
Chapter 49: Shangliang is sly


He is in his forties, dressed in black cloth, and under his feet is a pair of black cloth shoes. His height is a little shorter than that of ordinary people. There are faint stubbles on the lower jaw. The whole person looks like he has been washed by the years. , There is a sense of indescribable decadence.

This person is my third master, Zhang Zhishan. Most of the kung fu I have on hand are taught by him. The third master is not talkative, and there is always a faint sadness on his face, as if the whole world owes him. What I can't let go of the most is that in the third year after I worshipped him as a teacher, his old man expelled me from the teacher because of one incident.

For so many years, even if his old man drove me out of the teacher's door, in my heart, I still regard him as a teacher, a teacher whom I respect all my life.

When I met him for the first time, he was standing next to Wang Runxue. He was a head shorter than Wang Runxue. He just raised his eyes and glanced at me. I happened to be looking at him, eyes facing each other, and there was no one. speak.

He retracted his gaze and said something to Wang Runxue. Wang Runxue's expression tightened and said, "Zhang Zhishan, don't you know what is good or bad."

He didn't speak, he raised his hand and hit Wang Runxue's face with a punch, and then another punch hit Wang Runxue's abdomen. Then Wang Runxue instantly squatted down and covered his stomach, staring at the third master with a grim look. speak.

Soon, the three masters walked away from the courtyard. The villagers onlookers seemed to be afraid of him, and immediately stepped aside.

I don't know why the three masters attacked Wang Runxue, nor what grievances the three masters had with Wang Runxue. I just know that it was this hastily glance that made me a mentorship with him.

With the departure of the third master, Wang Runxue pointed at the back of the third master and scolded him for a long time. He scolded any nasty words. The rough meaning was that the third master is a martial artist, and he is a scholar. He also said that the swordsman can never play. Penholder, don't let him hold the opportunity, you must kill the three masters.

I was listening to these words on the roof at the time, silently, but I was very envious of the three masters, but right now, it was obviously not the time to envy, because Wang Runxue looked at me and saw me stunned and cursed. In one sentence, "What are you looking at? Get up to the beam!"

I didn’t dare to reply. I quickly put the two ropes in my hand on the ground, and asked Wang Runxue’s second brother to tie the ropes to the two ends of the beam, and finally threw the other rope to the middle-aged man standing opposite me. .

After Wang Runxue’s second brother tied the beam, the middle-aged man and I were responsible for pulling the beam. After all, the beam was so heavy that one person would definitely not be able to pull it up. They had to pull it separately.

It took about a minute or two, and the beam was pulled up. According to the rules of the upper beam, after the beam is pulled up, it is not allowed to directly put the beam into the beam and chisel it. The message of congratulation is obtained, which means to pray for the prosperity of the house from generation to generation. The most important point is that the people regard this beam as a Rongchang. Therefore, before the chanting of the congratulatory text, he had to kill chickens and worship the gods, and he had to use chicken blood to draw two'Tai Chi pictures' on both ends of the beams of the room.

And this Wang Run was studying Liang, as if his ambition was not here, and I had no bottom in my heart, so I asked him, "Would you like to chant congratulations?"

Wang Runxue guessed that it was because he was beaten, and his tone was particularly aggressive, saying: "Don't chant congratulations, you are a ghostsmith."


I am a knife, I am a fish, and I didn't say anything, so I only asked him to carry a chicken cock, a kitchen knife (the kitchen knife should be brand new), and a piece of red paper measuring 21 cm by 29 cm.

Wang Runxue should have been prepared. He immediately picked up these things and put them in a bamboo basket. I hung up the bamboo basket with a rope. First, I wrapped the chicken body with red paper, which means that there is red and red. The meaning is in it. After that, I waved the kitchen knife and patted the wall three times with the kitchen knife. Every time I hit, I would say a word.

Hit, read, and a hammer rang through the heavenly gate.

Hit twice, read, and beat the gods with the golden gavel.

Strike three times, read, evil spirits rushed quickly.

After reciting these three sentences, I held a kitchen knife in one hand and a cock in the other. As it was the first time to kill a chicken, my hand trembled. After several deep breaths, I barely calmed down and held the kitchen knife tremblingly. , I wiped it towards the chicken's neck, maybe it was because I was too scared. At first, I didn't dare to use too much force. I took a few streaks, but I didn't let any bleeding.

"Boy, did you deliberately find something?" Wang Runxue shouted from below.

I was anxious, holding the kitchen knife tightly, and pulling hard at the male chicken's neck. The evil thing is, I obviously saw a hole in the male chicken's neck, but I didn't see the chicken blood flowing out in a daze.

Live to hell.

I cursed secretly and wiped it again, as before, there was still no blood coming out.

When the middle-aged man across from me saw the situation, his complexion sank, without a word, he dried the beams on the bricks next to him, and then went down, saying that the house was haunted. If he stayed on this place, he would definitely do it. Killed.

To be honest, I want to go on too, but thinking of my second uncle, thinking of Wang Runxue below, I forcefully endures the fear in my heart, and wipes it again, the same as before.

Looking at this situation, I immediately understood that the reason for this is that Wang Runxue is the reason for that kind of fate.

At the moment, I couldn't take care of that much, so I rushed to Wang Runxue below and shouted, "You go away first, and I will try again."

Wang Runxue was startled at first, then walked towards the outside extremely reluctantly, and stopped about five meters away from the house.

I thought for a while, he was the kind of fate, he must have conflicted with this house, and where he is, the beam of the house must be unable to get on, so I said again, "Go away and walk down." This house cannot see where you are."

Wang Runxue probably thought of something. Without a second word, he ran to the side.

Some things are very wicked to say. Just after Wang Runxue ran away, the chicken's neck suddenly burst into blood, and I quickly applied chicken blood to one end of the beam.

According to the rules, both ends of the beam should be smeared with chicken blood, but at this time Wang Runxue was not there, and I didn't bother to pay attention to it. I kept everything simple and directly chiseled one end of the beam into the beam.

However, when one end of the beam just touched the beam chisel, I could clearly feel that the surrounding atmosphere had become extremely depressed, as if everything was pouring over and standing behind me.

The feeling was strange to say, and it made people feel uncomfortable. The back was chilly, and when he turned his head, there was nothing behind him.

I didn't hesitate to take the beam out immediately, and the feeling disappeared in an instant.

This made me more and more sure that there was a problem with the beams of the house. I squatted down and checked the beam chisel. It was very common. It was just a semicircular hole with a diameter of 20 cm. The surrounding of the hole was randomly fooled with cement and sand. There is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)