
Chapter 77: Slightly eyebrows


After the villagers in Nanmen Village got better, their first thing was Police Xiaozhuo, and they thanked Xiaozhuo Police.

To say that the policeman of Xiaozhuo was not kind, he said nothing, and immediately told the villagers that he was just doing some hard work, and that the idea of digging the body was mine, and let the villagers of Nanmen Village thank me. , He went directly to deal with those corpses.

This almost didn't hurt me. Those villagers pulled me by as a thank you. They didn't leave one by one until the evening was approaching.

After the villagers left, I was exhausted, and dealing with the villagers was more tiring than work. For example, if someone wants to kneel to you, you must not let them kneel down, you have to pull it a bit!

To say that one or two is okay, it doesn't take much physical effort, but the villagers of a village have to pull it a bit, which is physical work.

After dismissing the villagers, Xiaozhuo's policeman also handled it almost. I asked him how to deal with the body.

He said that the number of corpses was too large for the police station to deal with, so the people’s hospital in the town pulled them over and put them in the morgue, waiting for the deceased’s family to claim the corpses.

In addition, he also told me a very important message, saying that those corpses were not locals, some were from Zhejiang, and some were from Jiangsu.

I asked him how he knew it, and he said that he had checked the cases of missing persons across the country, and a large number of people had already matched the number.

This makes my heart feel like iron, not a local? I'm afraid this matter will become more difficult.

However, things have already gotten this way, so I can only go on doing it with my head dull.

That night, a few of us had a simple meal in Xu Jianguo.

During the meal, I asked Xu Jianguo a few questions, basically asking him what was going on during the day.

What makes me wonder is that Xu Jianguo doesn't seem to remember those things anymore. He just remembers that after we left yesterday, he became confused and fell asleep later.

When he woke up, he heard what we said and he knew what happened to him this morning.

His words undoubtedly cast a thin veil on the whole thing.

After the meal, I, Qin Lao San, Xiao Zhuo police officer, and Xu Jianguo sat around the table of the Eight Immortals, planning to stroke the whole thing.

The first person who spoke was Xiaozhuo police officer. He asked me: "Chuanzi, let's start with you taking this business."

I didn't hide it, so I told him that the three Xu family brothers took the initiative to come to the door when I took the business.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Jianguo was the first to object. He said: "Impossible, it is impossible for the three brothers of the Xu family to take the initiative to find you."

When I heard this, I was immediately puzzled. Zhang Zhishan told me this way and handed me a note.

Immediately, I took out the note and handed it to Xu Jianguo and said, "Here, this is the note given to me by Mr. Xu."

Then Xu Jianguo didn't take the note, so he said, "Chuanzi, you must have made a mistake. Then Xu Lao Dalian Elementary School didn't go to the elementary school. Where can I write, let alone a note."

"Ah!" I exclaimed. The joke was a bit too big. When I first saw this note, I even murmured, the word is really good, even better than that of our Chinese teacher.

But now Xu Jianguo told me that Boss Xu could not write, and I asked again, "Is it possible that his other two brothers wrote it?"

He shook his head and said: "It's impossible. Their parents have a total of five children. The family is very poor. Wherever there is money to go to school, their three brothers did not even enter the school gate. Later, their family financial conditions are good. A little bit, the youngest daughter Xu Sancai went to school, but she just read a book."

After listening to this, I did not speak, vaguely felt that this matter was wrong from the beginning.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, the Xiaozhuo policeman asked me: "Chuanzi, I remember you said at the beginning that it was your master who asked you to come. Do you think this word was written by your master?"

I thought, there is such a possibility, but I know the master's temperament too well, it is impossible for him to write such words.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, I immediately stood up, Xiaozhuo policeman asked me what I was going to do.

I said, go to the coffin shop to find Zhang Zhishan.

He pulled me and said, "Don't worry, it won't be too late to go later. The few of us should try the whole thing first, otherwise, if we just check it out like this, it will be of no effect."

I uttered and sat down angrily.

As soon as I sat down here, the Xiaozhuo policeman asked me again: "Have you ever been there since you came to Nanmen Village?"

I thought about it carefully. After I came to Nanmen Village, it seemed that nothing strange happened. I said, "Except for the house of the third brothers of the Xu family, nothing strange happened."

He hummed, looked at us for a while, and finally looked at Qin Lao San, and asked, "Master Tantai, how did you get involved?"

Qin Lao San gave a wry smile and said, "For the sake of money, after hearing about the three brothers of the Xu family, I took the initiative to come to the door."

I helped him by saying, "Yes, this guy loves money too much and can do this."

Immediately, all of us fell into silence. Everyone felt that it was no different from ordinary hires, but it seemed that we had two hands, gathering us in Nanmen Village.

According to my idea, I went to the coffin shop and asked Zhang Zhishan. After all, the source of the matter was Zhang Zhishan handing me a note, and I rushed over. Now the three Xu family brothers can’t write, so the only possibility is Zhang Zhishan wrote a note by himself and handed it to me.

However, there is one thing that doesn't make sense. How did Zhang Zhishan know about the three brothers of the Xu family, and the master also admitted that he did ask me to help Boss Xu, and Boss Xu did ask me to help.

After this thought, I was one of the first two adults and couldn't take care of so much. After saying a few goodbyes to Xiaozhuo police and the others, I led Qin Laosan to rent a motorcycle back to the coffin shop.

When we returned to the coffin shop, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. What I didn’t understand was that the door of the coffin shop was open, and Zhang Zhishan sat at the door with Erlang's legs upright. Seeing me coming back, he smiled and said:" Brother, are you back?"

I hummed and asked him straightforwardly: "The note you handed me back..."

Without waiting for me to finish, he said directly: "I wrote it."

"You wrote?" I stared at him and asked.

He nodded, "What? Any comments?"

I took a deep look at him, and then asked him: "The three brothers from the Xu family really came to the coffin shop?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)