
Chapter 2: Suspended himself


At first, my father felt that Yizhi Carpenter's idea was too cruel, and he dared not do it. But at that time, the thought of passing on from generation to generation was deeply ingrained. As one sentence said, filial piety has three consequences. In order to continue the incense, my father nodded and agreed.

However, my father had a doubt. At that time, my mother gave birth to nine children, but there were ten children killed by my ancestors, and nine corpses were burned. Nine were driven away. What should I do if there is one left? .

The finger maker told my father that he didn't need to worry about this matter. He naturally had a way to solve it. He also told my father that this matter was too cruel and hurt the natural harmony. I am afraid that after the child is born, our family will have retribution.

My father was in his heart to pass on the clan and didn't care so much, so he told Yizhi Carpenter that as long as he could pass on the clan, it didn't matter what kind of retribution.

The finger craftsman stared at my father with deep meaning and without a word, he took off the paper hat from his head and led my father to the main house.

When I first arrived at the main house, one fingered the craftsman said he was going to wash it. After about half an hour, one fingered the craftsman put on a brand-new black shroud, walked to my father's side, and said to my father, just follow him. The method is done in the same way. On March 19 of the following year, the mother will give birth to a little boy. The little boy must recognize him as a master. In the eighteen years of Qingming and Zhongyuan every year, he will burn yellow paper in front of his grave. , He will take the fat boy down.

When my father heard this, this request was not excessive, but my father was wondering at the time that the finger craftsman was fine before, how he changed into a shroud, and said that burning yellow paper is so unlucky.

At that time, my father was in a hurry to go home and do something for the craftsman, so he couldn't keep asking. However, the next sentence of the fingering craftsman made my father completely bewildered.

One finger carpenter said: "There is still 10,000 yuan in the old man’s rice jar. After the old man’s death, you use that 10,000 yuan to buy a better coffin for the old man. The rest of the money is even for the old man’s apprentice. Red envelopes."

After saying this, Yizhi Carpenter told my father again and asked my father to find him in the side house in half an hour.

My father did not dare to talk nonsense after listening to him. After all, Yizhi Carpenter's life experience has heard people say that he was displaced in the first half of his life, returned to the village in the second half of his life and passed the age of marrying, and he did not have a son and a half. It is reasonable to have such an confession.

After waiting for half an hour in the main room, I only heard a bang from the side room. My father was anxious and walked towards the side room. Before entering the door, he saw a person hanging from the front beam of the room. Refers to the craftsman.

The strangest thing is that there are two pieces of yellow paper hanging on the body of a finger craftsman, on which the eight characters of the birthdays of father and mother are written upright.

My father was so frightened that he didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, he could only feel a cool air from the soles of his feet through the internal organs and directly towards his forehead. Even now, my father still can't understand why Yizhismith hangs himself, or even why Yizhismith wants to help our family in this way.

In the next three days, my father took out the 10,000 yuan that a finger craftsman put in the rice jar, bought a coffin for his old man, and invited the Taoist priest to perform a ritual, and finally asked the Eight Immortals to heat up the finger craftsman. Lively sent up the mountain.

After finishing the funeral of Yizhi Carpenter, there were still more than 6,000 of the 10,000 yuan left. My father didn’t dare to disturb the money, so he wrapped it in red paper and put it under my mother’s pillow, and he started to work. I was about to burn the nine sons, because my father was afraid that my mother would not agree, my father didn't dare to speak up, so he sneaked up on my second uncle, touched the Niujiao Mountain in our village at night, and hurriedly took my nine brother's. The body was dug out.

At that time, the bodies of my nine brothers were buried in the ground for a long time. The longest one was nine years old, and the shortest one was three months old.

But, when I dug it out, my nine brothers' faces were as pale as paper, and their muddy eyes were wide and round. There were no signs of decay on the whole body, and there were vague symptoms of blessing.

This frightened my father and second uncle, and they almost knelt down. My father was a little better. After all, these nine children are all their own sons. But my second uncle was different. He was timid by nature. When he saw the nine corpses blessed, he bowed to the corpses, muttering in his mouth, Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless.

To say that the second uncle is still kind at heart, looking at the corpse, his heart is straight, and he tremblingly asks my father: "Big...Big brother, are you sure you want to burn them?"

At that time, my father was also blindfolded by the thought of passing on from generation to generation, and said to my second uncle: "Geng Shengji, Yi Zhiyi said the craftsman said that our ancestors have committed sins. Now, the third and most descendants are full of descendants. Only my big house didn't have the slightest incense, and your situation was not much better. You had three or four daughters, but you didn't have a son. Maybe you burned these corpses, and the one in your family could also give birth to a son. "

As soon as my second uncle heard it, he couldn’t pay attention, so he went home and discussed with my second aunt for a while. I didn’t know what the couple had discussed. I knew that within half an hour, my second uncle came back and helped my father. Arranged the corpses of nine elder brothers in a row, and burned a lot of yellow paper, candles, and ingots beside the corpses.

After burning these things, my father first found a piece of hemp rope smeared with black dog blood and tied the nine elder brothers' bodies into dumplings. Then he found a piece of black willow cut down from the September sky. One end was flattened, and a spiral-shaped blade was tied and passed through the abdomen of the first corpse.

According to my father’s recollection, when the corpses were interspersed, the moonlit and bright weather suddenly became clouded, and then there was heavy downpour. It was not until the nine corpses were connected with black willow. stop.

After fixing the corpse, at first glance, it looked like a skewer of meat. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or something. The eyes of my nine elder brothers stared straight at his father, staring straight at my father’s heart. Unbearable.

However, things have become like this, and it is certainly unrealistic to give up like this.

In terms of human beings, under certain circumstances, no matter how cruel things are, they can do it. My father was like that at that time. After he rested with my second uncle for a while, my second uncle made a fire, and my father took nine of them. The elder brother's body was placed on the stove and began to bake.

After roasting for three days and three nights, until the end, only a mass of dark things remained.

There is one thing worth mentioning here, and I don't know if my father lied to me, or whether it was true. My father said that when they burned the body, the eyes of my nine brothers closed several times and opened several times.

After burning the corpse, my father removed the ashes sticking to the black willow wood, wrapped it in a piece of red silk and satin, and buried it under the stone slab of our cottage.

After this incident, my father fell into deep self-blame for a long time. It was not until March 19th of the following year that my mother gave birth to me and my father was slightly better.

On the day I was born, my second aunt was responsible for delivering the baby. The first time she saw me, she screamed in a terrifying voice, "I drop a mother, the index finger of this baby's hand is so black."

She was telling the truth. When I was just born, the index finger of my right hand was scorched like charcoal, and even the nails were black, as if they had been roasted by a fire. This phenomenon continued until I was six years old when the skin of the index finger gradually began to grow. Become a normal person. However, the nail of my right index finger didn't know what was going on. It was always black, like charcoal after a big fire. In my father's words, my right index finger must have something to do with a finger craftsman.

However, this is not a weird thing, and even more weird things are still to come. On the night I was born, my dad had a deep heart. Although he gave birth to a baby with finger problems, it was also his own blood. So I went to the kitchen and planned to treat my second aunt to dinner.

During the following period, I didn’t know what was going on. My father’s right index finger stabbed for a while. The pain, in my father’s words, looked like someone pierced his nails with an embroidery needle. My father was in pain. The kitchen is spinning.

After feeling pain for about two or three minutes, a strange sound came from outside the room, saying that he was hungry and asked my father to hurry up to eat. My father resisted the pain from his index finger and opened the pot to take a look. When the noodles were ready, I was going to cut some green onion, where I knew, when I cut it down, the green onion was not cut, but my index finger was cut off.

At the same time, my second uncle's house also staged an incredible scene.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)