
Chapter 201: buy


Listening to the woman's words, I stared at her back, a very ordinary back, which can be seen in any village.

However, what she said made me completely stunned.

At the train station some time ago, Lin Fan asked me to write three numbers, so I was careful about the person whose surname was Xie.

And this woman just glanced at me and said the same thing.

This...what is the identity of this woman

Why would you stay in this country willingly

Gradually, the woman's back was completely swallowed by the night, leaving me and Zi Yang Tao looking at each other.

It took a full minute before I came back to my senses. I looked at the flashlight and umbrella in my hand, and I felt like I had knocked over a five-flavored bottle.

"Brother Chuanzi, what does it mean that the woman told you to be careful about the person whose surname is Xie?" That Zi Yangtao suddenly pulled me, wondering.

I replied that it was nothing, and looked in the direction where the woman was leaving.

"Really all right?" Zi Yangtao asked again.

I stopped and said again that it was okay, and then tightened the umbrella and flashlight in my hand.

"By the way, Brother Chuanzi, do you think that woman is ill? What umbrellas are you giving us this night? Look at the night, there is no tendency to rain at all." Na Zi Yangtao took me from my hands. He took the umbrella and said in doubt.

I was about to speak, when the night was still a thousand miles away, a huge thunder suddenly sounded, and then the bright moon was gradually swallowed. In an instant, a pouring rain fell from the sky, as if the sky had collapsed, and the sky was overwhelmingly tilted down.

During the rainstorm, we both held umbrellas, and neither spoke a word, staring straight at the direction the woman was leaving.

After touching for about three minutes, I slowly turned around and walked forward, Zi Yangtao followed me.

Walking and walking, Zi Yangtao seemed to think of something, and asked me, "Brother Chuanzi, are you saying that woman is too divine?"

I know what he meant. He was referring to the woman who gave us an umbrella.

To be honest, before the heavy rain, I was wondering how the woman would give the umbrella somehow.

It wasn't until the rainstorm that I understood what the woman meant. She probably didn't just give us an umbrella, but she also hinted that I shouldn't hit his son.

Of course, I didn't say this to Zi Yangtao, but walked forward with sullen head.

During the heavy rain, we two had been walking along the road towards Dongxing Town, while Zi Yangtao had been muttering two identical words on the side, roughly:

I rub, that woman is too godly!

I'm going, that kid actually looks so much like you.

In his murmur, we two had walked for two full hours before we arrived at Dongxing Town. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or what happened. The moment we arrived in Dongxing Town, it was originally a rainstorm. The sky stopped abruptly, and the bright moon in the sky appeared again.

According to my idea, go to Dongxing Town and find a hotel to stay.

However, Na Zi Yangtao said that Dongxing Town has always been xenophobic, and there must be no hotels in this town, so he proposed to find someone to live in with some money.

As soon as I thought, this guy made sense, so I glanced around and found that there was a shop not far from us with lights still on, and there was a truck parked in front of the shop, and it was estimated that the goods were being ordered.

The two of us immediately walked over.

Before I got to the side, I was stunned. The reason was that I found that the truck was not actually goods, but people. The most important thing was that I knew the people on the truck. They were all shops in our Nanping Town. With the craftsman, even Master Fan from the paper tie shop is among them.

Hell, what are they doing in Dongxing Town in the middle of the night

Na Zi Yangtao seemed to have discovered this situation, and he drew at me, pointed to the side, and said angrily: "I wipe, these old things are not staying in Nanping Town, why are you all coming to Dongxing Town?"

I glared at him and motioned to him not to speak, but I was stunned, my eyes rolled, and I walked forward.

When I walked to the shop, I found that this shop is a tombstone shop. This shop is not too big. It is about 30 square meters. The shop is full of flat monuments without carvings. The owner is a 60-year-old man. Old man, he has a childlike appearance.

When he saw me, the boss was startled for a while, then looked at me for a while, then slowly said: "Young man, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

I replied with a smile, came over and took a look, then turned my head and looked at the paper maker Fan next to him.

When Master Fan saw me looking at him, he smiled and said nothing.

Right now, I walked towards the master Fan, and said with a smile: "Master Fan, what is your boss doing here in the middle of the night?"

He smiled and whispered: "Nothing, just drop by."

I was stunned and stopped by

Come in a truck in the middle of the night


I forcefully endured the doubts in my heart, and talked a few words with Master Fan.

During this period, I talked a few words with other bosses and craftsmen in Dongxing Town, all of which were inconsequential.

After about three or four minutes, I told them about asking them for help.

The first person who spoke was Master Fan. He said, “Dongchuan, I’m sorry, someone promised us 1,000 yuan per person, but there’s really no way to help you. By the way, you are looking for a variety of people when you come to Dongxing Town, right? , My advice to you is, don’t look for it. In the six towns around Nanping Town, most people who work in all kinds of things will give you a thousand yuan, and absolutely no one will help you."

Hearing this, I almost jumped up. Someone robbed us in front of us and bought these.

This made me exclaimed and hurriedly asked: "Who?"

Master Fan frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Sorry, we didn't see anyone. We just received a note and a thousand dollars. There was only a simple sentence on the note."

"What are you talking about?" I asked hurriedly.

He looked at me and said word by word: "One thousand buys righteousness or life."

As soon as I heard this, I didn't wait for me to speak, and Master Fan said again, "Dongchuan, for the sake of a town, I'll send a message, you'd better not interfere with the tomb."

"Why?" I subconsciously asked.

He smiled and said: "That's the housework of Office No. 8. If you go in as an outsider, there are only two results, either dead or half-dead, with absolutely no results."

After saying this, he walked straight into the tombstone shop, and then some other people followed into the tombstone shop.

After they entered the shop, the owner of the Tombstone Shop came over, patted me on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Young people, this world is big, and people's hearts are bigger than the world. Don't do thankless things. "

After speaking, he turned around and walked in, slowly closing the door.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)