
Chapter 3: Meet the master for the first time


In my second uncle’s situation, some people may have heard of similar things. He typed cards with a few people at home that night. Because the number of cards was a bit too many, his old man was excited and slapped a palm on the table. With one beat, the whole arm snapped off.

Even if his arm was broken, his old man was worried about the number plate in his hand and resisted the pain on his arm. He was stunned to count the number of the number plate. Where did he know it, just when he was counting, he didn't know. It was because the ground was slipping, but he still couldn't stand firmly, and the whole person fell backwards suddenly.

He only heard a bang, the second uncle hit the ground fiercely, and the whole person collapsed on the ground like soft mud. The whole body was limp, as if there was no bones. When I went to the hospital for an examination, he said that the bones all over his body were shattered. Sexual fractures, this life can only lie in sex.

When my father heard about my second uncle’s house, he immediately understood that this might be the retribution of the first finger craftsman. He found my second aunt and told her the whole story, and promised my second aunt, my second uncle. Take care of by our family.

My second aunt has a fierce temper and has always refused to accept my father's help, but she regards me as a thorn in her eyes.

My second aunt thinks that my birth was the direct cause of my second uncle’s paralysis. As far as I can remember, her old man didn’t give me a good face. Sometimes, taking advantage of no one’s work, she would use embroidery needles to pierce me. It hurts me. Crying.

The most memorable time is when I was five years old, when the farming was busy, my parents went out to harvest rice and left me alone. At that time, because my skin had not completely changed, I looked like an African. The children in the village did not want to be with me. Playing, saying that I am a monster, I often throw tiles by the pond alone.

My second aunt saw me playing by the pond. Without a second word, she picked me up and threw me into the pond. Fortunately, my fate was too bad and was rescued by the father who was rushed back. My father was also anxious at that time, but considered When it came to the second uncle, my father swallowed this breath without making a sound. He thought that if he went on like this, the second aunt would kill me sooner or later, so he planned to send me to his grandmother's house to raise him.

Some things are strange to say. Just when my father was about to send me to my grandmother’s house, my second aunt had an accident. She was putting fish and grass by the pond at that time. She didn’t know if her feet were slippery or deliberate. He rushed into the pond suddenly, and when her body was fished out, the whole person was a big circle.

With the death of my second aunt, my father and my second uncle spent a full night chatting in the room.

When my father came out of the second uncle’s room, he pulled me to kneel next to the second aunt’s corpse and asked me to kowtow to the second aunt, saying that the second aunt knew that she was just an ordinary rural village woman and could not make money to support her in this life. A daughter, even less able to cure my second uncle’s paralysis, she committed suicide in exchange for me to grow up safely in the village, so that I could make money when I grow up to cure my second uncle’s paralysis.

When I was young, I didn’t understand why my second aunt, who had always been very bad to me, made such sacrifices. I knew that my father kept telling me that I owed my second aunt a life, and I had to be filial to my second uncle in this life. I, I am the second aunt's hope to cure the second uncle.

After the second aunt’s death, the four daughters of their family were taken to our house by the father. The first few daughters in front of the second aunt’s family have already started junior high school, and the youngest is about the same age as me. Don’t look at the youngest girl, just look at mine The look in his eyes is a bit of resentment.

My father feels that he owes too much to the second aunt’s family. In his life, he always prefers to the second aunt’s daughters, but he doesn’t care about me. When I reach the age of elementary school, the family really can’t come up with more money. I was studying, after all, at that time, every family was poor, so how could they afford to raise so many children.

My father gritted his teeth for the last time and said that he had to let my second aunt's little daughter go to school anyway, so he arranged for me to take a buffalo every day to herd the cows in the mountains.

In the end, my mother felt that if this went on, this baby would definitely be worthless when she grew up, so she went to my grandmother's house to borrow money for my studies.

Time is like a pig-killing knife, one knife after another, and the knife promotes growth. In a blink of an eye, in the midsummer of 2002, I was sixteen years old, and the nail on my right index finger didn't know what was going on. It was always dark.

At that time, my academic performance was also outstanding. In current terms, I was a typical academic master. I was admitted to a key high school here with the third grade in the county.

Entrance to a key high school is a great thing in other people's homes, but our family does not have a smiling face. The reason is that the high school fees at that time were very expensive, and it was about 1300 after a semester. The daughters of our second aunt had already borrowed money from all relatives, and my parents were already old at that time. , There is really no way to make money, our relatives saw my parents and fled away.

After discussing with my parents, they decided to send me to a ghostsmith's house to learn craftsmanship.

I still remember clearly that I arrived at the master’s house on August 30, and only two days left after leaving school. Here, I met the second master of my life. His surname is Liu and what’s his name. , His old man never told me, he knew he was a ghostmaker, known as Liu Laogui.

The first time I met with the master was at his door. The first impression of his old man was that he was energetic, with a face with Chinese characters, a silver hair, and a long green robe. Because he had done one thing when he was young, his old man left. With only half of his feet, it is not convenient to walk. A sandalwood crutch never leaves his body.

At that time, my father introduced me to him, “Master Liu, this is my son’s seventh day. He was a bit weird when he was born. I heard that your old man knows a little bit of something. I want to entrust him to you so that you can teach him something. To make money to support the family, you have to beat or scold, whatever you want."

As a result, the master stared at me in disgust with the index finger of my right hand, and said disdainfully, "I can't teach this kind of child born on someone else's life." Then he turned his head and left.

The master hated me and hated me from the beginning, and I was stunned there, not knowing why the master hated me, or what he meant when he was born on someone else’s life, so I asked my father why.

My father didn't speak, and knelt down to my master, worshipping and crying. In the end, the master still disagreed. Until the evening, my father didn't know what he thought of, so he got up and whispered a few words in the ear of the master.

When my master heard this, his face changed drastically. That evening he asked me to kowtow to him three times, and asked me to serve him a cup of tea, saying that he was officially accepting me as an apprentice.

I only stayed at the master’s house for three short days. He didn’t teach me anything but told me that I was not worthy to learn his art. On September 1, the master gave me two thousand dollars. In the name of school, I was sent to the coffin shop opened by the brother, and asked me to follow the brother while going to school while playing the coffin with the brother.

When I was leaving the house, the master stopped me when I was walking out and said, "Don't use the name in the seventh day of the seventh day. Let's call it Luo Dongchuan!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)