
Chapter 78: Goodbye Boss Xu


Zhang Zhishan listened to my question, smiled and said, "No!"


My face was slightly startled, and my heart was a little angry. If I haven't been here, then it's likely that Zhang Zhishan is playing tricks on all this, and I asked him: "What do you want to do?"

He slowly got up and didn't speak. He just made a motion to follow him at me. I was a little afraid to go up, mainly because he had too much effort on hand.

That Zhang Zhishan should have seen my worry, and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't harm you. If I wanted to harm you, you would have become a corpse."

While talking, he walked out of the coffin shop and I stared at him for a while. What he said was quite right. If he wanted to harm me, he wouldn't wait until today, so he closed the coffin shop and chased him up.

Qin Laosan seemed to be a little worried, he pulled me, and said, "Chuanzi, this person's origin is unknown, just in case..."

I stopped and said, "He has been laying in my coffin for a while, so he shouldn't harm me."

After that, I followed, Qin Laosan stayed there for a while and followed.

Soon, the two of us caught up in Zhang Zhishan's footsteps and asked him where he was going. He didn't say a word and walked straight ahead.

In this way, we followed behind, and he was walking in front, the silvery white moonlight shining on the ground, shining brightly on the road.

After walking for about ten minutes, I suddenly found that he was walking in a direction a bit like his master’s house.

At this time, I couldn't help it anymore, so I asked Zhang Zhishan where he was going.

He smiled silently.

In desperation, we had to patiently follow him.

Walking, walking, I feel more and more that he is taking me to the master's house, because the field path he is walking now is the only way to the master's house.

This made me even more curious. If I really want to go to the master’s house, just rent a motorcycle in the town. There is no need to walk like this. Isn’t it a waste of time

I wanted to ask, but seeing Zhang Zhishan's lack of interest in speaking, I could not bear the doubts in my heart and followed behind me.

I don't know how long we have been walking, that Zhang Zhishan suddenly stopped. I raised my head and saw that it was exactly the same as I had guessed. He led us to the master's house.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately asked him: "Do you know my master?"

He smiled and said: "People in this world have two eyes and one nose. Anyone who knows or doesn't recognize them is all human beings anyway."

Well, what he said was true. He didn't speak any more, so he followed behind him with his head and walked to the door of the master's house.

Strangely, before entering the master's house, I heard a voice of communication coming out of it.

"Brother, we can't wait here forever!"

"Brother, what are you anxious about, wait for the gust to pass before you talk."

"But, eldest brother if this continues, the reputation of our three brothers will all be bad."

"Second brother, wait a minute, there will be a day when things will come to light."

Listening to this conversation, Qin and I looked at each other. This was the voice of the three brothers from the Xu family. How could they be at the master's house

This is not right. According to our guess, all these things were done by the three Xu family brothers. After all, they built the house, and everything revolves around them.

At the moment, my face sank and I pushed the door open without waiting for me to speak. Then Boss Xu spoke first. He said, "Chuanzi, why are you here?"

I didn't speak, and looked around at the three of them. At this time, the three brothers of the Xu family were no longer as vigorous as they were before. Their faces were full of exhaustion. What puzzled me was that the master was not in the room.

"What have you done to my master?" I asked in a cold voice.

Then Boss Xu was taken aback, and said quickly, "Master Liu is sleeping!"

I ignored him, bypassed them and walked towards the master’s bedroom. As soon as I entered the room, I found that the master was lying in his throat and sleeping soundly. I tentatively shouted, "Master."

"Get out!" The master yelled at me, scared me to retire quickly.

what happened

How could these three people be on my master's side, and listening to the tone of the master just now, it was obvious that he agreed with the three Xu family brothers to stay here.

After retiring from the bedroom, I stared at the three brothers of the Xu family for a while, and did not say a word, while Qin Laosan gently pulled me, lowered his voice and said, "Chuanzi, this is not your master, right? ?"

I glared at him and said: "Don't talk nonsense, how could my master do this kind of thing, his old man is indifferent to fame and fortune, and there is no reason to do this."

"Okay!" Qin Lao San said oh, and stopped talking.

At this moment, Zhang Zhishan walked in, found a stool and sat down, while the three Xu family brothers sat on the side, staring at us with embarrassment and did not speak.

In an instant, the whole scene fell silent, and no one had ever spoken.

After a while, I couldn't bear the doubts in my heart, and asked Boss Xu, "What is going on with your three houses?"

He laughed twice, pointed at the master's bedroom, and whispered: "Master Liu won't let you say, if you want to know, you have to ask your master."

If you dare to ask the master, I would have asked it early in the morning, where would you wait till now and just say: "That's OK, you have to tell me, what is the relationship between the three of you and my master

He said: "This can be said. A few years ago, my parents had some intersections with your master. Your master once owed my parents a favor, which allowed us to stay here."

I screamed, I didn't expect the master and the three Xu family brothers to have this relationship.

However, it's right to think about it. If there was no such relationship, the master wouldn't let me help them when they took the job.

This makes me vaguely feel that this matter is related to the master, but it is only related to the master, and the initiator of the whole thing is by no means the master.

At the moment, I asked him again: "Have you heard, "Jiashan Geng, Yishan Xin, Maoshanyou, Monkey Mouse Lord, and the room is being bullied again." Didn't you say that?"

He shook his head and asked in doubt: "What does this mean?"

When I heard it, I guessed I hadn't heard it before, and then asked him: "Have you ever heard of'Zhonggong flies out, and Gen Li looks for a position'?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Lao Er, who had never spoken before, spoke. He said: "I have heard this. It was Liu Ergou's words before he died. I was listening to this outside the room, so I asked Xu Jianguo to speak. This is passed to you."

Listening to these words, my heart became more confused. Hearing what he meant, when Liu Ergou and the coffin guy went on the roof, he should be on the side.

If I remember correctly, Boss Xu told me that the reason why Liu Ergou and Coffin Guy would die was because they wanted to go on the roof to steal things. The two seem to be contradictory!

I asked this doubt.

Xu Laoer explained to me that Liu Ergou and the coffin guy did sneak up to the roof. He felt curious at the time, so he followed. Who would have thought that they both fell off after a short time when they climbed up. Not leaning, just fell on the stump, and fell across the intestines.

After listening to his explanation, I and Qin Lao San looked at each other, and there was a trace of disbelief in each other's eyes. This is no way. Let me ask, whoever falls from the roof will fall like that.

The second Xu's obviously knew that we didn't believe him, so he swore an oath that day, saying that if there is a half lie, he will not die.

To be honest, I swear that this thing is a game played by a child, but at this time, I believe it. The reason is simple. They said this at the master’s house, and based on the experience of the master and his elders, you should be able to see this Xu Jiasan Brothers are not the real killers of all this, otherwise they would not be kept here.

So the question is, who is the real culprit in all this? And what is the purpose of the murderer

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)