
Chapter 72: Yin house


Then Xu Jianguo heard Qin Lao San's question, looked at me, took out a cigarette, shook his hands and lit it, took a deep breath, and said, "This...this...this matter, it's better if you don't know about it."

"Why?" I asked Qin Laosan at the same time.

He stared at both of us for a while, and said, "This is the secret of our village. Once it is said, something big will happen."

I couldn't sit still, and said hurriedly, "So many people have died, it's not a big deal!"

He shook his head and stopped saying: "This is just the beginning, it's not a big deal, the real big deal is..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a slight noise at the door. I turned my head and saw that a dark shadow fleeed away with lightning speed.

I glanced at Qin Lao San, no one said a word, but Xu Jianguo seemed to know something. He stood up, walked to the door, knelt down, his attitude was extremely pious, and he kept kowtow towards the door, muttering in his mouth. , "Master, Jia Shan Geng, Yi Shan Xin, Mao Shan You, Monkey Mouse Lord, the room was bullied again."

Listening to this, I was very curious. The word A and B should refer to ten days dry, and Mao should refer to the twelve earthly branches. What does he mean by this

As far as we ghosts are concerned, the ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches can be mixed and used. To put it bluntly, when the ghosts go up the mountain to work, there is a saying that the mountain is viewed, and the Maoshan refers to the mountain on the plain, which is often said by the folks. The hills in Guangxi are not really big mountains, nor can they be compared to the 100,000 mountains in Guangxi.

The two mountains, A and B, in our ghosts’ eyes refer to the three mountains and five mountains. The three mountains are Penglai, abbot, and Yingzhou. (There is another way to say that the three mountains are Huangshan in Anhui, Lushan in Jiangxi, and Yan in Zhejiang ** Mountains are called Sanshan), but in our ghosts’ eyes, we only recognize Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou as the three mountains. According to the records of "Historical Records of the First Emperor of Qin", Xu Fu and others of Qi wrote in the book that there are three sacred mountains in the sea of words: Penglai, Abbot, Yingzhou.

We ghosts always pay attention to the roots and ask our ancestors. Therefore, we only recognize Penglai and other three mountains, and in some schools of Taoism, we are no different from our ghosts, and we only recognize Penglai and other mountains as the three mountains and respect them as the gods mountains.

The Five Mountains are the familiar Dongyue Taishan, Xiyue Huashan, Nanyue Hengshan, Beiyue Hengshan, and Zhongyue Songshan.

What puzzles me is, why did Xu Jianguo suddenly mention these things

I stood up and was about to walk over. The old man Qin grabbed me and shook his head at me. Then he walked to Xu Jianguo's side, knelt down next to Xu Jianguo, and learned his way again, kowtow to the door. , Murmured those words in his mouth.

The two of them knelt at the door for four or five minutes before they got up.

What surprised me was that Xu Jianguo was already in tears as soon as he got up, and Qin Laosan asked him what was wrong, and he said that something was going to happen in their village.

After listening to this, we became more puzzled and hurriedly asked him why.

Xu Jianguo probably figured it out, and sat down across from me, and slowly said, "The reason why the three brothers of the Xu family wanted to build three houses seems to be for his parents to provide for the elderly, but in fact...their parents have been dead for many years. ."



Qin Lao San and I exclaimed, and almost didn't jump up. This is too ridiculous. How could it be possible to build a house for the dead.

Wait, it's not right. If the parents of the Xu family's three brothers are really dead, the people in this village should know it!

Besides, there were quite a few carpenters who came to this village to pick up a living. Even if I didn't know about it, someone should know about it!

I asked this doubt.

The explanation Xu Jianguo gave me was that the parents of the Xu family’s three brothers died in a different place, and they don’t know why, and their three brothers are not in mourning, so almost no one knows about this.

I asked him again how he knew.

He said that he overheard Boss Xu's call, and I asked him again, why didn't he tell us early in the morning.

He didn't speak, but stood up tremblingly, walked towards the cabinet behind him, and took out two renminbi from the cabinet and placed it in front of us.

I understand, it is estimated that Boss Xu gave the hush money.

That's right, it's no wonder that Xu Jianguo asked me to leave at the very beginning, and he has been fighting for a long time. From the beginning, he knew that the parents of the three Xu family brothers were dead.

If this is the case, it means that the three houses are not yang houses, but yin houses.

Oh my god, built the Yin House to the ground.

So what do the Xu family brothers want to do

When I thought of this, I almost didn’t swear, as the saying goes that the living has a way to live, and the dead has a way to die. Then the Xu family’s three brothers do this is tantamount to inverting yin and yang. No wonder I have been investigating the house for a long time, and I haven’t found any problems at all. .

and many more.

I understand.

I really understand.

Yesterday, in the house of Mr. Xu, I found out where all the corpses were placed, and they were all facing the Xunfang Shui Gang, except that there were no corpses in the eighth direction. If you guessed it correctly, there is a corpse in the eighth direction. The corpse should be buried in the ground, and the owner of the corpse is the parents of the three Xu family brothers.

Taking the eldest brother handed down from the ancestors as the father, the corpse of the old Xu family should be their father, and the corpse of the second old Xu family should be their mother.

So the question is, who's body will be in Xu Lao San's family

Just when I was stunned, Xu Jianguo didn't know if he had thought of something. The whole person's spirit seemed to be out of the body, staggering a few steps in the room like a walking dead, his mouth kept muttering. And said, "Although he is alive, who dares to be sure that he lives in a yang house, not a yin house."

I understand what he means, but I am not easy to ask. Qin Laosan stared at Xu Jianguo confusedly and asked, "What do you mean?"

I stood up and said, "Yang house or yin house depends mainly on the door of the house. If the door is straight, the people are straight. Once the door is crooked, no matter how good the house is, it’s hard to tell whether the house is dead or alive. "

After I said this, I wiped the stuff on my face, and the old man Qin lowered his voice and rebuked: "Chuanzi, what are you doing? I haven't finished the question yet!"

I sighed and pointed at Xu Jianguo, "Do you think he is like this, can you ask anything else?"

He looked at the place where my fingers were, and said, "But, Chuanzi, you don't want to know why the Xu family three brothers buried his parents in this way?"

To be honest, I don't know the reason, but the matter is here, I believe the truth is not far away from us.

At the moment, I said a few words to Xu Jianguo. Generally, we want to go to Xu Laosan’s house. Xu Jianguo seemed to have not heard me, and kept mumbling the previous words. I am not happy anymore. Asked, pulling Qin Lao San out of his room.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)