
Chapter 53: Good and evil are rewarded


As soon as we said this, we all looked at each other, Wang Runxue has done such a thing? Xiaozhuo police asked him what was going on.

The second brother of Wang Runxue didn’t seem to want to say anything. He just told us that in the early years, Wang Runxue took his mother to live in Guangzhou and starved to death. Later, he was taken back to the country for burial and found another place for his mother. A good Feng Shui place, I want to use my ancestral grave to change my life, but it has no effect.

Hearing this, I immediately understood why Wang Runxue was obsessed with building a house. To put it bluntly, that is, the ancestral tomb failed to change his fate, and his idea was hit on the house again. And the words of Wang Runxue's second brother also confirmed my idea, he said Wang Runxue had planned for this new house for many years. Before that, he had built a house in other places, but they all ended in failure.

In the end, there was really no way, so he called the idea to his hometown.

When talking about Wang Yangming, Zi Yangtao was the most excited. The guy shook his fat body and kept saying that he did not kill or kill, but Zi Dayuan and his wife were quite calm, pulling Zi Yangtao towards Wang Run. The second brother said sorry, and then motioned to the second brother Wang Runxue to continue.

The second brother Wang Runxue explained to us that before Wang Yangming died, he had spent the whole afternoon in the new house, but not on the ground of the new house, but on the roof of the house.

When it came to the roof, the expressions of the few people sitting on the side who had not spoken became excited. A twenty-eight-year-old young man said excitedly: "My dad said that there is a ghost on the roof, and his old man is on the roof. Liang Shi always felt that there was something behind him, it was chilly."

Another said, "Yes, my dad feels the same way. His old man said that the reason he fell was because someone pushed him from behind."

Hearing this, the Xiaozhuo policeman looked at me, I hummed, and said, "I felt that way when I went to Liang."

The Xiaozhuo policeman asked me again: "Little brother, do you know what's going on?"

I thought for a while and explained: "It should be related to Wang Runxue's fate. I can't explain it clearly. I believe the master should be able to explain clearly. You can ask my master."

The policeman Xiaozhuo gave a wry smile and stopped talking. He looked at the second brother Wang Runxue and asked him, "Why did Wang Yangming die?"

The person said that he didn't know clearly, it should have something to do with the roof, but what he can guarantee is that Wang Yangming's death has absolutely nothing to do with Zi Yangtao.

When it came to Wang Runxue’s death, all of us didn’t say anything. Even Wang Runxue’s second brother didn’t say anything. The entire conference room went silent, feeling that Wang Runxue’s death was inexplicable. Some people said that Wang Runxue’s death was affirmed by the roof. It is also related. Some people say that Wang Runxue was frightened by those rats and fell from the roof to his death. No one can tell exactly how he died.

To be honest, I somewhat suspect that Wang Runxue died on the roof, or that he was confused on the roof, otherwise, when a group of rats appeared, he would not be unresponsive.

Of course, this is just a guess. As for the truth, it is estimated that only Wang Runxue knows. However, Wang Runxue is dead, and this matter has become a mystery.

Later, at the meeting, all of us talked about Wang Runxue's things. They were some of Wang Runxue's usual things. There was nothing worth mentioning. However, there is one thing worth mentioning, that is. When Wang Runxue went home to build a house, he wrapped a lot of red envelopes for the villagers. Therefore, when I was on the roof, Wang Runxue dared to shake me down.

It was about noon, Zi Dayuan said, in order to thank us for cleaning up his son’s innocence, all of us were invited to have a rich Chinese meal in the town. The policeman Xiaozhuo said that he would write a report and give it to him, but he tactfully refused. .

As for how he wrote the report, I don't know. After all, I was just a student at that time and didn't have the right to check it. However, a few days later, the story of Wang Runxue went viral in our town, saying that it was Wang Runxue's father and son who killed each other, and both of them were killed. It happened to be Wang Runxue's second brother who saw this scene with his own eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, some things are indeed not suitable for disclosure. Once they are made public, they really need to be investigated, and they can't explain some mysterious things. In the end, they can only push on ghosts and gods.

However, thinking about one thing now, I can never let it go, because when we all walked out of the hotel in town, the second brother of Wang Runxue found me, handed me a note, and told me Said something inexplicable.

He said, "Thank you!"

I always wondered what he wanted to thank me. It wasn't until many years later, when I saw him again, that he had become the boss of three factories, and I realized that the living talents are the biggest gainers. At that time, I was thinking, maybe he was the murderer behind the whole thing, or maybe everything was his use of Wang Runxue’s life and eventually took all of Wang Runxue’s family wealth. I even suspect that even Wang Yangming was He killed it.

However, this is an evidence-oriented society. Whether it is me or the Xiaozhuo policeman, I have not been able to find evidence. This matter has become an eternal mystery in my heart. Until the first half month of writing this book, I learned by chance from a friend that Wang Runxue’s second brother had a car accident. The whole family was in a newly bought BMW. They had no life but the dead body was still guarding. With a brood of mice and water snakes.

Perhaps this is fate!

However, at that time, I took a note from my second brother Wang Runxue, thanked him and said many words of gratitude. Because the note was written with a person's name and a line of address, he said, this person might be able to heal my second uncle.

After bidding farewell to my second brother Wang Runxue, I almost didn’t jump up with the note. I wanted to rush to find Mr. Wu mentioned on the note, but the address was a bit far away. In a community called Haoyueming Building in Liwan District, Guangzhou, I followed me. The original idea was to ask for a leave from the school and go directly to Guangzhou to find Mr. Wu.

However, the cruel reality did not give me this opportunity. I was beaten on the afternoon of the end of Wang Runxue's affairs. The person who beat me was Zi Yangtao. He didn't feel grateful to the savior as in some novels, but thought that I shouldn't have pulled him at the beginning, otherwise, he ran away early and would never be scolded by his parents.

After being beaten by him, I didn't go to his parents for theory, nor did I find Teacher Yaoguang. I just found a slap-sized brick that night, and took a picture of his forehead when he wasn't paying attention.

The next week, Zi Yangtao and I spent time in this situation. During the day he went to school and he beat me, and at night I knocked on him with a brick. On the eighth night, the guy finally couldn’t stand it and brought two bottles. Baijiu found me who was looking at the store in the coffin shop and said a word to me.

It was his words that made us two friends, no, brothers, the kind of brothers who can give each other's lives.

He said: "Brother Chuanzi, you are so handsome, and my little brother was impressed by you."

After Zi Yangtao said this, I suddenly felt that among the classmates, we should not fight and sap, but should help each other, make progress together, and contribute a little to the construction of the motherland.

Someone will definitely say that I am stinky. All I can say is that I can never hate a classmate who is as discerning as Zi Yangtao.

That night, the two of us were so drunk that we woke up at noon the next day.

Some people say that men’s friendship is derived from drinking, regardless of age. This is true, because since that night, I have had one more brother in my life, Ziyang Tao, who is also the first brother in my life. .

Friendship returns to friendship, and life still has to go on. The next day we two went to school together. On the way there, I met someone. If my first master gave me life, the second master taught me. My craftsmanship to survive in this society, then this person gave me dignity, the dignity of living.

He was the one who had a relationship with me in Wendui Village, that is, my third master, Zhang Zhishan.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)