
Chapter 74: Go to Nanmen Village again


I didn't think much about it at the time. I took the seventy dollars in his hand, stuffed it into the pocket behind his butt, and went directly to the police station in the town.

Disappointed, when we arrived at the police station, the door was closed. We knocked on the door several times, but no one answered.

In desperation, the two of us wandered at the door of the police station for a while, and then asked someone near the police station to find out the address of the policeman Xiaozhuo.

After some inquiries, I found out that Xiaozhuo policeman lived in the police station. He probably slept too deeply and didn't hear our knock on the door.

After knowing the news, Qin Lao San opened his voice and shouted, "It's not good, it's murdered, come on!"

After just shouting three times, the door of the police station opened, and the policeman Xiaozhuo opened the door. He stared at us nervously, and said anxiously: "Where, who died? Who killed?"

Then Qin Lao San smiled and said, "Police Xiaozhuo, we are joking with you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the policeman Xiaozhuo's face sank suddenly, and he sternly said: "It's midnight, is this fun?"

Then Qin Lao San smiled awkwardly and did not speak. I hurriedly leaned over and said, "Police Xiaozhuo, we want to tell you something about the Xu family three brothers."

When he heard that, his face eased a little, invited us into the police station, and then invited us to his dormitory. Don't say it, his dormitory is very simple, if you didn't see a photo of Xiaozhuo policeman in uniform by the bed, I can't believe that a decent director would live in this kind of dormitory.

When we arrived at the dormitory, the Xiaozhuo policeman asked us to sit down first, then poured us a glass of water, sat down opposite us, and asked me, "What have you found?"

Na Qin Lao San immediately said, "We found..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiaozhuo police officer frowned and said: "Don't talk, you are too glib, your words are not credible."

As he said, he looked at me, "Chuanzi, you said."

In an instant, Qin Lao San's face changed, and he sat on the side angrily without speaking, and I told all the things we knew from Xu Jianguo.

When he heard it, he trembled and said, "Are you sure, there is a corpse in Xu Lao San's house?"

I said with certainty: "There are absolutely dead bodies, but you also know that the house cannot be easily entered. I can only ask you to call some policemen in to have a look."

The policeman Xiaozhuo didn’t say anything, and immediately agreed. He said he was going to call someone now, but he was stopped by Qin Laosan. Qin Laosan said, it’s so late now, even if he goes to the excavation work, it won’t go too smoothly. , It would be better to wait until early tomorrow morning.

That Xiaozhuo police officer seemed to want to say something, I added, "Yes, the night is heavy, it is better to dig in the morning."

He heard what I said and didn't say anything, so he decided to call some police officers to dig in Nanmen Village early in the morning.

After that, I asked the Xiaozhuo policeman again if he had caught the three Xu family brothers. He said that the Xu family three brothers seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news.

I asked him how the bodies of Coffin Guy and Liu Ergou were handled. He said that he had already given the body to his family, and said that their family's emotions were very simple, and he estimated that he would have to find the three Xu family brothers to make trouble early in the morning.

In this regard, I am also very helpless, especially the family of Coffin Guy, who are simply hob meat. I guess they will turn Nanmen Village upside down tomorrow.

After staying in the police dormitory of Xiaozhuo for a while, we agreed to gather at the gate of the police station at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning and left.

After coming out of the police dormitory of Xiaozhuo, Na Qin Lao San said, find a place to have a few drinks to celebrate the two of us becoming partners. But Nanping Town was very small, and there was nowhere to buy food in the middle of the night. In desperation, I had no choice but to lead him to Ziyang Tao.

Don't tell me, when I arrived at Ziyang Tao's house, I just knocked on the door when the guy jumped all over and opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Qin Lao San said directly, "I wipe it, I'm so fat."

This made Zi Yangtao's face darkened, and he cursed, "Grass, I gained weight by my own ability. What qualifications do you have to say that I am fat, or what you asked me to eat, it's so fucking."

While talking, that Zi Yangtao looked at me and said, "Brother Chuanzi, is your friend sick!"

After speaking, he glared at Old San Qin ferociously, and stopped talking.

Then Qin Lao San smiled awkwardly, and said, "What about it, be quick to speak, little brother, don't mind!"

Zi Yangtao snorted coldly, ignored him, and asked me, "What's going on in the middle of the night."

I didn’t hide it, so I asked him if he had any wine, and asked him if it’s convenient for the day at home. Then Zi Yangtao hummed and invited me into the house. As for Qin Lao San, he did not speak, but Qin Lao San was cheeky. Come in.

That night, the three of us drank a lot of wine in the room, and we got along fairly well. However, Zi Yangtao and Qin Laosan were always at odds. The two of us ignored each other, probably at two o'clock in the morning. Looks like, considering that I have to do business tomorrow, I found a random place at Ziyang Tao's house and spent the whole night.

Early the next morning, Zi Yangtao said that he was going to school and left at six o'clock. Qin and I walked out of Zi Yangtao's house until six thirty when we slept.

Originally wanted to go to the coffin shop, but considering that time was too late, he led Qin Lao San directly to the door of the police station.

When we arrived at the police station, the Xiaozhuo policeman led a dozen policemen standing beside the four police cars. When he saw us, he directly let us get into the police car, saying that he must rush to Nanmen Village before the family members of the deceased make trouble. Otherwise, once the trouble arises, it may be a little tricky to dig.

On the way, I don't know why, I am up and down in my heart, vaguely feel that today's things are a bit bad.

When we arrived at Nanmen Village, it was about 7:30 in the morning. Before we got off the bus, I immediately felt that the atmosphere in the whole village was a bit weird. I couldn't tell what it was like, and I felt that something went wrong in this village.

Without any hesitation, I immediately got out of the car, and then Qin Laosan followed him. He raised his head and saw that the entire Nanmen Village seemed to be shrouded in a mist. There was no house in sight, and there was a swell in the air. A faint fishy smell,

"Chuanzi, this situation is a bit wrong!" Qin Lao San said tremblingly.

I hummed, we just walked along this road, and there was no multiple haze, but when we arrived at Nanmen Village, it seemed like a change of heaven.

At the moment, I stepped into the village, and Qin Laosan and Xiaozhuo police also followed. As for the other dozen policemen who were arranged by Xiaozhuo police to go to Xu Laosan’s new house, they said that they were asked to prepare in advance. , And he had to talk to the village chief.

After all, although Xu Laosan's new house was built halfway up the mountain, it was also part of the Nanmen Village boundary. You had to discuss it with the village chief. Otherwise, you could dig in other people's houses at will, and you would easily provoke gossip.

However, as soon as we entered the village, the three of us were shocked by the scene in front of us, all trembling all over, even I couldn't help but a chill, and subconsciously stepped back.

Impossible, impossible, how could this be? The village was fine last night, how could it become like this overnight!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)