
Chapter 170: Favor


Seeing all this in front of me, my scalp was numb, my whole body was trembling, my brain was blank, and my eyes were staring at the young man who fell in a pool of blood.

Su Xiaoman was terribly scared, and his face turned pale with a sigh, his lips were straight and black, he clung to me tightly, and trembled: "Master...Brother, this...this...this..."

I came back to my senses, swallowed, patted her arm, forbearing the fear in my heart, trembled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid!"

Although I said this, I was actually afraid of death in my heart. If it is me and Su Xiaoman sitting in this seat at this time, it is us who are dead at this time, and if Lin Fan didn't tell me all this, I...I...I Not daring to think further, his legs kept trembling.

At this moment, I only have one idea in my mind, Lin Fan is not simple.

Just when I was stunned, the train station was forced to stop. The car we were in was even more chaotic, with all kinds of screams. Fortunately, the police officers in the car were very effective. In less than a moment, So two dozen police officers came over, invited the people in the whole car out, and arranged us passengers to stand in the sleeping car.

This process has been busy for about an hour. During this period, I have been in a state of unconsciousness. The main reason is that this matter is too abrupt and unbelievable.

When I arrived in the sleeper compartment, I pulled Su Xiaoman and stood by the door.

At first, the passengers seemed to ignore our existence because of panic. After they calmed down, many people cast strange glances at us.

I know what they mean. Ever since I got on this train, Su Xiaoman and I have been standing there, causing many people to point us, and now that this kind of thing happened, many of them suspected that I had moved my hands and feet on the seat. .

Of course, some people say that we have the ability to be a prophet. For a while, the whole car was discussing the two of us, but I just ignored their words and ignored them.

When the police came to inquire, those people directly said the matter.

When the police officer heard about this, there was no extra action at all, and he led us directly to an office on the train.

This office is quite small, but it looks quite cozy. The person in charge of questioning us is a 37-year-old policeman with a Chinese character face and deep eyes staring at both of us.

"Sit down!" The police officer made a request at me.

I sat down, Su Xiaoman was afraid to sit down, standing behind me, tightly clenching my collar with both hands.

As soon as I sat down, the policeman said, "Listen to the people in the car. You haven't been seated since you got in the car. I don't know the little brother. Can you tell me the reason?"

I thought for a while, and quickly explained: "Before we got on the bus, someone told us not to take our seats, saying that something would happen to that seat."

When he heard this, his brow furrowed and he asked, "If that's the case, why don't you stop Liu Xu."

After listening to this, I immediately understood that this Liu Xu should be the young man with dark green hair before, and said anxiously: "I stopped it, but he insisted on taking the seat and took away my ticket."

With that said, I quickly added, "How is he?"

"Dead!" The policeman replied, glanced at me deeply, and whispered: "There is also a dead seat in seat 47 of carriage 8."

Car No. 8, 47 seats

I was stunned. Lin Fan wrote a total of three numbers, namely 985, 847, and 986. Now, one of the 47 seats in carriage 8 is dead. Could it be that Lin Fan really counted them so accurately

Just when I was stunned, the police asked me some more questions, basically asking where we were going and where we were. I told the truth all the time. At the end of the talk, the policeman didn't know what was going on. His deep eyes kept staring at me without speaking.

Being stared by him like this made me stare straight in my heart, and I didn't say a word, my eyes were staring at him all the time.

"Okay, you are staying here for the time being. After the train arrives, you have to cooperate with me to send a transcript to the local police station. In addition, I have a personal question to ask you." The policeman said as he took out Cigarette, handed me one, and then lit one on his own.

I took the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and heard the policeman say: "Do you know six-line arithmetic?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't understand!"

He uttered a cry, a trace of disappointment flashed on his face, slowly got up, patted my shoulder hard, and said something inexplicable. He said, "Little brother, you are really dead."

After speaking, he stepped out and closed the door again.

As soon as the policeman left, Su Xiaoman immediately asked me nervously, "Brother, would they...say that we killed the man."

To be honest, I don't know anything about it. If I knew something like this would happen, I wouldn't take this train. However, how can the world know that.

At the moment, I shook my head and told her that it should not be possible, which made her nervous again.

After about half an hour, the train started slowly again.

When the train arrived at Hengyang Station, it was already 9 noon the next day. We were both led by the policeman to the police station. In the police station, we both made a transcript and didn’t know what was going on. The police took a photocopy of our ID cards, saying that it was for us to stay in Hengyang within a short period of time and not to leave Hengyang. Once we made any progress, we had to be there on call. The two were released.

After walking out of the police station, I suddenly felt a bit cold behind my back when looking at the busy traffic. I only felt that Lin Fanshi was a god and man, and Su Xiaoman said that we owe Lin Fan two lives. When we have the opportunity to go to Guangzhou, we must thank you in person. she was.

I even agree with Su Xiaoman's statement.

We didn't stay long in Hengyang. At 11 o'clock that afternoon, we went directly to the bus station and bought two direct bus tickets to Nanping Town.

It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and we finally arrived at Nanping Town.

Don't look at it for a few days, but for me, it's as long as a century has passed. Looking at the familiar town in front of me, I led Su Xiaoman directly to the coffin shop.

What made me frown was that when we returned to the coffin shop, the door was closed tightly. I walked over, raised my hand and knocked on the door a few times, and shouted, "Qin Lao San, I'm back."

No one answered.

I knocked it seven or eight times, but no one responded.

This makes me a little angry, this old lady Qin is unreliable! Before I left, the guy promised well, saying that he would definitely help me look at the coffin shop, and he could not help but watch it with the door closed like this.

I cursed secretly, suddenly remembered something, and asked Su Xiaoman, "What day is it today?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)