
Chapter 30: The truth is clear


At this point, I quickly got up and said hello to the old man.

Although we ghostsmiths and carpenters have some differences in work, but the essence is to deal with wood, and we all share the same ancestor. Therefore, as a junior, when you meet an elder, you must take the initiative to say hello. This is the rule.

The old man originally closed his eyes tightly, as if he was sitting in meditation. When he heard my voice, he slowly opened his eyes. After staring at me for a long time with deep eyes, he coldly snorted, "Did you break my law?"

When I heard it, I immediately understood that he should have moved his hands and feet on the windows of Li Chengze's house.

I was still wondering before, why the old man who led me in said that everything was under control. After a long time fighting, the culprit of this incident was actually in his house. No wonder he was so confident.

I originally wanted to ask him why he worked at Li Chengze’s house, but thinking of Li Chengze’s personality, I instantly lost the interest to ask about it. I was curious about the red pine wood corpse, so I asked him: " Old man, there’s something I’ve been wondering, why is there the corpses of four corpses on the red wood?"

He ignored me at all and turned his head aside.

Seeing this, I shrugged helplessly. There is nothing we can do. The relationship between the ghostsmith and the carpenter is not harmonious. Besides, I broke his law at Li Chengze's house a few days ago. He naturally Won't give me a good face.

The old man who led me in, presumably saw my predicament, smiled at me, and said, "Young man, don't take it seriously. This is how Dingguo is. He thinks that he is the best in the world. In fact, he is good at carving."

"Old man Zheng, do you know how to speak!" He Dingguo said fiercely on the side.

After listening to this, I was roughly clear in my heart that these two old men should have a good relationship, so they asked Old Man Zheng, "By the way, you came to me, it shouldn't be just to let me know Mr. He. ?"

He shook his head and walked over to the side while saying: "Of course it's more than this. I'm calling for you to ask you to hear a story."

While talking, the old man Zheng moved out a tea set, let alone, although his house is shabby, but the tea set he took out is very valuable at first glance, it should be made of red sandalwood, and the carvings on it are even more lifelike.

Immediately afterwards, the old man Zheng brought another warm pot, washed the tea set slowly, and finally, made a pot of tea, poured a cup for each of me and He Dingguo, and said with a smile: "Young man, have you ever heard of it? In a word, if you want people to know it, you can't do it yourself."

I hummed. A few days ago at Li Chengze's house, Old Man Zheng also said something like this, saying, "I heard it."

He smiled, took a sip from the teacup, and motioned for me to drink tea. As for He Dingguo, he kept a zombie face, motionless, and didn't reach for the teacup.

I picked up the teacup and took a sip. My mouth was dry and tasteless, but when I reached my throat, it felt a bit sweet. I couldn't help but praised, "Good tea."

"Tea is good tea, but people's hearts are not so good." The old man Zheng muttered, then slowly put down the teacup in his hand and smiled indifferently, "Why did you Li Chengze get caught?"

I shook my head. I really don't know this. However, I vaguely felt that it should be related to the corpse qi of the red chrysanthemum wood, so I asked, "Why?"

He didn't answer my question directly. Instead, he fiddled with the tea set for a while, then looked up at He Dingguo next to him, and smiled: "It's still the previous sentence. Event, sooner or later will be retributed."

I immediately understood. It should be that Li Chengze did something harmful to the world and let He Dingguo know about it. Then he moved his hands and feet on the window of Li Chengze’s house, looked at He Dingguo, and asked, "I don’t know how old you are. How did you discover it?"

Then He Dingguo snorted coldly and didn't speak. It was Old Man Zheng, who smiled and said quietly: "He, he has a temperament, like a wood, I really want to talk about it, this has to be said ten years ago. Up."

Ten years ago

I'm a little confused, isn't it just the past few days about Li Chengze? How come it's been ten years ago.

The old man Zheng should have seen my doubts, smiled, looked at He Dingguo, and smiled: "Everyone is here, why are things hidden?"

As soon as he said this, He Dingguo let out a cold snort, opened his eyes slightly, glanced at me deeply, and then, like a conjure, took out a two-finger-wide piece of wood from the back. I picked it up and looked at it. It was red chrysanthemum wood, and I smelled it carefully, and there was a thin layer of corpse qi on it.

I frowned, and hurriedly asked: "Is this the raw material for that window?"

He Dingguo’s eyes stayed on me for a while, nodded without saying a word, and then took out a Luban ruler from behind. The strange thing is that the Luban ruler is not the Luban ruler that I usually see, but the whole body is golden. My eyes are Suddenly I was attracted by the Luban ruler, and the whole person became unnatural. He trembled and said, "Is this made of Dalbergia?"

He Dingguo ignored me. Instead, he said a few strange words to Lu Ban's ruler. I didn't understand it very well. Then I saw him holding Lu Ban's ruler and took a few shots on the red wood.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly got up, walked to my side, let me grab the piece of red chrysanthemum wood, I asked him what he was doing, he said, don’t you want to know what bad things Li Chengze did

I hummed, took the red chrysanthemum, and started it as if it was taken out of an ice cave. I was about to speak. I felt a pain in the back of my neck. When I turned my head, He Dingguo appeared behind me, the whole thing. Lu Ban's ruler slapped on my neck, making my head groggy.

I don’t know if I passed out in a coma, or what’s going on. I just feel a faint sensation of heat in my hand. Gradually, the sensation of heat is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, it feels like a soldering iron. I want to let it go. iron.

But, the thing stuck to my hand, I couldn't get rid of it at all.

At this moment, a particularly strange sound penetrated into my ears. The sound was like a whisper of some kind of ghost, and it pierced my eardrums.

For a moment, the strange sound stopped abruptly, and immediately, a conversation between a man and a woman rang in his ears.

The woman said: "Chengze, isn't this bad!"

The man said: "What's wrong? They have divided us a lot of money over the years, and these people only eat, drink, prostitute, gamble, and so on. Why do we share our money?"

The woman said: "But, they are your partners after all. If they hadn't given you money, you wouldn't be able to open a trading company. Just bury them like this, OK!"

The man said: "Women's benevolence, no one who makes a lot of money is ugly. Besides, they have been given sleeping pills by me. I am worthy of burying them alive while they are asleep."

The woman said: "Yes...Yes...Yes, but I'm scared, these are four living lives!"

The man said: "Jinhua, don't talk about it, take the shovel quickly, and it will be difficult for them to wake up."

The woman said: "Chengze, this shovel seems to be entangled in a branch and cannot be pulled."

The man said: "You, you, you can't do a little thing, let me do it."

Immediately after that, a sound of pulling a tree branch came over, and then there was a heavy shoveling sound.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)