
Chapter 90: Wang Jiong


When I heard that, it’s better to say that Teacher Yaoguang is better. I must marry a wife like this in the future. Looking at the heart-warming, I am willing to eat less.

At the moment, I quickly said: "How much do you know about Teacher Xu?"

She did not speak directly, but glanced around and whispered: "This is not a place to speak, go to my dormitory and talk!"

I nodded slightly, and followed Teacher Yaoguang to her dormitory.

Don’t say it, it’s the first time I have known Teacher Yaoguang in her dormitory for so long. The whole room is like a pink ocean, with a pink Simmons bed covered with pink bedding and a pink mosquito net on top. , There is a pink dressing table at the head of the bed, with various cosmetics on it, and several Leslie Cheung posters on the wall.

"Sit!" Teacher Yaoguang pulled a stool and said to me: "The room is a bit messy, don't mind!"

I gave a wry smile, one of my students didn't have the guts to mind the mess in the teacher's room, and said hurriedly, "It's okay."

She smiled, sat down in the **, and said: "Speaking of this teacher Xu Shiqing, we are awkward to our female teacher on weekdays. Many teachers have complaints, but it is difficult for colleagues to say anything, but that's it. I'm a bit sorry to die."

Listening to this, I hurriedly asked: "Isn't he a gentleman Qianqian?"

Teacher Yaoguang gave up and said, "It is true in front of the students. By the way, he asked me yesterday afternoon and said that he invited me to have lunch with me at noon today, but I refused without even thinking about it. .cocoa…."

After speaking, she paused, looked at me again, and continued: "But...but his expression was very strange at the time. Every time he said a word, the corner of his mouth would twitch subconsciously, and his speech was not as smooth as usual. It seemed that there was something stuck in the throat. I asked him if it was okay. His reaction was very strange and he said something inexplicable."

I breathed tightly and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

She thought for a while, shook her head and said: "I don't know what he said, that is very difficult to understand, not like what we usually say, more like a spell."


I was stunned, it was not right, then Xu Shiqing was just a teacher, why would there be any spell, and said: "Teacher Yaoguang, could it be that you heard it wrong?"

She shook her head and said confidently: "It is impossible to hear him wrong. What he said at the time was definitely not what we usually said. I will never remember this wrong."

Hearing what she said, I snorted in my heart. It seems that Xu Shiqing's identity may not be as simple as a teacher.

Later, I asked Teacher Yaoguang something more. She probably told me that Xu Shiqing graduated from a prestigious university, and she didn't know what was going on, so she would come to this small town to become a high school teacher.

Ordinarily, with Xu Shiqing's diploma, he can easily find a good position in a university. There is no need to come to this small town, but he has come.

There is also a crucial point. Teacher Yaoguang said that Xu Shiqing has nothing to do with things about metaphysics.

Therefore, Teacher Yaoguang once asked me whether Xu Shiqing was cursed and died.

After listening to her, I was also drunk. I didn’t expect that the great people’s teacher would believe in cursing, and said: “It should not be, it may be related to some of his usual activities!”

Having said that, I stared at her and asked her: "Teacher Yaoguang, can I ask you a question?"

She nodded and said, "Ask!"

I said, "Why can you tell that I won't kill him?"

She glanced at me and said, "I am your head teacher, of course I know you didn't kill. Besides, if you really kill, you won't come to school."

Well, I didn't expect Teacher Yaoguang to believe me so much, and did not speak any more, so he bid farewell.

After coming out of Teacher Yaoguang’s room, I didn’t stay at school any longer, so I planned to go to the police station to probe the policeman Xiaozhuo's tone. After all, this involves me, so I have to see what policeman Xiaozhuo's attitude is.

To my disappointment, the police officer Xiaozhuo said that he knew nothing about the incident. Even the police investigating the incident were not the police in our town. They said that the city bureau came directly to investigate.

In this regard, I vaguely feel that this matter is a bit big. You must know that so many people died last time, and no one came down from the Municipal Bureau. This time, the death of Xu Shiqing shocked the Municipal Bureau. It is estimated that Xu Shiqing has a little background. .

When I was leaving the house, the police officer Xiaozhuo told me that the leader of the municipal bureau was Wang Jiong, and Xu Shiqing was a high school classmate, so I must pay attention to it. It was also said that Wang Jiong was different from the previous police, but a special agent under the Eighth Office.


I didn’t understand, so I asked him what the eighth office was. He said he didn’t know what it was, but just told me that Wang Jiong had a bad temper, irritable, and didn’t understand the customs of the village, especially our ghost maker. A set of mysterious things is completely useless in front of Wang Jiong. Maybe I will put a hat to promote feudal superstition on my head.

This made me almost vomiting blood. If the policeman Xiaozhuo was asked to do this, I might still have room for tact, after all, they are all acquaintances.

However, if Wang Jiong is allowed to come, I guess I will suffer.

Right now, I rolled my eyes, made up an idea, and asked the police officer Xiaozhuo, "What does that person look like and when will he arrive?"

He said: "The man is easy to recognize. He is of medium height, fat body, and has a beard. He can be there at around 11 noon."

I hummed, then thanked Xiaozhuo police officer, and went straight back to the coffin shop and found Qin Lao San. Without talking nonsense with him, I said straightforwardly, "I want to hit someone, are you going?"

"Who hit?" he said.

I glanced at him and said, "A new agent seems to be the eighth agent. We have to give him some power first, otherwise, we must fall into his hands."

"Ah!" The old man Qin stared at me with a look of astonishment, "Chuanzi, your mind is okay! Beat... Beat... Detective, isn't that going to kill yourself?"

I said quietly: "You don't understand, but Xiaozhuo policeman said, that the new Wang Jiong is not an ordinary person. He has never believed in evil. If we go to do that, we will definitely be denied by Wang Jiong, and may be returned. It will send us to the bill, we have to knock him a few sap first, so that he can improve his memory."

"But... But... But Wang Jiong hasn't come yet, how can you tell that he will send us to the horn?" Qin Lao San seemed to be a little timid, and said tremblingly.

I said, "Let’s say it’s better to strike first, and knock him a few sap sneakily so that he won’t ride on our heads.

After all, I didn't want to talk to him anymore, so I asked me whether I should go or not.

Then Qin's youngest was still alive, saying that he was afraid of being arrested.

I didn't force him, so I touched a wooden stick and hid behind him, and went to the town's bus station to wait.

Of course, the reason why I planned to knock Wang Jiong's sap this time seemed a bit abrupt, but in fact, apart from what I told Qin Laosan to start first, there was another very important reason. It was for that reason that I was Plan to hit Wang Jiong with a few sap on his own risk.

(During the period of the new book, please ask fans.)

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)