
Chapter 50: one hand


I checked the beams of the room again, and it was normal. There was nothing wrong with it. Could it be my psychological effect

I murmured, and put the beam into the beam again. What's wicked is that the previous depression came out again. This time I felt more intense than last time. Last time I just felt a chill behind my back.

But this time, I could feel something slippery, cool, walking slowly behind my back, I reached out my hand and touched it, but there was nothing. It scared me into a cold sweat and quickly took the beam of the room. come out.

The moment I took out the beam of the house, I didn't know what was going on, the feeling just faded a bit, and it didn't completely disappear.

I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead, and kept saying in my mouth, Patriarch protects me, and I didn't dare to neglect on my hand.

Who would have thought that this scene happened to be seen by Wang Runxue. He looked stiff and said nothing. He picked up a few broken bricks from the ground and threw them towards me, yelling, "Made, your kid." Is it going to die? Can blood be spilled in there? Once chicken blood is spilled, isn't the house stained with blood?"

I know what he meant. It is true that you cannot sprinkle chicken blood on the beams of the house. The meaning is that the house becomes a blood room if it is stained with blood. It is a big evil omen. It is precisely because of this principle that ordinary houses are installed on the beams. , They are all smearing chicken blood on the beams, but dare not smear the bricks.

However, in the current situation, if you don't put a bit of blood in the chisel of the beam, the beam will definitely not fit. If you let it go like this, I don't dare to imagine the consequences. I even suspect that it will fall from here, just like the previous carpenters who have been on the beam.

After thinking about it, I looked at Wang Runxue and found that he had already walked over here to see if the posture was going to come up.

I didn’t hesitate, so I prepared to smear some blood on the beams of the house. After all, with Wang Runxue’s dedication to the house, he would definitely put the beams in the beams directly when he came up. This made me immediately think of the previous appointments. Master carpenter, it is possible that the same thing happened to me.

At this point, I quickly picked up the cock on the side, smeared a bit of chicken blood on my hand, and wiped it towards the beam of the room.

At this moment, something incredible happened. I only felt a cold behind my back, as if something was patted on my back.

At first, I thought Wang Run had come to school, but I turned my head and saw that there was nothing behind me.

Suddenly, the thing slapped me again.

I felt it carefully, the thing was so cold that it was just like hard ice just taken out of the ice cave, and then I felt it carefully, what kind of thing it is, it is clearly a human hand, the outline of the five fingers is very clear, I can even I felt the finger move behind my back.

Suddenly, I shuddered all over, and all the goose bumps came out at this moment. The atmosphere of fear went straight from the pores to the deep layers of the skin, filling every cell in my body. I was scared, really scared.

That hand seemed to see through my fear, and the speed of slap was getting faster and faster. It kept slapping my back. I could clearly feel that the hand’s slap was getting stronger and stronger, once, again, and again. a bit.

How to do? How to do

I was so anxious that I broke into a cold sweat, my whole body began to tremble, and subconsciously moved to the left.

It's okay if I didn't move. With this move, there was a sudden force of gravity behind me, as if someone pushed me violently. This made my feet slip and my whole person fell to the ground.

I was almost shocked by this scene, but fortunately, my reaction was not bad, and I pulled the beam of the house.

Since then, my whole body has been suspended in the air. How dare I hesitate to shout desperately in my mouth, for help.

Some things are also very strange. If you really say it, no one can believe it. Because, when I called for help, I suddenly felt a heavy weight on my foot, as if a hand was firmly pulling my ankle, I could clearly feel the nail of that hand buckle into the skin, pulling my foot, desperately pulling down .

I was dumbfounded, my brain was messy, and I didn't know what to do at all. The dual script was able to stare down desperately, trying to get rid of the hand, but no matter how I stared, the hand always grabbed my ankle and pulled it down desperately.

At the same time, Wang Runxue had already climbed up and saw me hanging on the beam of the house. He first smiled at me, then grabbed the beam and shook it suddenly, "Boy, you are useless. You will be reborn in the next life. Remember not to be a ghostmaker."

I was anxious and hurriedly shouted: "Wang Runxue, so many people below are watching, you are murder."

"Murder?" He sneered. "Not bad for you."

While talking, he shook the beam a few more times. I had difficulty grasping the beam. When he shook it like this, his hands no longer had any strength, and the whole person fell to the ground with extreme speed.

During the fall, the sound of the wind whispered in my ears, I only have thoughts in my mind, it's over, it's dead this time.

There is a saying that is like this, the king of Yan told people to die, who would dare to keep people until dawn, perhaps because the king of Yan refused to accept me, and the place where I fell was impartial on the patio.

With a strong desire to survive, I grabbed the rope on the side of the patio, but due to the speed of falling too fast, my hands couldn't support it at all. Even if I grabbed the rope, the whole body still fell into the well at great speed.

After sliding for several meters, my hands were strangled with blood and soaked by the rope, and then I stopped, and a strong rancid smell came from below.

With the glimmer coming from above, I glanced down slightly and found that a corpse was hanging upside down ten centimeters away from me. Due to the lack of light in the underground, I couldn’t see the face of the corpse. The corpse can be seen wearing a red cloth. Judging from the outline of the body, it should be a man.

I was in a hurry to survive, and I was in no mood to take care of the corpse underneath and climb up the rope.

Fortunately, the patio was not dug very deep. It only took ten minutes to climb to the edge of the well, grabbed the edge of the patio, and climbed out suddenly, leaning on the edge of the well like collapse, with a big mouth. Gasping heavily.

What makes me panic is that when I came up, Wang Runxue had already put the beam in the beam chisel, which made the whole house look like a mysterious and mysterious, self-contained world, just like the house is filled with. What's so common.

And Wang Runxue just squatted on the side of the house beam, holding a chisel in his hand, as if carving something on the house beam. As for the villagers who were onlookers, they had all left without knowing when the whole house was left. I and Wang Runxue.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)