
Chapter 186: track


I hummed, and immediately followed Mo Tianze's footsteps.

Then Xie Tieshan was stunned, looking embarrassed, and after about three seconds, he glanced at me, and in his eyes, I saw a trace of jealousy and resentment.

What surprised me was that I didn't know what was going on. The look in Xie Leiting's eyes was something wrong, but Wang Jiong took it for granted.

Soon, I followed Mo Tianze's pace and walked straight out of the room.

As soon as I left the house, I vaguely heard Wang Jiong introducing the three Xie brothers to Tse Leiting.

When I left the door, I was stunned and asked Mo Tianze respectfully, "Uncle Mo, where are you planning to take me?"

He smiled and said, "Come with me and you will know."

While speaking, he stepped forward and walked forward. The strange thing is that he actually walked the way we came, which made me curious, but without asking, he followed him silently.

Then Mo Tianze should have noticed that I was a little nervous, so he took a bit of routine with me.

Through his practice, I suddenly realized that, for a long time, he knew my name and knew that I was a ghostmaker. The reason was that he was actually Mo Qianxue's father.

This makes me feel like my own family. There is no other way. In this mausoleum, there is no more familiar person than Wang Jiong, but I don’t understand Wang Jiong a little bit. Thoughts belong to that kind of general acquaintance to him, limited to acquaintances, not friends.

But this Mo Tianze is different. He is Mo Qianxue's father. He can educate Mo Qianxue's responsible daughter, so his father's character is not bad.

Of course, what is more important is that he understands Mohist institutions, and this kind of person is trustworthy.

In this way, we walked back and talked. He told me that the reason for calling me over was because Mo Qianxue found a disc in my house, and that disc was given to him more than ten years ago. A gift from a farmer’s family, I didn’t expect to see it again in my house. In his words, it’s fate.

The second is because Mo Qianxue said a lot of good things about me in front of him, and it was also Mo Qianxue who told him that I was a ghostmaker.

The third is because he felt that what happened in this mausoleum had exceeded his cognition, which made me, a ghostmaker, come and take a look.

After knowing the whole story, I don't know if I should be fortunate, or if I should say that this world is really small.

After about ten minutes, Mo Tianze stopped abruptly. First he looked up at the top of the passage, and then glanced vigilantly at the back. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "Nothing, so he led me." Keep going forward.

After about seven or eight minutes, he stopped again, bent down slowly, pretending to tie his shoelaces, but glanced backwards.

In an instant, I immediately understood that he was worried that someone would follow us!

Wait, who will follow us

After discovering this, I swallowed. It seems that the tomb is not so harmonious. It is right to think about it. There must be competition in places where there are people. Even though these people are proud of themselves, they cannot escape the human nature.

Then Mo Tianze squatted for about ten seconds, slowly got up, and walked forward.

I followed without asking why.

In this way, Mo Tianze would squat down every time he walked a section of the road, sometimes tying his shoes, and sometimes pretending to find something.

In less than a moment, the two of us had already reached the entrance.

This time, Mo Tianze didn't speak, but just tapped a few times on the slate. Soon, the slate opened and Mo Tianze led me out.

After leaving the mausoleum, I thought Mo Tianze would tell me what was going on. He calmly did not speak, but led me to continue walking forward.

The place that Mo Tianze led me to was a private house. The house was not high and was the kind of earth house left over from the Republic of China. It occupies an area of less than three feet. There is a small courtyard in front of the house, which covers an area of about ten feet. There was a hoe hanging upside down, and beside the hoe, there was a hat and a fur coat.

The owner of this house is an old man in his seventies. Regardless of his age, he looks like a childlike face.

The old man seemed to know Mo Tianze very well, saw us come in, smiled and invited us to sit down, and broke the ginger soup for both of us, and smiled: "Two people, it’s cold and cold, drink a cup of ginger soup. Body."

Mo Tianze took the ginger soup and took a sip, but what surprised me was that even if he drank the ginger soup, his eyes didn't forget to glance at the door.

This made me even more curious. Without asking, I took a sip of the ginger soup.

For the next period of time, Mo Tianze had been talking about something insignificant with the old man, until the sky darkened, Mo Tianze's face suddenly loosened, and he sighed: "Finally left."

I looked startled, and hurriedly asked: "Who is gone?"

He smiled, and stopped saying: "Who else can it be, it must be those doglegs from the eighth office!"

After all, he took out a cigarette, and I handed it one. Then I clicked it, took a deep breath, and laughed at myself: "These days, with a dark history, no matter what you do, you can’t be trusted by anyone. This feeling is justified. It's really aggrieved."

I know what he meant. The dark history he said was about tomb robbery. After all, before coming here, Wang Jiong told me about Mo Tianze.

I smiled and didn't know how to answer him, so I asked him how he led me here.

He smiled and sighed: "Little brother, you are still young, and you don't understand the evils of society, the human heart, across the belly!"

As he said, he patted his belly and laughed twice.

At this moment, the old man slowly got up and said with a smile: "You two, talk slowly. I will go to the small courtyard to pack up my things and watch the wind for you by the way."

After speaking, the old man stepped out.

After the old man left, Mo Tianze stood up, stretched his waist, and then sat down again, grabbed a stool, put a pair of legs on the stool, the whole person assumed a semi-sitting posture, and whispered: "Dongchuan, guess what is wrong with me calling you over?"

I thought for a moment. Since he was the person who avoided the eighth office, it should be related to the eighth office. In addition, I heard from my seniors before that when setting up the Mohist institutions, he usually left a passage for himself. Presumably, he It should be these two things to find me.

At the moment, I spoke out what was in my mind.

When Mo Tianze heard this, he got up slightly, glanced at me diagonally, and smiled: "Yes, it is indeed related to these two things, but in the meantime, I have to tell you another thing."

"Uncle Mo, you say, kid listen." I respectfully said.

He glanced at me deeply and said quietly: "Listen to Xueer, your character is pretty good, I want to ask you, can I trust you?"

I was taken aback, and said hurriedly, "Uncle Mo, this kid is definitely not a tongue-biter."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)