
Chapter 19: One is missing


Then Mo Qianxue saw that I was stunned at the entrance of the village and didn't even mean to enter the village, so he urged me, "Why are you stunned, come to the village!"

I looked at her, and sometimes I wanted to say that ignorance is also a kind of happiness, so I hummed, and didn't speak any more, and walked straight to Li Chengze's house.

When he came to Li Chengze's house, he was a little excited, grabbed my hand, and said enthusiastically, "Little brother, you finally came. You haven't eaten yet. Come, come, come, supper is ready for you."

I nodded, and made another act of asking for a red envelope at him. This was not because I was greedy for money, but because I asked him to start a red envelope, to show some color.

He was startled, and immediately understood, and smiled: "I understand, I understand."

While talking, he handed me a red envelope, I squeezed it, estimated to be 100 yuan, nodded, said a few auspicious words, and followed him to the restaurant.

Let’s not say, his house is very well made, antique, and grown up. This is the first time I have entered such a beautiful house. It is inevitable that I glanced a few more and found that his house, on the whole, is not What's the problem.

Of course, what I said is okay, it's only the places where there is wood. As for other places, I don't have the ability to show him.

During the meal, Li Chengze’s wife, son, and daughter were all there. I don’t know if I misunderstood or what happened. Li Chengze’s son glanced to the west from time to time. Every time he glanced at it, his face changed. It would be ugly.

Even so, the kid still looked over there from time to time.

Taking into account the meal, I did not ask. After the meal, I first asked Li Chengze to call away his wife, daughter and Mo Qianxue, leaving his son behind.

Li Chengze probably knew that I was about to do business. Without a second word, I quickly sent those people to another room. I walked towards his son, squatted down in front of the kid, and asked, "Kid, brother. Ask you something, why do you always look over there."

As I spoke, I pointed to the west.

To say that Li Chengze's son is worthy of being a descendant of a businessman, he said gratifyingly, "My dad said, to ask others about things, you must first give a red envelope."

I...I...I was speechless too, so I looked at Li Chengze and found him grinning wryly at me, "Little brother, I made you laugh!"

"Jizu, don't talk nonsense, tell your brother!" He said to his son again.

"I don't. Dad said it. You have to give the red envelope first when you inquire about it." Don't think that the kid is only five years old, but he has a stubborn temper.

In desperation, I touched my trouser pocket, took out a dollar and handed it to him, "Can you tell me now?"

He took a dollar, like a little adult, first wiped it up, then folded it in half, put it in the trouser pocket, and smiled at me again, "Because there are four brothers over there rubbing mahjong!"

After finishing speaking, he took my hand and walked over there. When he reached a position near the west, he pointed and said gruffly: "Here, just a little bit ahead, the four brothers Play mahjong there."

"Can you tell me the specific location?" I asked him.

He shook his head deadly, "I don't dare, I'm afraid they will beat me in the past."

After saying this, a scared expression appeared on the child's immature face, and the whole person began to tremble. I couldn't ask any more, so I hit Li Chengze with a meaning, meaning that he would take the child away.

Then Li Chengze recovered, picked up the kid, and went straight to the house next door. Soon, he ran back again, stood next to me, and asked me: "Little brother, is this house visible? There is no problem. ?"

I shook my head, but I remembered something Mo Qianxue said in my heart. She said that his relative had moved out of the new house, and seeing this posture, Li Chengze did not move out.

I expressed the doubts in my heart, and he explained to me that he usually stayed in the next house, and today he knew that I was coming, so he opened fire at home and asked me if this would work.

I said it was okay. I stared to the west and found that this place was empty. Near the wall, there was an old-fashioned wooden window. The wood-carving on it was a pair of mandarin ducks, with lifelike lines. Beautiful, without the slightest unevenness, it is simply a work of ingenuity.

In all honesty, let me sculpt, absolutely no such craftsmanship, it can even be said that I am less than one percent of his sword skills.

At the moment, I asked Li Chengze, "Is this window carved by someone, or is it a ready-made window?"

As soon as he mentioned the wooden window, Li Chengze flashed a hint of pride on his face and explained: "Little brother, I have a good vision. I asked a master for this wooden window. The old man has studied woodworking all his life, especially in carving this. One piece can be said to be one of the best in our entire Shonan. In order to invite his old family, I spent a lot of money."

I hummed, and didn't speak any more, so I walked over, raised my hand and touched the wooden window. Its material should be tsubaki wood. No, strictly speaking, it should be the best red tsubaki among the woods. This red chrysanthemum wood is bright in color, reddish brown and purple, with clear texture, strong fragrance, moderate hardness, corrosion resistance, and easy processing. It is usually used for musical instruments or carvings. , Known as the Chinese mahogany, in the entire timber market, this red chrysanthemum wood belongs to high-end products and is of great value.

Upon discovering this situation, I glanced at several other windows in this house. What puzzled me was that the other windows were all made of aluminum alloy. Only this one was made of wood. I asked Li Chengze. the reason.

The explanation he gave me was that he asked a Feng Shui master to look at the house and said that it was this location. The whole house belongs to the northwest corner. It is not suitable to use metal for windows, but wood.

I thought about it for a while. It seems that there is such a saying in Feng Shui of houses. However, I didn’t know much about Feng Shui at that time and didn’t ask any further. So I asked Li Chengze some questions about this wooden window. He did not offend the master, and then asked him if anything happened when the master installed the window.

He said that no matter whether it was carving the window or installing the window, nothing happened, and he got along very well with his master.

This made my face sink. According to my initial thoughts, there must be a problem with this wooden window, but he said so, and I can't say anything more. After all, if the general masters really want to work on this, they have to be at odds with the owner first, and no one wants to move their minds for no reason.

I think this way because my ancestor Lu Ban was worried that his disciples and grandchildren would be bullied when they went out to work, and he created a spell called "Missing a Door". This "Missing a Door" is divided into two volumes, and the upper volume is some harm. Human spells, and the next volume is some spells to save people.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)