
Chapter 70: Fleeing in fear of sin


Suddenly, my head was like a paste, and the door problem had not been resolved. Now it's all right, but the coffin guy and Liu Ergou died somehow.

To say that the coffin guy is dead is a good thing for me. After all, no one in the town would rob me of the coffin business, but when I thought of his death, I didn't feel happy at all. On the contrary, I vaguely felt that this matter had become more and more evil.

As for Liu Ergou's death, I didn't feel the least bit of it. First, I didn't know him well and didn't have much social interaction. Secondly, the master had a little time with him, and he was half an enemy.

However, the phrase "Flying in the middle palace, Gen Li looking for a hurdle", made my heart feel like iron.

Afterwards, I stared at my second child's house for a while, but found nothing.

While I was looking at the house, Old San Qin kept staring at his shoes with a pair of eyes, trembling all over, and did not dare to speak at all.

Just like that, after half an hour, the sirens peculiar to police cars came over, turned around to see, three or four police cars drove up, and after a while, a dozen policemen got off the car, the leader It was an acquaintance, Xiaozhuo police officer. When I saw him, I leaned over.

The Xiaozhuo policeman didn't seem to expect that I would be here. When he saw me, he frowned and said, "Chuanzi, you are not studying at school, so why did you come here."

I didn't hide it, so I told him to work here.

He didn't say anything, so he asked me what was going on. I told him everything I knew.

After hearing this, his face sank into the water, and he said solemnly, "What about the three Xu family brothers?"

I shook my head and said something I don't know. However, I remembered one thing. It was Boss Xu’s cousin Chen Rong. He once said that three people died when building this house. The police station didn’t let the police report the case, and I don’t know if it was true. false.

I told the police officer Xiaozhuo about this.

When he heard this, he immediately said: "There is no such thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man in his forties approached him and whispered a few words in policeman Xiaozhuo's ear. Policeman Xiaozhuo's expression changed drastically. He raised his hand to incite him with a palm and shouted. Said: "Uncle Xu, you are breaking the law. Even if you are afraid of being criticized, you just cheat and lie to you, so there can be no integrity of the people's police."

After listening to this, I immediately understood, and I guessed that Chen Rong did not lie, and it can be regarded as solving a little doubt in my heart.

After the Xiaozhuo police slapped Xu Shu, "After I go back, I will slowly settle the account with you."

After saying this, he walked straight to the two wooden stakes. As expected, the people’s police were seeing such a bloody scene. He just frowned and immediately asked someone to chop off the stakes and use a white bag to cut off the stakes. Two bodies were loaded in.

After all this was done, it was noon, and I didn't know what was going on. During this time, the three Xu family brothers did not come. The Xiaozhuo police sent someone to call, but the people who came back said that the three brothers of the Xu family were no longer in the village, and even the three brothers’ cars were gone.

This made everyone's first reaction that the three Xu family brothers absconded in fear of crime, Xiaozhuo police immediately gave the order, saying that they wanted to find the three Xu family brothers, to see people or corpses alive.

Following his order, many police officers left one after another, leaving only me, Lao San Qin, and Xiao Zhuo in the scene.

"Police Xiaozhuo, I feel that this is not a murder." I looked at Police Xiaozhuo and said.

"What do you think?" he asked me.

I didn't conceal it, so I told all the things I found like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

After he heard this, Qin Lao San said something. He said, "Chuanzi, you can't see such an obvious thing. I ask you, the three brothers of the Xu family said that they are supporting their parents. Three houses?"

I shook my head and said I don't know.

He also said: "Why are there problems with the houses of the three brothers of the Xu family?"

I still shook my head, because of this, I haven't figured it out yet.

He smiled and continued: "As Coffin Guy and Liu Ergou, they won't climb on the roof to steal things in the middle of the night? Unless they are Erque, I have nothing to say that Coffin Guy would say this. Say, after all, that guy has a bad reputation. But Liu Ergou is a well-known old carpenter in our town. How could his old man do such a late holiday."

I hummed, what he said was quite reasonable, and I had doubted the purpose of the Xu family's three brothers, but I don't know why, I always felt that the Xu family's three brothers could not do this.

Then Qin Lao San saw that I didn’t speak, and patted my shoulder, “Chuanzi, you are still in the world, and you don’t know what is sinister. Then the three brothers of the Xu family are not a good thing at first sight. Think about it, this society has Money man, there's nothing to be stunned."

I dare not agree with him, but I can't find anything to refute him. The policeman Xiaozhuo remained silent. He kept his eyes fixed on the second child’s house, and walked towards the house, seeing that he was going to enter. room.

I originally wanted to stop him, but thinking about the strange things that happened in Boss Xu's house, I planned to use police officer Xiaozhuo as an experiment.

Of course, it doesn’t mean letting him go to death. I remember my brother once said that there is such a sacred profession in this world that can deter all evils and charms. No matter whether it is staleness, heat or hernia, it cannot invade. This profession is People's police in formal attire.

And the reason why I didn't stop Xiaozhuo policeman was precisely for this reason.

What I didn't expect was that Qin Lao San saw Xiaozhuo police walking by and followed him. I grabbed him and said, "Don't go if you don't want to die."

As if thinking of something, he shivered all over, stopped quickly, stood next to me, motionless.

That's it. We both watched from behind. Policeman Xiaozhuo walked over. The door was unlocked. He slowly opened the door and walked in. Taking advantage of this effort, I stared at the room for a few moments. No surprise, it was exactly the same as Xu's new house, even the furnishings in the house were exactly the same.

What makes me most unforgettable is that the location of the body in the room is also the same.

What the hell is going on

After the policeman Xiaozhuo entered, because I couldn't see the policeman Xiaozhuo's face, and didn't know how he reacted, I walked towards him. Then Lao San Qin pulled me and motioned me not to go.

I ignored him and walked straight forward.

When I came to the policeman Xiaozhuo, I immediately asked him, "Is there anything unusual about my body?"

He looked at me suspiciously and asked why I asked.

I said nothing.

Then Qin Lao San saw that we were okay, and didn't know what his mind was thinking, so he followed, and he didn't forget to scold me, saying that I was more clever than him.

I ignored him, just stared at him for a while, nothing unusual, I was very strange, is this house okay

The moment I gave birth to this idea, Qin Laosan's complexion changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes protruding, and his whole body began to twitch slightly. I was so frightened that I quickly pushed him out. There was only one thought in my mind, and this house also had it. problem.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)