Chengze and the others didn't care much, thinking it was the neighbor's rubbing mahjong, but after a while, the sound of rubbing mahjong became louder and louder.

At this time, Li Chengze could no longer sit still, so he asked several other people if they heard the sound of rubbing mahjong. The relatives nodded one by one and said that they heard it. Even Mo Qianxue said that he heard it.

After a few people discussed it, they had to go to the next door to make their voices quieter. As soon as they opened the door, they found that the neighbor’s house was black and blazing, and where there were people playing mahjong. This scared Li Chengze’s relatives. With small eyes, no one dared to speak.

Even more weird things are still to come. As long as you walk out of this new house, the sound of mahjong will immediately disappear. Once you enter this new house, the sound of mahjong will come out again.

After one night, Li Chengze and his relatives didn't dare to type the cards anymore. After Zhan Zhan Keke's night, the sound disappeared after the cock cried.

In the early morning of the next day, where Li Chengze was still sitting and living, he immediately went to find a Taoist priest nearby. Speaking of this Taoist priest, in Li Chengze's words, he is quite famous among them, and his method is very effective. Generally, children are in the middle of the night. Weeping for no reason or the like, a talisman goes down to ensure that the child will never make noise at night.

Such a powerful Taoist priest went to Li Chengze's house and his expression changed immediately. He told Li Chengze that he couldn't do this. Even if he did it, it would bring him endless harm.

Then Li Chengze was also in a hurry, so he gave the Taoist priest a thick red envelope, and the Taoist priest did not dare to accept it. He said that there was something wrong with the new house. Most of the craftsmen worked on the house, and it was useless to find a Taoist priest. Everyone has different systems, so you have to find professionals in the artisan sector.

The professionals in the Taoist's mouth are actually our ghostsmiths, and Li Chengze also took this opportunity to inquire about our ghostsmiths.

Originally, this Li Chengze didn't believe in the words of the Taoist priest, and thought he had jumped when he encountered an immortal. The reason is that the Taoist priest said that the ghostsmith was supernatural, and said that asking the ghostsmith to do things would cost a lot of money and he had to give generous gifts.

But in the next few days, things about Li Chengze’s new house became more and more evil. During the first two nights, I only heard the sound of mahjong. On the third night, I could see a table in a trance. Mahjong stands in the living room of his house, and four young people sit at the mahjong table and play mahjong.

The strange thing is that the four young people sitting there, just kept playing mahjong without putting all their cards together, repeating the same action over and over again.

It is worth mentioning that it was not Li Chengze who saw this scene, but the five-year-old son of his family. At the time, this Li Chengze did not believe in his son's words. After all, Tong Yan Wuji!

However, afterwards, every child who came to his house said that someone was playing mahjong in his living room. In the end, his son cried and said every day that his brother wanted to teach him to play mahjong, and said that his brother’s body It's cold.

This frightened Li Chengze. He found the Taoist priest again and asked the Taoist priest for the name of the ghostmaker, the name of the place,

At that time, the Taoist priest told him two names, one was my senior brother, and the other was my master. When Li Chengze heard that the apprentice was not as good as the master, he bought some gifts and rushed to the village where my master was. , But to be on the safe side, he asked Mo Qianxue who was in school to find my senior.

It just happened that Mo Qianxue came to me in the morning, and the reason why Li Chengze gave me a piece to the world is a logical thing to say. When he went to find my master, the gift in his hand had not been delivered to my master. In his hand, my master said, "The old man is very old, please go to the coffin shop to find my little apprentice!"

After listening to Li Chengze's account, I looked startled and asked quickly, "Are you sure my master said, go to the coffin shop to find my little apprentice?"

He hummed, "Little brother, it's true that I've been here for less than two hours from Master Ling, so I can't remember anything wrong. His old man did say at the beginning that he asked me to come and find his little apprentice."

Hearing this, my mind was very serious. The brother only left for a little more than a day. It is said that the old man should not know the master. I think this is because I have been with the brother for so long. I have never seen the brother. I have been to the master, and I once asked him the reason. He said that there were some misunderstandings between him and the master, and it was difficult to meet.

And listening to this master's tone, he seemed to know that it was really weird that the brother had left.

Just when I was stunned, Li Chengze called me, "Little brother, what's the matter?"

I recovered and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered something. By the way, I will accept your cigarette. Besides, you will wrap me a red envelope of 10,000 yuan, and I will solve the matter for you. "

" thousand?" Li Chengze didn't seem to expect that I would be ten thousand when I spoke, trembled.

I nodded without explaining, "Just ten thousand, one penny less, you find someone else."

When I say this, it seems to be blackmailing, but in fact, as far as his family is concerned, 10,000 is really not too much for him, because I have to take risks in this matter, and maybe I will take my own life in. In exchange for my brother, at least more than 50,000 yuan.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)