
Chapter 43: Positive beam


According to Wang Run's theory, the third visit to the beams, that is, the day Wang Yangming was involved, made all of us hold our breath and stare directly at him.

He seemed to notice that our eyes were not right, so he glanced at my face and said that when the beam was mounted, the carpenter knew that there had been two incidents with the beam, so he was very careful, and every ritual was like walking on thin ice.

However, after all, it was still unable to prevent the occurrence of the cups. When the Liang Yinci, the carpenter master suddenly jumped off from above. He didn't know if it was fatal or what was going on. He didn't die, but he fell. After a paralysis, I can only spend my life in **.

After hearing this, I immediately asked: "Are you sure that the carpenter master jumped down?"

He hummed, "I did jump down. I was down there at the time, and I saw it very clearly. I definitely jumped down."

"Why do you want to jump?" Xiaozhuo police officer interjected.

Wang Runxue shook his head and said, "I went to his house to check that the master carpenter did not have a tendency to commit suicide. On the contrary, he was more afraid of death than anyone else, because his daughter-in-law was about to give birth and was about to become a grandfather. It’s impossible to choose to jump down at this time."

What he said is quite reasonable. In this case, it is impossible to jump off the building. The only explanation is that the roof should be weird.

Just when this idea was born, he suddenly spoke up to Zi Dayuan, who had been talking to him. He said, "Boss Wang, according to you, the death of your family Wang Yangming is likely to be related to this matter. There are dozens of people behind him. A palm print is the best proof."

Wang Runxue smiled and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "It is understandable, but if you can't find out this matter, Wang must be cruel and be a bad guy for a while, pulling Master Ling to be my son's companion, and let him My son is not lonely on Huangquan Road."

"You..." The man was anxious and rushed over.

Wang Runxue's expression became cold. "If you think violence can solve the problem, you can rush to hit me. Wang will never fight back. But the premise is that you can bear the responsibility."

Upon hearing that Zi Dayuan heard that, the hand he had originally raised was put down angrily, and he stared at Wang Runxue angrily. His angry teeth trembled. What I didn't expect was that his wife seemed a bit calm. He threw his eyes at me and asked if I could find out.

I gave a wry smile. As far as the current situation is concerned, if you want to find out why Wang Yangming died, you can only go to the roof to have a look. But the roof does not mean that the roof can go up, only the beam can step on it. If you step on a place, you are disrespectful to the landlord.

To put it in the industry, whether it is a carpenter or a ghostmaker, we all agree that the house is built on the ground, and the ground belongs to the local master of the land. Therefore, before building a house, you usually have to play the yin and yang hexagrams, and ask the landlord for instructions, and ask him whether he agrees with it, which is commonly known as the pier.

If the yin and yang hexagram shows the treasure hexagram, it means that the landlord has agreed, and the house can be built.

When building a house, the craftsmen and the landlord had an unwritten rule not to trample on the roof wantonly. The reason is that the roof of this house is the face of the landlord in Yangjian. Once trampled on it, it will be trampled on the face of the landlord.

However, in terms of architecture, in general building a house, a beam must be placed on the roof to reinforce the entire house and make it solid.

But, as I said before, the roof can't be trampled on, and now it has to cross a beam on the roof. What should I do

The solution is to have a beaming ceremony to please the landlord. Since ancient times, China has been known as a country of etiquette, and everything pays attention to etiquette. Therefore, the beaming ceremony also has the etiquette of beaming.

The people believe that the smooth installation of beams is not only related to whether the house structure is strong, but also related to the relationship between the occupants and the landlord and whether it will flourish in the future. This is also the case. Every time the beam is installed, a heavy ceremony is held. , And the whole beaming ceremony was carried out around the "rectangular beam".

Speaking of "positive beams", there are many kinds of them. Ordinary residential houses generally have only one beam, which is called "positive beams". In some palaces and temples, there are dozens of large and small beams. These beams are divided into several types according to their roles.

One of them is a pillar beam, which plays a supporting role and generally stands at the doorway or in the house. There is also a beam, which also plays a supporting role. It is distributed in the walls of the house and is also called a ridge.

The last type is the lin, which acts as a balance and is placed at the head of the beam. With the different positions of the beam head, the name is different. For example, it is called the eave purlin when it is on the edge of the roof, and it is called the ridge purlin when it is near the main beam.

But when we build houses in rural areas, there is only one main beam. The ceremony is much simpler. First, the beams are selected carefully. This selection of beams is divided into economic conditions. Generally speaking, sandalwood is used. This kind of wood is strong, insect-proof and fragrant. , Coupled with incense, can make the room smell pleasant all year round. In ancient palaces, sandalwood was used as the main beam.

Those with poor family backgrounds can only use fir. This kind of wood is economical and has a long and straight tree shape. Most families use this kind of wood as the main beam.

Of course, this selection of beams is the owner's own business, and it is not worth talking about. What is really worth talking about is that this beaming ceremony must be done by a ghostmaker. To put it bluntly, the ghostsmith knows a little bit of something and can better deal with the master of the land. However, the number of ghostsmiths is less than one ten thousandths of the carpenters. Finally, some owners really can’t find ghostsmiths, so they can only find them. Carpenters came to do it, and now there are fewer carpenters, and even some plasterers can do this job.

However, the current houses are basically the whole structure, even the act of putting the beams is saved, but the ceremony of putting the beams has been preserved to this day.

As we all know, China is a big country with a vast territory and many ethnic groups. The customs of various regions are different. There are ten miles of different customs. However, in the ceremony of beaming the beams, all ethnic groups are very grand. The whole process is roughly divided into five steps: offering sacrifices to beams, beaming beams, receiving packages, throwing beams, and serving craftsmen.

These five steps, even today, no matter whether it is a big city or a village, some shadows can still be seen.

Stop talking gossip and get back to business.

I told my wife Zi Dayuan what I was thinking, and after she heard it, she said, "You can serve as the boss for Boss Wang, isn't it all right?"

I glanced at her and said with a sneer: "You have a good idea. The three carpenters who are arranging the beams for Boss Wang's house are all in an accident. You let me go up. Didn't this push me to the fire pit?"

With that said, I gave up and rejected her proposal directly.

The woman said again, "Money, I will give you a lot of money!"

I glared at her and said coldly: "Then how much do you think my life is worth? Three thousand? Five thousand? Or eight thousand?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)