
Chapter 64: Strange things happened again and again


I raised my head and looked at Old San Qin, and found that this guy was pale as paper. I guess he was frightened by the scene just now, and said, "There should be a problem with the door of this house."

As soon as the voice fell, Boss Xu approached me and asked me: "Chuanzi, have you seen what is wrong with the gate?"

I didn't speak directly, but stared at the door of the house. Generally, the door of a house is the core part of a house, which determines whether people live in smooth sailing and whether they have a lot of money. Therefore, the door of this house is quite particular.

Let’s talk about the size first. Generally, the height of the door of a house is between two meters and two meters. The minimum is not less than two meters, and the highest cannot be higher than two meters. It will appear hollow if it is higher. The width of the door is generally eighty. Between centimeters and ninety centimeters, if it is a double door, the width will be slightly slack, generally between one meter and two centimeters and 1.5 meters, that is, each door takes between 60 centimeters and 75 centimeters .

I took a glance at it. The size of the door of the house is no problem. It is about 2.28 meters high. Because the door of Mr. Xu is a double door, it should be about 1.2 meters wide.

From the perspective of feng shui, the door of the house is the breath of the house, which determines a lot of mysterious things. Whether the door is good or not, it will directly cause unrest in the family, couples are prone to quarrels, poor wealth, and even become ghosts. The place where it lives all the year round, turning the whole house into a ghost house.

Therefore, the door of the house is very important in the feng shui layout of the whole house. Among them, there are seven particulars, which we ghosts call Qisha Gate.

First, the door of the house cannot be in a straight line with the door of the house. It is called the Chuanxin Door, which will cause the owner to lose his life.

Second, there is no correspondence between the door and the door, otherwise the two people who live in will easily provoke them at work, and they will not get along well.

Third, the door and the toilet cannot correspond, which will affect people's health. The reason is that the toilet is a place of solitary yin, and the humidity is too heavy, which easily affects the five elements of the human body.

Fourth, the door cannot face the kitchen. According to the "Book of Changes", a solitary yang cannot grow, and a solitary yin does not last. The kitchen is a stove fire. The disaster of blood and light.

Fifth, the door is facing the stairs. This situation is called the ladder rushing, and the people in the house will be trapped, and even bloody disasters will be incurred.

Sixth, the opening direction of the door is the same straight door, and the direction of opening the door must be the same. The most taboo is to open one to the left and one to the right. If this kind of door appears, it must be between brothers. Can't live in harmony.

Seventh, it is also the most important point. The slanted door, as the name suggests, is the slanted door. This kind of door is the most exquisite and the most complicated. Even three days and three nights, it may not be clear, and we ghosts When installing the door, this kind of slanted door is also the most taboo. Fortunately, most owners have the awareness of slanting doors, so this kind of slanting door is rarely seen.

The reason is simple. The sloping door affects the overall beauty of the house, and the owner usually pays attention to external things. To put it bluntly, someone who builds a house does not want their house to look good.

At the moment, I told Boss Xu about the situation of the seven evils, and asked him: "Boss Xu, your house did not commit these seven evils, right?"

He thought for a while, glanced into the room again, shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be."

"Should?" I wondered.

He smiled bitterly and said: "It's like this. When I built the house, I was not at home, but contracted to a relative of my family. As for whether the door of the room was violated, I don't know."

As he said, he paused, and continued: "Do you think this is possible? I will call my relative over. Just ask him what's the matter. He knows the house better than I do."

I nodded, it depends on the situation.

Ordinarily, we don't have to worry about it, just go in and see, but once living things enter the house, it will die inexplicably, which makes me not have the courage to go in. After all, I cherish my life more.

Afterwards, a few of us chatted outside the house for a while, all about the house, while Boss Xu called his relatives and said that his relatives have something wrong now, and they won't be able to come here at night.

From the chat, I learned something. The houses of the second and third Xu’s family are similar to those of the eldest Xu’s family. They both chose a mountain and built the house halfway up the mountain. The room types are similar, but due to old age Third, the financial ability is limited. The third child's house is just empty and it is quite economical in terms of materials, and even cut corners.

After knowing the news, my heart was as deep as iron. Generally, when building houses in the countryside, the three brothers should choose to build them on the same line, but these three brothers actually chose three mountains, and they all chose halfway up the mountain. , What's the situation

You must know that building on the hillside is by no means a good place to build a house, no matter from an economic point of view or a human relationship point of view. Let’s talk about the economy first. It’s not easy to move up the building materials because it’s built on the hillside. Besides, these houses are for the elderly care for their parents. They are built on the hillside. It’s so troublesome for the elderly to find someone who is chattering. They have to go down the mountain. What a filial son does.

Based on these two points, I asked Boss Xu why his three brothers chose this location for the house.

In this regard, Boss Xu was only vague, and did not say too clearly, but only told me that they had an unspeakable concealment.

I wanted to ask more, but Qin Lao San pulled me up and said, "Chuanzi, we are only responsible for the work. Don't inquire about the boss's affairs."

Well, it is indeed the case. I didn’t ask any more, so I stayed with them for a while, about five o’clock in the afternoon. We went down the mountain and went directly to the old house of Mr. Xu and had a simple meal. Supper, I chatted a few words casually.

At eight o'clock in the evening, our group was chatting around the Eight Immortals table. The relatives of Boss Xu always came. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked very honest and dressed in khaki casual clothes.

When he saw us, he first sent a cigarette to each of us, then looked at me and said, "This little brother is Luo Dongchuan, right?"

I smiled and nodded.

He said again: "I listened to my cousin on the phone earlier, do you want to know the direction of the door?"

I nodded and motioned for him to continue.

He smiled and said: "I work on a construction site. The Qisha gate you mentioned, I have heard from the older generation before. Therefore, when I was building a house for my cousin, I was very concerned and did not commit Qisha. The door, it's just..."

Having said that, he paused, looked up at me, and said, "It's just that when installing the door, someone was hanged on the beam of the door because of wages."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)