
Chapter 68: Fluttering back and bewildered


Thinking of this, I couldn't help but breathe quickly. If everything is as I guessed, there may be many things involved in this matter. I dare not think about it. I'm afraid I will give up halfway.

To be honest, I regret coming over now, and I can't wait to leave this house right away.

But thinking of the master's words, I had no choice but to endure the lingering fears in my heart, and said to Qin Lao San, "Look at the southeast Gengxin of this house."

"Geng Xin's position?" He looked at me suspiciously.

I was taken aback, and I immediately understood, raised my eyes and looked to the southeast, then looked for the Geng Xin seat, and found that the place was empty and there was no furniture, let alone animal corpses.

It's weird. The first seven positions are aligned, and there are corpses. Only in the eighth position, there is no corpse.

This is not right. Taking the Xunfang water to go around the game, in the eighth position, there must be a corpse!

Where's the corpse

Has it been cleaned up

Impossible, the eighth position is some distance away from the gate position, and it is impossible to be cleared out.

and many more….

I suddenly remembered that since we came to the present, we have estimated that it has been twenty minutes, why didn't we feel the slightest strangeness

At the moment, I asked Qin Laosan, "Do you feel strange?"

He shook his head and said, "Except that the air is not so smooth, there is nothing unusual."

I felt it carefully, and it was the same as Qin Lao San said, except that the air was not smooth, and there was nothing unusual.

What's the matter

Could this room be different at night

After this thought, I hurriedly walked towards the door, and shouted at Old Xu who was standing by the car in a daze, "Look for a rooster and throw it in."

Where did Boss Xu dare to hesitate, he immediately found a rooster and threw it in.

After the rooster was thrown in, the situation was exactly the same as in the afternoon, first screaming in panic, and then hitting the door directly.

Seeing this scene, I and Qin Lao San looked at each other. The guy probably saw that something was wrong, and his face turned pale when he saw this scene. The vibrato said: "Chuan...zi, we have been here for so long, why...we... All right?"

I stared at him for a while and told him the truth, "I dared to come in because I stared at the beams of this house for a long time, and found that the beams were made of sandalwood, and the wood of sandalwood Hard and extremely dense, Taoists regard sandalwood as Tao wood, which has a deterrent effect on some dirty things."

Having said that, I paused and continued: "When I looked at the beams of the house, I took a look at the color and the curvature of the wood, and found that there was no change in the beams. From the point of view of our ghosts, This house can live in, and there should be no such thing as death. It is precisely because of this that I dare to come in."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Laosan immediately asked, "Then who are these roosters?"

I shook my head and said something I didn't know, so I took the bamboo basket from his hand, took out the contents one by one, and laid it on the ground. He asked me what I wanted to do. I said, in the southwestern Gengxin seat, burn some yellow paper, candles, and ingots for the master of the land.

After I finished burning these things, I didn't know whether it was my illusion or what happened. I suddenly felt that the air in the house seemed a little fresher. I asked Qin Laosan if he felt that way, and he said yes.

This makes me even more confused, and I think this house is too weird. However, I didn’t think too much. I picked up the Luban ruler and walked towards the gate with the ink fountain. First, I used the Luban ruler to measure the size of the door. The falling ruler is very auspicious. to.

Generally, the best four small characters for door installation are: welcome fortune, windfall, fortune, and good fortune.

So, the ruler of this door is no problem.

This made my mind more puzzled, so I asked Qin Laosan to stand on the left side of the door with the ink fountain, while I pulled out the ink fountain line from the inside, flicked an ink fountain line on both sides of the door, and stared at the ink fountain line. Looked at it for a while.

In the eyes of ordinary carpenters, this ink fountain line is used to see a straight line, but our ghost artist uses the ink fountain line to survey the wood of the door, and judge whether the wood is too overcast by the shape of the ink when it blends into the wooden door.

What I didn't expect was that the ink blended very well, it didn't seem like a heavy yin.

Then Qin Lao San saw me in a daze, so he asked me, "Chuanzi, what? Is there a problem with the door?"

I shook my head, and said it's okay.

"Is this okay?" He stared at me with an excited expression, "Chuanzi, look carefully, is this okay?"

I hummed, ignored him, went straight out, and checked the willow branches that Xu Jianguo had inserted around the house before, and found that the willow branches were standing there, and there was nothing unusual about the stems.

Hell, how could this be

I murmured and told Boss Xu directly about the situation, basically telling him that there is no problem with the layout or the door of the house. The only problem that can be found at the moment may be the orientation of the animal carcasses in the house. .

I just finished talking to him here, and I don’t know how to drop it. Qin Laosan’s screams suddenly came from behind. He turned to see that Qin Laosan fell at the door, his limbs twitching, and the corners of his mouth kept moving. Foam overflowed.

This scared me where I dared to hesitate. I quickly ran over and looked down. His eyes were muddy and wide as bull's eyes, and his face was green with green leaves.

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled it out. When Xu Jianguo and Boss Xu saw the situation, they also got together. The three of us took a lot of work and finally got Qin Laosan into the car. Boss Xu said that this situation must be sent to the hospital.

According to my opinion, there is no need to send him to the hospital in this situation. Even if he is sent to the hospital, it is estimated that at most it will be prescribed to calm the nerves.

However, this matter is related to Qin's life, I didn't dare to speak, if something really happened, I really couldn't bear the responsibility, so I let Mr. Xu take Qin's wife to the hospital in the town. .

After they left, only me and Xu Jianguo were left standing in front of the house. Xu Jianguo stared at me for a while, and he wanted to talk several times, but I didn’t know why, but he didn’t say anything. .

At the moment, I tentatively asked, "Uncle Jianguo, do you have something to say?"

He was startled first, then he said, ", yes, it's almost time now, do you want to go to my home for a break and come back tomorrow?"

I thought about it for a while, then Boss Xu is gone, and it's useless to stay here, so I might as well wait until tomorrow.

After staying in front of the house for a while, the two of us walked down the mountain.

On the way, Xu Jianguo asked me why Qin Lao San had an accident, but I was just like a okay person.

I really don't know how to answer this question, but I vaguely feel that it has something to do with the black palm print on my back. Otherwise, the master would never let me risk it.

Of course, I didn't dared to tell Xu Jianguo about this matter, and it passed vaguely after just a few perfunctory sentences.

Back in the village, Xu Jianguo made a room for me and simply rested for one night. Early in the morning of the next day, I slept soundly. The door was pushed open by Xu Jianguo. He said nothing. He grabbed my arm and said, "Chuanzi, don't sleep, go quickly!"

I rubbed my distressed eyes and asked him what's wrong.

He looked at me with horror on his face, and said in a trembled voice: "The coffin guy and Liu Ergou died at four o'clock in the middle of the night."

Hearing this, I almost didn't jump up, and my breathing became hurried, " did I die?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)