
Chapter 46: The door of the entrance (part 1)


Not long after I fell asleep at the time, I opened my eyes in a daze, and saw Wang Runxue staring at me, staring straight at me, so he screamed, didn’t say anything, just washed and followed. He went directly to the new house. What puzzled me was that Xiaozhuo police did not come, and I asked Wang Runxue the reason.

He said that Xiaozhuo police had gone a bit beforehand.

There was a groan in my heart, vaguely feeling that this matter had become bigger. Yesterday, the Xiaozhuo police vowed to say that they would not leave me here alone, how could they leave today.

Now, he did not appear, so, in the end, there was only one, Xiaozhuo police officer was controlled by Wang Runxue, which made my look at Wang Runxue become a little frightened. After all, I was still a student at that time and I hadn't seen much of the world.

When I first arrived at the new house, I was stunned by everything in front of me. I have to say that Wang Runxue was extremely careful. He prepared everything needed for the beam, even the tools used by the carpenter were at the door. .

But see, a brand-new beam is placed horizontally on two wooden benches, two red ropes are tied at both ends of the beam, an old sow is tied to the side of the beam, and there is another one standing beside the old sow. A forty-something butcher, behind the butcher is a table of Eight Immortals, on which various sacrifices are placed.

After a brief stupefaction, I walked over and took a look at it. These sacrifices are the more common three sacrifices, yellow paper, candles, and fragrance. I touched the beams of the house. The material of the beams is sandalwood. Look. It goes up smoothly, and the symbol of swastika is carved on both ends of the beam.

Seeing this, I thought about it for a moment. The things he prepared were the most basic things for Shangliang, but they didn't have the five-colored money that our ghostsmiths needed for Shangliang.

According to my initial thoughts, this time I went to the beams and just played around, and finally attributed his failure to his fate. However, this Wang Runxue was born as a carpenter. I was afraid he could see it, so he pointed to the sacrifice and said, "There is something missing in the sacrifice you prepared."

He asked me what I was missing, and I said, five-colored money.

He asked me what five-colored money is. I said that five-colored money is also called five-colored strands, five-colored ropes, which are woven together with five ropes of blue, white, red, black, and yellow. The meaning of multiple grandchildren.

Without saying a word, he asked me to wait here.

In less than two minutes, he came back with an extra five-colored money in his hand. This puzzled me very much. He took it in two minutes. Isn't it too fast

However, thinking of Wang Runxue's meticulous thoughts, I immediately understood that he probably prepared one less thing deliberately, the purpose of which is to see if I really helped him on the beam.

Facts have proved that my guess is correct. No, when he handed the five-colored money to me, he said: "Boy, since you really help me, I won't treat you badly. No matter whether the appointment is successful or not, I will tell you to treat your second uncle. Method."

I was slightly startled, did Wang Runxue's conscience discover it

No, it must be wrong. He knows that he is that kind of fate. Forcibly building a house will definitely lead to catastrophe. But he just built a house and has been on beams three times. He even killed his son who had been raising a house for more than ten years. How could this kind of people find it conscience.

Thinking of this, I sneered, guessing that he was going to give me some benefits and let me serve him with all my heart.

But then again, I really don't understand, why is he so persistent to build a house? It's really hard to imagine.

At the moment, I didn't think so much. I pretended to say thank you tremblingly, and found a small wooden stick that was one and a half fingers wide, cut it into a cone shape, and tied the five-colored money to the small wooden stick. At one end, use a hammer to rive the small wooden stick into the left side of the beam.

The meaning is that the five-color money will enter the wood, and the five generations will be together in the future.

After doing all this, I took out the piece of paper left by my brother and took a look at it for a while, and then roughly took a look at the Feng Shui position of the house, and found that the Feng Shui where the house was located belonged to the white tiger’s early days. Facing north and south, avoid the evil spirit rushing from the white tiger, otherwise, it is easy to be rushed by the evil spirit.

Afterwards, I glanced at the door of the new house. The opening position of the door is a closed position in Feng Shui. Therefore, the sacrificial offerings placed on the beam must also avoid the off position. To put it bluntly, that is, the place where the Eight Immortals table is placed, not facing the gate, but a little bit off.

At the moment, I walked over, moved the position of the Eight Immortals table, and roughly took a look at the structure of the whole house. There was no major problem. This made me completely relieved and told Wang Run, who was always watching. : "It's roughly done, only auspicious time."

He stared at me for a while, and said strangely: "Why, you are so foolish to be the king?"

While speaking, he winked at the butcher who had never spoken. The butcher came over knowingly, took out two pig knives from behind, rubbed them against each other, and made a harsh squeak.

I know what he means, he is going to be rough.

I am also on fire, but now I am stronger than others. Even if there is fire, I dare not make it. I just said, "What do you want?"

He sneered and sternly said: "Boy, have you forgotten something?"

I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked him what he had forgotten.

He stared at me and said word by word: "I haven't gotten the jiong of the porch, it's true that I'm so good to cheat."

When I heard, I took a few steps back subconsciously, and I had already set off a huge wave in my heart. I know this porch’s shovel. In general, the roof beams of a house are directly arranged to establish a ritual to establish a good relationship with the master of the land, and then directly Just use the beam.

And this porch of the door is a rather ancient way in the beaming ceremony, with a big background. According to legend, it was handed down during the Western Jin Dynasty, and this ceremony is said to be a counselor under the Changsha King Sima Yizhang.

Because of the age, the name of this counselor cannot be found out, but the ritual of the porch's shovel has hurt many people. It can even be said that in ancient times, those rebels were pitted by the porch's shovel.

The reason is that China has always paid attention to one life, two luck and three feng shui, and this feng shui is mainly based on the tombs of the dead and the houses of the living. The tombs of the dead are usually buried on the dragon veins. There are even rumors that once buried on the dragon veins, they must be out of the house. emperor.

But this dragon vein is hard to find. Even if you find it, it may not be yours, so what should I do

As a result, many people put their ideas on the living room, and the feng shui of the living room is similar to the tomb of the dead, and the good places are occupied by the powerful.

To say that human wisdom is really endless, seeing that these two are not good, some people want to change Feng Shui, and this has evolved the feng shui of Xuanguan to change the feng shui of living houses.

The so-called entrance gate is to dig a patio in your new house before the house’s beams. At that time, the ancients believed that the entire earth was square, and the ground contained the air of heaven and earth. Digging a patio would allow The house absorbs the air of heaven and earth, and then uses the air of heaven and earth to flow through the six emptiness, so that it is always unlucky, unlucky, unreachable, unreachable, and change.

Of course, just digging a patio is definitely not enough, it seems too impetuous, and there must be sacrifices.

It was this sacrifice that made me horrified, and I only had one thought, to escape.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)