
Chapter 203: Cousin


In the words of the three masters, most people who deliberately approach you do not have a desire or a plan.

It was because of the words of the three masters that I wanted to leave early. Only by leaving can Meng Longfei have nothing to do.

At the moment, I couldn’t help speeding up a bit. When Meng Longfei and Zi Yangtao saw my movements, they hurriedly leaned over. Zi Yangtao asked me what was wrong, but I didn’t say anything, while Meng Longfei stared at me with a puzzled look and didn’t say anything. .

I was not polite, turned around and ran outside.

When Zi Yangtao saw me running away, he hurriedly chased me out.

About three to four hundred meters, Zi Yangtao had already caught up with me. He grabbed me and said in doubt: "Brother Chuanzi, what are you doing? What are you running inexplicably!"

I stopped, glanced at him, and didn't speak, mainly because I didn't know what to say to him. To be honest, I even suspect that Zi Yangtao deliberately brought me here. Otherwise, all this would be too coincidental.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Zi Yangtao seemed to think of something, and lost his voice: "Brother Chuanzi, don't you suspect that I am colluding with my cousin to cheat you?"

I nodded subconsciously, but still didn't speak.

He said again: "I'll rub, Brother Chuanzi, if you think so, I'm so sorry."

I took a deep look at him, and said quietly: "Fatty, don't you think your cousin's words are too suspicious? We just came to him here, and he said, I dreamed that I came to him last night. ,This this…."

Without waiting for me to finish, he waved his hand and said, "I'll go, I know this is a bit wicked, but my cousin doesn't have to cheat you, what if he dreams of it?"

I still couldn't believe it, so I said, "Fatty, we have known each other for so long, and I won't go around with you. I just ask you, can I trust you?"

"Cao, Brother Chuanzi, I really take you as my brother. If anyone lie to you, I will be alone in this life..." Zi Yangtao guessed that he was really anxious, and quickly vowed.

Without waiting for him to finish, I interrupted him and said, "Okay, I know. By the way, Fatty, I'll ask you something. If you find it inconvenient, you don't need to answer."

"Is it about my cousin?" he asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes."

"You ask." He looked at me and said solemnly.

I immediately asked him: "Look at your cousin who is also 26 or 17 years old. Why is he not doing a good business at a young age? He wants to make a deadly business."

I ask this because generally the dead man’s business is done by older talents. Take our Nanping town as an example. Those who do the dead man’s business are at least forty years old. The only exception is my coffin shop. .

"This, it's very simple. The money of the dead is better than the money of the living." Suddenly, a voice came from the left.

Turning my head to see, it was Meng Longfei. I frowned and found that Meng Longfei had walked to my side and smiled: "Little brother, you wouldn't doubt me because of this, right?"

I nodded.

He also said: "As the so-called three hundred and sixty-five lines, you are a top pick, there is nothing wrong with doing wreath business, people, is it not just to spend money to live, as for how the money comes, it depends on the individual's wrist. Besides, there is no law stipulating that people of my age can’t do dead man’s business. If the little brother doubts me because of this, I can only regret to say, little brother, you are destined to only be busy in this life. Up."

"Really?" I glanced at him.

He smiled and said: "Little brother, a person must have a broad field of vision and cannot be generalized. I can only tell you that I really dreamed of you. As for why I dreamed of this dream, I myself am confused. Of course, you. If you don’t believe me, you can leave, you and I will never meet."

After saying this, that Meng Longfei turned and walked over to the wreath shop.

Looking at his back, I was silent for a long time, while Zi Yangtao said to the side: "Brother Chuanzi, you may have misunderstood my cousin. Don’t think he is only ten years older than us, but in our relatives. In the circle, he is very prestigious, and my dad said that he is very visionary."

I uttered a low voice, still unable to believe that Meng Longfei's words, mainly because they were incredible.

Afterwards, the two of us caught a few words on the spot, and Na Zi Yangtao said that he was quite familiar with this county, so he led me to a drugstore.

Because I was anxious to enter the store, I didn’t look at the name of the pharmacy. I knew that I was just in the pharmacy. When the boss saw me, he shivered, like a ghost. After asking carefully, I realized that the pharmacy owner also dreamed last night. See me.

After I got out of the pharmacy, I didn’t dare to let Ziyangtao lead the way. Ziyangtao also saw that something was wrong, and didn’t lead the way anymore, but I swayed casually on the street, planning to find a few more companies engaged in a variety of things. Shop.

Shaking **, shaking **, I saw a place not far away from us with a sharp eye, there is a shop that looks good, I didn't even think about it, and quickly walked over.

The facts are very sad. I just entered the store. When the wise master saw me, he stubbornly grabbed me and said that he dreamed of me yesterday, and said that according to the photo book, dreams and reality overlap in most cases. Circumstances, something big must happen.

To be honest, this feeling of being known is very depressing, so depressing that it is confusing.

After I got out of the shop, I was numb as a whole. I just felt that the whole thing seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of mist. I couldn't help but remember a word from the owner of the Tombstone Shop. He told me not to do this kind of thanklessness. thing.

To be honest, I want to give up, but thinking of Mo Tianze’s Mohist tricks, I am a little unwilling to follow the reasons. The Mohist tricks are too powerful to make me take risks .

Standing on the street, looking at the endless stream of people, I felt confused, and I was always weighing whether or not to invite these diverse people to Nanping Town.

If you say please go back, those people will definitely agree, but I am afraid of falling into someone's trap. After all, this is too evil.

Suddenly, I couldn't make up my mind at all, so I wanted to go back to Nanping Town first.

However, when I think of the three days Xie Leiting said, I dare not go back empty-handed. The reason is simple. One day was wasted yesterday, and if it was delayed, this day was wasted again.

How to do how to do

At this moment, Zi Yangtao pulled me a bit and said, "Brother Chuanzi, what's the matter with you? How come after meeting my cousin, you feel like you are talking about you."

I was really a dumb eating coptis, and when I was in trouble, I said a few trivial things to him, and said, "Go and fill your stomach first."

While we were talking, we randomly found a fast food restaurant and had a simple meal.

After the meal, I deliberated and deliberated, and finally decided to send these people who are engaged in all kinds of things to Nanping Town. The rest can only be taken one step at a time.

But then again, although I plan to invite them to Nanping Town, I have my own plan in my heart. Otherwise, being led by the nose will not be the end.

After making up this idea, I said to Zi Yangtao, "Go, let's find your cousin."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)