
Chapter 86: Well-intentioned


Police Xiaozhuo should have seen my plan, and turned their heads one by one, saying, "We haven't seen anything."

Especially the three brothers of the Xu family, they even discussed what food to eat tonight. This stomped Xu Sancai's feet, but there was no way.

Right now, I stared directly at Xu Sancai, and sternly said: "I don't care what role you play in this matter. One day in the future, I will kill you to avenge my master. Everyone who is involved in this matter, I, Luo Dongchuan, swear here that he will definitely regret coming to this world."

After speaking, I strode out to the outside by the meteor.

When I walked out of the police station, my heart was empty, and my instinct told me that this woman had a great relationship with the death of the master, but because of her lack of skill and no direct evidence to prove that she was related to this matter, I had to temporarily suppress the idea of revenge. .

I still remember that my brother once said to me that a man living in the world should be able to bend and stretch, and not act impulsively, otherwise it will only be bad.

Thinking about it now, these words of my brother have played a decisive role in my life, and it is precisely because of these words of my brother that my personality has become a little more feminine.

Sometimes I have to say that life is just a blank piece of paper. Whether it’s a colorful life or a gray color depends entirely on the experience of a person in this life. And perhaps from the moment I was born, I was destined to be incomprehensible with ghosts. Fate is also destined to live in gray in this life.

Someone once asked me why my temperament has changed so much, I only said two words, master.

At the door of the police station, after staying for a minute, I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. I only felt that the blue sky was gray in my heart, "Master, I... will definitely become a real ghost." Carpenter."

Just after I said this, two policemen came to face each other, and they walked over with Liu Sheng.

I rubbed my face hard, and smiled and asked the two policemen if they had discovered anything. They said that they had found 300,000 yuan and a blueprint.

I asked them if they could give me the blueprints, but the two of them seemed undecided. They said that they had to ask the police officer Xiaozhuo, so they went in.

After a while, Laosan Qin came out with an extra design drawing in his hand, handed it to me, and said, "Chuanzi, Xiaozhuo police said that this thing is useless at the police station."

I took the design drawing and took a look, and the whole person shook suddenly. I understand, understand. No wonder the three houses are like this. It turns out that all of us have entered a misunderstanding from the beginning, and only the master is alone. Understand, this made me solve the matter.

"Master, I'm sorry for you!"

In an instant, I knelt down, two lines of clear tears spilled from the corner of my eye.

After a long time, Qin Laosan came over, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Chuanzi, I'm sorry to change."

I didn't say a word. I knelt at the door of the police station for almost a minute, then stood up and ran towards the coffin shop abruptly.

Qin Lao San followed behind and shouted: "Chuanzi, why are you going!"

I still didn't speak, and ran to the coffin shop and saw Zhang Zhishan sitting at the door, smoking a stuffy cigarette.

I walked over, grabbed the collar, and shouted hysterically, "Why, why didn't you tell me earlier, why!"

"You know?" He asked quietly, opened my arm, and said: "When you taught Wang Run to be a student, your master knew that Wang Runxue was that kind of fate, and if you were to teach him to be a student, you were bound to provoke him. Yin Qi upper body, the only way to solve that Yin Qi is to use the black ants derived from those three houses. Only in this way can you have no worries."

I cried, and Dou Da's tears fell down, and he choked up and asked: "Since the master knows all this, his old man can tell me not to go!"

Zhang Zhishan sighed deeply and slowly said: "I once asked your master. His old man said that every ghostmaker needs to go through some things alone, and what his old man can do is clean up these things for you. You will have no worries about being a ghostmaker in the future."

With a bang, my legs softened and I leaned against the wall, letting tears slide across my cheeks, and there was only one sentence in my mind, "Your master already knew that kind of fate."

The so-called destiny is actually the destiny of the star. People with this destiny are destined not to marry and have children, nor to own a house. According to the words in the Luban Sutra, the destiny of the star is a lotus without roots, whether it is a carpenter or a carpenter. Ghosts are most taboo to work for such people.

At that time, I was involved in that incident because of Wang Yangming's death, and because Wang Runxue had a way to save my second uncle, that was why I was able to serve him. Who would have imagined that I was caught in black handprints and bubbles.

If you want to solve the black fingerprints and bubbles, you have to use the black ants derived from the three houses. The master knew that the black ants derived from these three houses could cure me, so his old man was willing to take risks. He did a lot of things secretly, which led to his death.

All of this is the situation set by the master’s enemy, it’s just one link after another, so meticulous, it makes people fall into it unknowingly, but the master alone sees through this situation, his old man’s original intention is to break. After that game, however, he got older and had limited physical strength, and finally lost his life.

It can even be said that the incident between Wang Runjia's Shangliang and the Xu family's three brothers is itself a duel, a duel between a master and that person, and the master is defeated. He is not defeated because of inferior skills, but because of physical exhaustion.

Until now, I don't understand why the master said that the man was too yin before he died.

As for the three brothers Wang Runxue and the Xu family, they were just a chess piece being used in this duel.

It's right to think about it, who is not a pawn in the world

After trying to understand all this, I asked Zhang Zhishan, "Do you know who my master's enemy is?"

He shook his head and said, "His old man helped many people throughout his life, but you also know that when you solve a problem, you also offend some people. Because of this, your master has many enemies. Therefore, his old man has many enemies. I will teach you some self-defense techniques regardless of the respect of the elders."

After that, he shook his head and sighed deeply, and said: "Your master's concern for you is really embarrassing. It seems to be beaten and scolded at will, but in fact, in his own way, he paved the way for you. If you are a teacher like this in your life, you should never ask for it!"

After speaking, he slowly turned around and walked into the coffin shop.

Looking at his back, I thoroughly understood the master's intention, and without hesitation, I quickly knelt down to Zhang Zhishan's back and said, "Master three begs you to teach me!"

The three masters startled slightly, stopped, and didn’t look back, saying, “Study to self-defense is an amateur thing. Don’t forget your own ghostmaker. You should study the craftsmanship of the ghostmaker right now. However, there is One thing you can rest assured, since I have accepted you as an apprentice, I will naturally teach you some self-defense techniques so that you will not be harmed in the future and be ashamed of his old man’s spirit in the sky."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)