
Chapter 21: Luban ruler


Then Li Chengze saw me calmly and said with a trembling voice: "Little brother, now is not the time to be aggressive, something will happen, or... go find your master?"

To be honest, I really don’t know what to do. It’s mainly the first time I fought this kind of thing, but I know the character of my master very well. Since his old man can’t say it, he will never come. He said, “I’ll try again. the last time."

After saying this, I picked up the toolbox and pulled out the Luban ruler. This Luban ruler is also called the class ruler, the door ruler, and the eight-shaped ruler. It is the most traditional construction ruler in China and is used to control the size of furniture and homes. , The size is controlled by the Luban ruler to avoid the resonance frequency band of this wave, so as to achieve the effect of breaking bad luck.

And this Luban ruler in my hand belongs to the senior brother. The material is fine golden nanmu, with a very light fragrance. The length is about 1.44 to create a ruler (45.6 cm when it is replaced by a centimeter), with eight characters engraved on the front. , Cai, sickness, liberation, righteousness, official, robbery, harm, and benevolence, each of which is engraved with four small characters, a total of thirty-two characters, used to distinguish bad luck.

These thirty-two characters are distinguished by color. They are usually arranged according to a rule of one white, two blacks, three greens, four blues, five yellows, six whites, seven reds, eight whites, and nine purples. The unit of large characters is based on the folk size, and one inch, six inches, and eight inches are auspicious.

In layman terms, the size of doors and windows should fall on one inch, six inches, and eight inches. This is a good door and window. Once it falls on this size, it can only explain two problems. One is that the carpenter’s craftsmanship is not learned. Jing, second, the carpenter deliberately moved his hands and feet on the size.

Of course, this is the most conventional Luban ruler. Later, through improvement, the Luban ruler was improved and added Feng Shui theory on the basis of these thirty-two characters. The size of characters and characters were slightly changed, but the change was not big, precisely because In this way, Luban Chi has a new name, Feng Shui Chi.

Don’t look at this small ruler. It’s really necessary to explain it. You can't finish it for three days and three nights. The things contained in it can be said to be the crystallization of China’s thousands of years of wisdom, from woodworking to feng shui. One is not included.

Closer to home, I took the Luban ruler without daring to hesitate. First I found a stool and measured the size of the window head and the wall. , The small character'Liuhe' means harmony and happiness, while Liuhe represents the four directions of heaven and earth, which is auspicious.

I also measured the drop rulers in several other places of the window. They were all very good. They fell on either one inch or six inches or eight inches. Judging from this size, the window is a good fortune, and there is no harm in it.

This makes my face more and more ugly. Neither Root Water nor Luban's ruler has tested it. However, there is a strange sound of rubbing mahjong in this new house. That can only explain one problem. The carpenter who does his hands and feet is better than me. , This is also no way, I am a rookie who just entered the industry, and the other party is a master.

At the moment, I smiled awkwardly at Li Chengze and said, "I guess I don't have that ability anymore."

His complexion relaxed, "Little brother, can invite your master, don't worry, red envelopes are indispensable for you."

I thought about it. As far as the situation is, even if I let me try again, I guess I can’t try it. I didn’t reject his proposal, so I said I went to the master, considering that the master’s place is a bit away from this village. Far away, then Li Chengze offered to drive me there.

I didn't refuse, so he drove and drove straight to the village where the master was.

When I arrived at the village where the master was, it was already half past nine in the evening. Then Li Chengze said that he was afraid of being scolded by the master and did not dare to enter the village. In desperation, I had no choice but to enter the village alone.

When I found the master, his old man was sitting at the table of the Eight Immortals, eating noodles, and when he saw me coming in, he just glanced at me without speaking, and continued to lower his head to eat the noodles.

I walked over, knelt three heads before him, then stood up and yelled respectfully, "Master."

He hummed softly, and there was no more text.

I smiled awkwardly. The master is just like this. He has a cold temper and seldom takes care of others. However, I still cheekily said, "Master, I’m in trouble. The owner would like to ask you to come over and take a look. The price is It’s up to you."

He put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said, "Why? Do you think being a teacher is like a person who lacks money?"

I shook my head violently, and said quickly, "It's not like."

In fact, I always think that the master is very short of money, otherwise, I will not live in a dirt house for a long time, and the clothes on his body are even more tattered. I once asked the brother this question. The brother said that the master is a miser. I have a lot of money, but I'm not willing to spend it.

The master listened to my words and didn’t speak any more. He picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat the noodles. I wanted to talk, but seeing that the master’s face was wrong, I didn’t dare to speak. He watched his old man finish drinking the noodle soup, and finally watched his old man pick up a few noodles that fell on the table, put it in his mouth, and ate it.

"Master, the noodles are dirty!" I walked over quickly, trying to stop him.

He glared at me and said quietly: "The noodles are not dirty, but your eyes are dirty."

I didn’t understand what he meant, and when I was about to speak, I heard the master say, "What you see is not necessarily what you see. It is very likely that others want you to see it, just like you want to see. Check whether the noodles are really dirty, don’t use your eyes, use your heart, feel the source of the noodles, feel how the noodles are made, otherwise, you can only stay on the surface of things in your entire life, and it will be difficult to become a master. ."

After that, the master took the crutches, got up slowly, picked up the empty bowl, and limped towards the kitchen, seeing that the posture was about washing the dishes, I hurriedly moved in and took the empty bowl from his old man. Said: "Master, I will help you wash."

This time, his old man did not refuse me, but stared at me deeply for a while, then stopped talking, turned and walked over to the side of the coffee table.

When I washed the dishes and came out, his old man had already made a pot of tea, while tasting the tea, while staring at the doorway, he seemed to be studying something.

I didn't dare to disturb him, so I stood beside him until he called me, "Chuanzi."

I hummed and said hurriedly: "Master."

"Why did you study art?" he asked me.

I thought about it and didn’t hide it, so I told him the truth, “I don’t have money at home to study, but I learn art for money.”

He nodded, "Yes, for the sake of money, very cheap, but very realistic, then why do you think the master learns art?"

This, I really don’t know, and I’m not in the mood to ask carefully. The main reason is that my mind is still remembering Li Chengze’s family affairs, so I hesitated a few words and didn’t say why. I have to say sorry quickly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)