
Chapter 42: Wang Runxue


After looking around in this house for a while, the police officer Xiaozhuo sometimes sighed and smiled when he saw me, and asked me: "Is there anything you can see?"

To be honest, from what I have just observed, this new house is indeed guilty of buried Ersha. Take the structure of the whole house, it is exactly the same as buried Ersha. There is a big house on all sides and there is a small house in the patio, but the owner did not live in it. The new house, buried here should have little effect.

What really makes me feel uncomfortable is that the position of the roof of this house is somewhat uneven, with unevenness on both ends. In this case, it may be difficult to install the beams safely.

However, these things have little to do with Wang Yangming's death. After all, these are some problems with the house.

I told the police officer Xiaozhuo what I saw. When he heard it, he asked in confusion: "Then what did you laugh at before?"

I smiled bitterly, and said, "Laughing is because the house has good feng shui. According to my brother’s paper, it’s generally beautiful, with high trees in the back and silky water in the front, without obvious signs, and good lighting and ventilation. It is a good place for geomantic omen. Look at this house again and sit in the direction of Dangwang. It is indeed a rare and good place to hide the wind and gather energy.

As soon as the voice fell, the Xiaozhuo police officer frowned and said, "You said just now that this house is guilty of evil, so why do you say that this Feng Shui is good? Isn't the two contradictory?"

I smiled, and said, "No matter how good a place of feng shui is, there are flaws. As for whether the flaw is good or not, it depends entirely on what the constructor thinks."

After saying this, I don't want to talk any more, mainly because I don't understand Feng Shui very well. As far as I'm talking about this thing, I still learn it and sell it now.

At the moment, I stared at the house for a while, but still didn't see anything, I heard a rush of footsteps, and turned around to see that it was the Zi Dayuan and his wife who led Wang Runxue over.

Wang Runxue's dress was similar to yesterday's. When he saw me, he asked in a deep voice, "I heard that you have a way to prove that my son's death has nothing to do with Ziyang Tao?"

I hummed and said, "I want to prove how Wang Yangming died. The reason is very simple. I only need to do three things."

"Oh!" He was startled, "Which three points?"

"One, I want to check the corpse, second, I want to know what happened when your new house was installed on the beams, and third, I want to know what happened the day before Wang Yangming's death." I did not slow down. Say.

I say this because I have my own plans in my heart.

After listening to what I said, Wang Runxue considered it a little, and did not speak directly. Instead, he stared at me for a long time. It was estimated that there would be five or six minutes, which made all of us anxious, but nothing. People dared to speak until Wang Runxue slowly said: "Okay, I meet your three points. If I can't believe me, I can only tell you, boy, you got into trouble."

I was a little confused, how could he agree

This is not right. Wang Yangming has already been buried. I asked to check the corpse at this time. I was determined that Wang Runxue would not agree to it, and I can follow this step and say that there is nothing he can do if he doesn’t cooperate with me. Some feng shui knowledge fools him.

Could it be that Wang Runxue is really willing to dig out his son's body

It’s still wrong. If he digs out Wang Yangming’s body, it’s not in line with the rules in our rural areas. After all, Wang Runxue has just suffered the pain of losing his son, and asking him to dig his grave would be more uncomfortable than killing him. To explain one thing, he did not love Wang Yangming as much as he thought.

In this way, I have another excuse. I would like to ask, which father is willing to dig his son's grave, if there is nothing tricky in it, who will believe it

At the moment, I was about to speak. Wang Runxue reached out and touched his pocket. Soon, he took out a mobile phone. I heard my classmates say that the mobile phone seems to be a Siemens model. It is said that this mobile phone is in the first half of 2003. It hasn’t been long before, and it has a new feature, taking pictures.

This made my brows frowned. He took this kind of mobile phone. There is no doubt that he took pictures of Wang Yangming's body in all likelihood.

Wang Runxue should have seen my reaction and smiled: "Don't try to be scheming in front of me. Since Wang X dare to promise you, he naturally has a back hand."

While talking, he fiddled with the phone and handed it to me.

To be honest, this is the first time I have taken a mobile phone, and it is inevitable that I feel a little nervous. This is also no way. It’s the first time I have been exposed to this kind of high-tech, especially mobile phones with camera functions, which were rare at the time There are few, only some rich people are willing to buy it, like my hometown, let alone this kind of mobile phone with camera function, not even a mobile phone.

But what really made me nervous was a photo in this phone. This photo was taken on the back, how big and small there are dozens of black palm prints, messy, without any rules at all, giving people a kind of indescribable. It's strange, like being photographed alive by someone, and it's like it came out only after death.

For a while, I couldn't determine how these black palm prints were caused, but I have one thing, I dare to conclude that Wang Yangming's death has absolutely nothing to do with Zi Yangtao.

After making this decision, I looked at Wang Runxue, and before I could speak, I heard him say: "I just need to rely on the facts."

Listening to this, don't talk about me. Even the policeman Xiaozhuo and the husband and wife of Zi Dayuan knew that Wang Runxue was pretending to be confused, and there was nothing he could do. After all, his son was indeed dead, and Zi Yang Tao did beat him. Whoever put it on his body would insist that Zi Yang Tao would not let him go.

And the reason why he asked us to find out, he probably wanted to know how his son died.

It was only then that I completely understood. In any case, Wang Runxue always stood at the highest point and looked down at us.

After figuring this out, I stared at the photo for a while. Apart from dozens of black palm prints, I couldn’t see anything. So I returned the phone angrily, and asked Wang Runxue about the front of his new house. What happened during the second visit.

He didn’t hide it, and told me directly, saying that his new house had beams installed three times. When the beams were installed for the first time, a carpenter master fell from the roof. Fortunately, when it fell to the ground, there was a pile of stirring on the ground. Cement, the master carpenter fell into the cement pile without any serious injuries, just broke an arm.

During the second beaming, the situation was worse than that of the previous carpenter. He also fell from the roof and his limbs were severed. A lot of blood was knocked out on his forehead. Wang Runxue also paid 10,000 yuan for medical expenses.

What puzzled me was that when it came to this time, Wang Runxue became vomiting, as if there was something unspeakable, until I asked a few times before he slowly opened his mouth to tell me.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)