
Chapter 31: Zi Yangtao and Wang Yangming


When I recovered from the sound, I only felt sore all over, especially my right hand, as if it had been burned by something. When I looked down, there was a deep red mark on my palm.

"Young man, are you awake?" Old Zheng's voice came over.

When I looked up, I saw Old Man Zheng looking at me expectantly. As for He Dingguo, there was no trace.

"Where is he?" I asked weakly.

Old man Zheng smiled slightly, poured me a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "Let's go."

"Gone?" I was taken aback and asked him the reason.

He told me that the voice I heard just now was the voice left by Li Chengze’s bad deeds ten years ago. He also told me that the reason He Dingguo asked me to listen to this voice was to sell me a favor and let me Pass a word for him to my master.

This makes me wonder why He Dingguo has the voice of ten years ago, and since He Dingguo has something to say to the master, just go to the master, why bother to pass me.

The old man Zheng explained to me that the reason why He Dingguo had the voice ten years ago was because of the secret method used to record the words heard by the red wood. As for He Dingguo's finding of my master, it was said that He Dingguo consciously had no face to see the master, so he chose a middle-of-the-range approach. Old man Zheng would be the middleman and lead me over, and then I would tell the master.

After listening to his explanation, I was stunned. I didn’t know what He Dingguo meant. However, I remembered one thing, and that was to convey a word to the master for him. As for what it was, I asked After meeting the old man Zheng, he said: "A family of three sons, dead, disabled, wounded, how long will they hide?"

He asked me to pass this sentence to the master.

After that, I stayed at the old man Zheng’s house for a while, basically talking about He Dingguo and Li Chengze’s family. He told me that He Dingguo came to our side this time and intended to discuss things with his master, but I met Li Chengze in the town. , And it happened that Li Chengze was looking for someone to make a window, so He Dingguo was too technical at the time, so he planned to help Li Chengze get a window first, and then go to the master.

Who would have thought that the first time He Dingguo was in contact with the red chrysanthemum wood, he felt that the red chrysanthemum wood was wrong, and then he moved his mind and planned to let Li Chengze's family live an uneasy life.

As for how Li Chengze was arrested, I can only say that the French Open is full of negligence and not leaking. Old man Zheng is not very clear about the specific process. He just told me vaguely that He Dingguo might have left some relations.

After knowing all this, I sighed deeply, as my brother said, no matter when a person does something that hurts the world, even in the past ten or twenty years, he still can’t escape. all of these. Or perhaps, Li Chengze never dreamed that everything he did would be recorded by a tree.

After coming out of Old Man Zheng’s house, the sky was already dark. I stood at the door for a while, looked up at Li Chengze, and found that the new house looked so dazzling and dazzling, but behind the house there were a series of hidden things. story.

"Huh!" I exhaled heavily and stepped forward, when the voice of Old Man Zheng came from behind him, he said, "Young man, remember, if you want people to know nothing, unless you do nothing, there is a grass in nature. Mu is always paying attention to these all living beings."

I turned my head, thanked the room, and walked towards Li Chengze's house.

When I arrived at Li Chengze's house, Mo Qianxue was playing with her cousin, and the whole house looked a little embarrassed.

Then Mo Qianxue saw me come in, smiled, and said nothing.

I walked over, sat down next to her, and asked about her cousin roughly. She said that when she came here, her cousin’s condition was very serious, but after sleeping, she was inexplicable. All right.

Seeing this, I didn’t ask any more, and ran a few words with her at random. I knew from her that Li Chengze would be shot, and her daughter-in-law seemed to be in prison for fifteen years. As for the two of their families A child is raised by the village.

After I got out of Li Chengze's house, I found a motorcycle and went directly to the master's house.

It’s worth mentioning that when he left the village, Old Man Zheng found me again and told me that if he meant it, he could often go to his house to sit and sit. He told me that a complete ghost craftsman was not enough to rely on craftsmanship alone. It must be combined with Feng Shui.

I refused at that time, because I didn't even learn the craftsmanship of ghost crafts at that time, and I didn't feel in the mood to learn Feng Shui.

When I came to the master’s house, I was very nervous, because just a few days ago, the master said that it’s okay not to come to him.

At the moment, I took a deep breath and was about to knock on the door when I heard the faint voice of the master. He said: "Don't come in, just stand at the door and say something."

I didn't dare to go in, and stood at the door, first knelt down, knocked three heads, and then said: "Master, someone asked me to bring you a word."

I waited for a while, but there was no sound coming from the room, so I had to say: "The man asked me to tell you, a family of three, dead, disabled, injured, how long will I hide?"

There was still no sound coming out of the house, and in desperation, I had no choice but to say to the master, "Your old man takes care of yourself, I will go back first."

After saying this, I turned and walked outside the village.

To be honest, I am very disappointed in my heart. I especially hope that the master can come out and say a few words to me, and also especially hope that the master can praise me a few words and say that I have done this matter well.

However, I know that his old man hates me and will never do it.

But then again, I don’t blame other people’s hometowns. After all, people have to be a little grateful. Without him, I might still be grazing cows in the mountains now, and I would never learn the skills of a ghostmaker. , There is no chance to sit in the high school school.

When I returned to the coffin shop, I simply washed and rinsed it out, then turned out what the brother had left, and read it.

No words for a night.

The next day, as soon as I got up, I heard the sound of knocking on the door downstairs. My heart was tense. Today is Saturday. If I guess right, it should be the notary of Wang Yangming who Zi Yangtao asked me to talk to.

I didn't want to go, and after a long time, I slowly went downstairs.

As soon as he opened the door, Zi Yangtao approached me with a big meat pie face. He stared at me for a while, and then yelled, "Grass, what the hell, opening a door is like a lady."

I raised my eyes and looked behind him. I remember that he said today that he would gather people to fight Wang Yangming, and at this moment there was no one behind him, so he asked curiously, "Where are you called?"

He gave me a blank look, "Don't tell me, those grandchildren, when they heard it was a fight, one by one was either sick or dead in the family."

I almost didn't laugh. This Zi Yangtao usually shouted five and six in our class, and was always followed by a large group of classmates. When it came to the critical moment, no one stood up.

That Zi Yangtao probably saw what I was thinking, and gave me a vicious look, "Stop talking nonsense, go with Lao Tzu, even if I'm alone, I will beat that Wang Yangming can't find Bei, Ma Dan, that bastard. I dare to knock Lao Tzu sap and see if Lao Tzu doesn't kill him."

As he said, he raised his arm.

I didn't dare to speak, mainly because his knocking on the sap reminded me, and followed him to the grass behind our school.

On the road, Zi Yangtao estimated that he was afraid that Wang Yangming would bring too many people, and his steps were particularly slow. After a short distance of two to three hundred meters, he walked for half an hour in a daze.

When we arrived at the destination, I was a little dazed. Wang Yangming stood there alone and didn’t know what was going on. The moment I saw Wang Yangming, I vaguely felt that something was wrong with this kid. I always felt that there was something in him. what.

When Zi Yangtao saw this situation, his face that had always been calm, laughed abruptly, and his smile seemed to burst out. He first asked me to watch from the side, and then greeted me. He must fight the result of today’s fight. Tell other students.

After saying this, that Zi Yangtao walked straight to Wang Yangming.

Both of them were probably embarrassed, and neither of them spoke, but just raised their fists.

However, what I didn't expect was that Zi Yangtao just smashed Wang Yangming's punch, and Wang Yangming fell to the ground. Then, his limbs twitched and he lost his breath.

This sudden change made both of us confused. What's the matter, we just hang up like this. Isn't this too evil

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)