
Chapter 478: season finale


To be honest, I haven't thought of any way for the time being.

However, since she had asked it out, I naturally couldn't help but answer, so I paused: "We can call the police."

"Call the police?" She brushed her face and sank, staring at me, "Group leader, do you think it's time to make a joke?"

Okay, I also think this is a bit abrupt, but now things are like this, except for the police, I really have nothing to do, I can't really find out the brother!

Let's not say whether the brother has cured Wei Dezhen, just based on this Xia Yu's attitude, once the brother is found out, she will give it to him in nine out of ten.

Wait, call the police.

Fingering is really useful. On the one hand, technology is now more advanced, and on the other hand, when Linda leaves, Fingering will be captured by surveillance.

More importantly, Linda knows a little bit of metaphysics, and her perspective on us also summarizes us in the category of metaphysics. It is estimated that she would never expect that we would call the police.

At the moment, I was not polite, and quickly told Xia Yu what I had just thought.

When she heard it, she looked at me incredulously, as if weighing something.

After about a minute, she seemed to agree with me and said: "Okay, but Luo Dongchuan, there is something, I have to tell you in advance, if this method doesn't work, don't blame me."

I smiled and didn't speak.

However, I was weighing it in my heart. If there were any conflicts between Brother Xia Yu and Brother, I might stand next to Brother for the first time.

Although his skills are average now, he is not completely without the power of a war.

After making up this idea, I clenched my fists, took out my mobile phone, and made an alarm call. The content of the call was very simple, just telling the police that my friend was kidnapped.

To say that the efficiency of the police is really fast. In less than three minutes, the police have appeared downstairs. Because the 23rd floor is a bit special, the police can't get up, so I led Xia Yu directly downstairs.

What I didn’t expect was that when we told the police about the situation, they didn’t know what was going on, and they told us with confidence that Xia Xue would definitely be retrieved within three hours. Come.

This made Xia Yu and I look at each other, seeing a touch of shock in each other's eyes.

Where does their confidence come from

I wanted to ask a few words, but Xia Xue seemed to think of something, she pulled me a bit, and said in a low voice, "Group leader, I feel that this might be Linda's meaning."


I don't understand.

Then Xia Yu said: "Linda's real intention may not be to kidnap my sister, but to prove to you that she has this ability. In other words, as long as you fail to find your brother, she might kidnap you next. "

In an instant, I immediately understood that Linda should be showing her abilities, and besides, she had touched me before. With her ability, she should know that I really don't know where the brother is.

This gives me a headache, what the hell Linda wants to do.

For a while, I couldn't understand her intentions at all.

However, this is the end of the matter, and I don't bother to think about it anymore. It would be better for soldiers to cover up the water.

Afterwards, the two of us spoke to the police in general, and the police asked us to go back and wait for the news.

The two of us did not hesitate and went straight back home.

After nearly two hours in the long wait, a knock on the door suddenly came from outside the room.

At that time, Xia Yu and I were sitting on the sofa. Upon hearing this sound, Xia Yu immediately got up and walked towards the door with a stride.

open the door.

It's not someone else, it's Xia Xue.

As soon as I saw Xia Xue, I didn't know why. I felt very uncomfortable in my heart. I felt that everything she encountered was largely because of me.

At the moment, I slowly got up and walked towards Xia Xue.

Without waiting for me to speak, Xia Xueli wiped her tears, hugged me, and whispered: "Brother Dongchuan, don't say anything, I don't blame you."


Isn't this girl always mindless.

How could you be so sensible this time.

"I promise, I will never let you go through it a second time." I clenched my fists and said slowly.

"Brother Dongchuan, thank you." She said something inexplicable.

This made me feel a little confused. I didn't know the meaning of her words until three days later, because she and Xia Yu actually left.

This is something I never expected. Even today, I still don't understand why the two of them left.

However, many things in the world are just like this, without any reason at all.

I have been sad for a long time for the two of them leaving, but life has to go on.

For the next ten years, I have lived in this 23-story building, and I have never been willing to leave. In the end, I even bought the entire 23-story building.

In the past ten years or so, I have visited many places and experienced many strange things, but because many things involve some sensitive topics, I cannot write them out one by one.

It is worth celebrating that in 2005, brother Wang Qingshan returned. With the help of the brother, I made a trip to Hengyang. Also with the help of the brother, I rescued my parents, my second uncle and the fourth master from the policeman Xiaozhuo. .

Then use the method Yang Yu taught me to cure my second uncle.

I still remember the moment when my second uncle stood up, he looked excited, hugged me tightly, and cried for three full hours.

It was from that time that I began to realize the importance of relatives.

But, for some reason, my father hasn't seen me much.

This has become an eternal pain in my heart. It was not until I met a person that the mystery in my happiness was solved. This person was Bai Jiu.

On October 10th of the same year, brother Wang Qingshan and Wei Dezhen held a wedding in their hometown. As for how the brother’s death was solved.

I once asked my brother.

The explanation he gave me was that every day does one good and all evil does not touch one's body.

Around 2014, I went through the screw-topped roofs of Yangzhou, the charming lakes of Yunnan, the reflection ponds of Guangzhou, the ghost mountains of Guangxi and other places, and finally I found thirty-six ghost writings.

What I’m disappointed in is how I can comprehend it. In the end, I can only comprehend 27 of the ghost writings, and the remaining nine ghost writings. Even with the assistance of Luban’s eyes, I can only comprehend 33. The ghost writer urgently writes.

As for the remaining three ghost writing articles, no matter how I study them, I still can't find the essence of them.

It's the engineer's words, and I don't know if I have a good talent or what is going on.

In September of the same year, as a ghostmaker, I arbitrarily invited famous craftsmen from all over the world in Heyuan, Guangdong to build a ghostsmith service center. I was appointed as the executive director of the service center, which was considered to be a succession to this profession.

In March of the following year, Mo Qianxue and I held a wedding at the Ghostsmith Service Center.

The life after marriage was quite ordinary, but it made me realize the difficulty of life in the ordinary.

But this ordinary life did not last long, and I was shocked by a phone call.

The person who called was Chen Jiu. What he said was very simple. He only said one sentence, "Your five masters are looking for you in Yanjing."

To be honest, I have been working in the industry of ghosts for more than ten years.

Hanging up, I packed my luggage and rushed to Yanjing overnight.

At the airport in Yanjing, I saw an acquaintance, Chen Jiu. He was dressed in a black suit. He looked handsome and handsome. I didn't know if it was a coincidence or what happened. I was dressed exactly like him.

Looking at each other and smiling, neither of us spoke, and went straight to the place where the fifth master was.

When we rushed to the place where the five masters were, what surprised me was that there was a person standing at the door. The young man was thin and beautiful, but he gave people a sickly sense of sight.

When he saw us, the young man smiled and yelled at me politely, "Hello, brother."

While talking, he looked at Chen Jiu, he seemed to be quite familiar with Chen Jiu, and Chen Jiu came into a bear hug.

"Bai Jiu, no, you should be called Bai Zhe." Chen Jiu smiled slightly and hugged the young man.

Looking at them, I frowned. Listening to the young man's words just now, he is also the master's apprentice

At the moment I was about to speak, the young man spoke. He said, "Two brothers, the master called you over this time because I think the time has come and the three of us can do that."

"Brother, please." The young man made a request at me and then made a request at Chen Jiu.

I adjusted my clothes and walked towards the door. Chen Jiu followed behind me, and the young man walked at the end.

The three of us just walked to the door. Before I knocked on the door, the door slowly opened, revealing a stalwart figure.

I don't know if it's my illusion or what's going on, I just feel that the figure from the back feels a bit familiar.

"You are here."

The sound seemed to be speaking from the position of the figure, and it seemed to be coming from all around the room, making it impossible to feel the exact direction.

"we are coming."

The three of us spoke in unison.

Slowly, slowly, the figure slowly turned around.

The moment he turned around, I screamed and looked at the man incredulously.

It's him.

It turned out to be him.

My fifth master turned out to be him.

At the same time, Chen Jiu reacted similarly to me, staring at the man, and tremblingly said, "It's you!"

What surprised me was that the young man named Bai Jiu, who seemed to have known it a long time ago, smiled slightly, walked over to the figure, and knelt down slowly.

Seeing this, I did not dare to hesitate, and immediately followed and knelt down.

After Chen Jiu fell behind, he followed and knelt down beside me.

The three of us looked at each other and smiled, kowtow to the figure, and shouted respectfully, "Master."

In an instant, the word "master" went back and forth in the entire room.

"End of the Book"

PS: The results of the second book of the Trilogy of Craftsmen are not ideal. In addition, some of the content is too sensitive and dare not write it. Therefore, it ended in a hasty. Any inconvenience, please Haihan.

In addition, the unfilled holes in this book will be added to the third book. The tentative title "Nine Fingers of God" will be officially serialized on April 21.

With the literary skills of the first two books, Xiao Jiu believes that the third book will tell you a wonderful and complete story, and it can also be regarded as completing Xiao Jiu's dream of the trilogy of craftsmanship in his heart.

Leave words on March 29, 2018. (End of this chapter)

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