
Chapter 191: dispute


During the next period of time, I followed Mo Tianze around the courtyard building. It was about five o’clock. Then Mo Tianze led me out of the courtyard building. When passing the control room, Wang Jiong And the Xie brothers are still sleeping soundly.

According to my idea, I will knock on Xie Tieshan again. After all, that guy didn't taunt me less, and felt a bit of a loss after knocking once.

But Mo Tianze said that he should stop growing out of the corner, and he dragged me out in a daze.

After leaving the control room, Mo Tianze led me to a shortcut. It only took a few minutes before he appeared at the entrance of the underpass.

This time, Mo Tianze abide by the agreement and said that he was letting me open the door.

To be honest, the first time I came into contact with this thing, my heart was so nervous, I tried to endure the excitement in my heart, and then recalled Mo Tianze's action of opening the door. I slowly closed my eyes and touched it. , The index finger, middle finger, and ring finger are slowly bent, and the thumb and little finger are pressed firmly.

The first feeling at the beginning is like something is dented in, but this feeling is extremely weak, and it is generally difficult for laymen to find it. Only some knowledgeable people can feel the strangeness.

In an instant, there was a creak, and the wooden door slowly rose up and cracked a gap.

I was overjoyed, and I hurriedly walked out. I thought this thing was too magical, and wanted to try it again. Then Mo Tianze grabbed my arm and laughed, "I will have a long time to learn this thing in the future!"

I screamed, inevitably a little disappointed. Mo Tianze should have seen my disappointment, patted me on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "This is just for getting started. Wait for your chance to learn more advanced Mohist techniques. , I promise to surprise you."

After all, he walked towards the old man's house, saying that he had to go back before the person watching him woke up.

Seeing this, I couldn't say anything, and hurriedly followed.

When we returned to the old man's house, a white fish belly appeared on the horizon, and we two crept in.

To say that some things are also a coincidence. We just entered the room here, and before we had time to enter the bedroom, Mo Tianze grabbed me and said with a smile: "Dongchuan, go, I will show you to brush your teeth!"

As he spoke, he winked at me, and I immediately understood. It is estimated that the people who were monitoring him looked over here and said, "Okay!"

Soon, the two of us walked directly towards the small courtyard, and Mo Tianze said in a low voice as he walked, "Don't look at anything, just like usual."

I nodded and didn't speak.

I have to say that Mo Tianze was well prepared. When he arrived in the courtyard, he took out a toothbrush and toothpaste from his pocket and handed it to me.

I am a little confused. Did he put the toothbrush and toothpaste in his pocket beforehand

With all kinds of doubts, I washed in the courtyard, and talked with Mo Tianze outside for a while, all of which were insignificant things.

At about 7:30, the old man made breakfast for both of us, and Mo Tianze paid the old man fifty yuan, saying it was the overnight fee and breakfast.

We went out at 8 o'clock in the morning. The sky was drizzling, and Mo Tianze and I hurried towards the tomb in our clothes.

On the way, Mo Tianze didn't know what was going on, he kept his face calm and didn't speak, until he was about to reach the entrance of the tomb, he stopped and only asked me, "Dongchuan, do you believe me?"

I thought about it, everything is like this, what else can I do besides trusting him, I have to say: "Believe!"

He smiled slightly, stopped talking, and continued on the road with his head dull.

When we appeared at the entrance of the mausoleum, Mo Tianze raised his hand and knocked on the stone door a few times. The way he knocked on the stone door seemed to be the same as when Wang Jiong brought me here. It must be a whisper or something.

Within a moment, Shimen opened, Mo Tianze walked in first, and I followed.

This time, the two of us walked slowly in the passage, and walked for more than half an hour before we walked to the control room.

As soon as we arrived in the control room, before we had time to enter the door, we heard a noise from inside, Xie Tieshan’s voice, his voice was very angry, "Mad, you must be your grandson knocked on me last night. ."

"Grass, I have no grievances with you, why do you knock you!"

This is Wang Jiong's voice.

"Grass, it's not you, why is that wooden stick under your bed."

Hearing this, Mo Tianze glared at me without saying a word, and went straight in.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that Wang Jiong and Xie Tieshan were looking at each other. The two of them were red-faced in quarrel, while Xie Jinshan and Xie Yinshan shook their heads helplessly on the side. What surprised me was that Xie Leiting and the others were not there.

"Brother Luo, you can count as coming." When Wang Jiong saw me, he hurried over, grabbed my arm, and said anxiously: "You tell me, are there such stupid people in the world? Throw the stick under your bed."

When he said this, he grabbed my arm with great strength, and pinched me a little bit pain.

How can I not understand what he meant, he clearly hinted at me, he knew I did it, let me bleach him!

Speaking of this, I took this into consideration when I threw the stick under his bed. The reason is simple. The three brothers Wang Jiong and the Xie family are both adults. Such obvious framing can definitely be seen. The reason why Xie Tieshan came to Wang Jiong to make trouble was probably because he was so angry that there was no place to spread it.

And the reason why I threw the wooden stick under his bed was actually to frame Xie Leiting and the others.

Just ask, I left with Mo Tianze yesterday, and the control room is left with Wang Jiong, the three brothers of the Xie family, and Xie Leiting. Nowadays, the wooden stick appeared under Wang Jiong's bed as if framed, so there was only one possibility left, and that was the group of Xie Leiting.

Just when I was stunned, what I didn't expect was that Mo Tianze actually spoke up, and he said to Xie Tieshan: "There is really no such stupid person in the world. From my point of view, there must be someone who wants to frame Xiao Wang. "

"Yes...Yes...Yes, but there are only a few of us in this control room." After hearing Mo Tianze's words, Xie Tieshan couldn't refute it.

Mo Tianze smiled and did not speak, but I muttered to the side, "We are not the only control room."

As soon as he said this, Xie Tieshan's expression suddenly changed. After looking at Xie Jinshan and Xie Yinshan, he heard them nodding and not talking.

"Brother Xie, I asked you to come here to help. Even if Wang Jiong is not a thing, I won't knock you!" After all, Wang Jiong looked at me and whispered: "Brother Luo, do you think Does my statement make sense?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and said hurriedly: "It makes sense, we are all Team Leader Wang invited over to help, he shouldn't knock you."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)