
Chapter 99: White Witch


What makes me puzzled is that after three or four minutes of comprehension, there is no sound from the Sky Tree. Is this place okay

I murmured, and I was about to feel it again, but Qin Lao San probably couldn't hold on anymore, and he shook abruptly. There is no other way. Qin's physique itself is not fat. Strictly speaking, he is about the same shape as mine. He is thin, and he has reached the limit of carrying me for three or four minutes.

At the moment, I was about to say forget it. A person I did not expect came over. This person was Wang Jiong's subordinate, and he had been talking to Wang Jiong for Captain Peng. This person was about 30 years old and had a flat head. I learned afterwards that his name was Huang Jinshan.

After Huang Jinshan came over, he said, "I'll help you."

As he said, he dragged me tightly, and Qin Lao San smiled at me and said: "Chuanzi, you continue, we both carry underneath."

I hummed, and said thank you to the Jinshan, and closed my eyes again to realize the changes in the sky.

This time, I felt it took longer, probably about ten minutes, but to my disappointment, Tianzhimu still didn't make any sound. This is not right. When I felt it in the east, there was a clear cooing sound, which meant that the pond was too yang.

Why is there no sound in the west

Could it be that I had previously heard hallucinations

As soon as this idea was born, there was a slight noise from the Sky Tree, but the sound was very muddy. I could not tell whether it was a cooing sound or a giggling sound, but the two voices in the Sky Tree represented two meanings. One is extremely heavy yang and the other is extremely heavy yin.

At the moment, I frowned, my emotions and thoughts, dare not to have any distracting thoughts, and once again felt the changes in the sky tree.

Gradually, the voice became clearer and clearer.

It's a chuckle.

This means that Yin Qi is extremely heavy.

Hell, how could this happen? This pond is only half an acre. Why would there be two extreme situations

At this moment, the gurgling noise became louder and louder, and in the end it was even more deafening, which scared me to open my eyes quickly.

But, as soon as I opened my eyes, the gurgling sound was still in my ears. What made me panic was that the sound was a bit like the sound we heard on the top of the mountain. It was so low and gloomy, like a ghost crying a wolf, It's completely beyond the sensing range of the Sky Tree.

In other words, the Yin Qi in this place has reached a terrible point.

"Chuanzi, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that my face was wrong, Qin Lao San immediately let me down.

But, at this moment, I felt as if I was hooked by something, and I couldn't hear his voice at all, and there was that kind of gurgling sound in my ears.

"Not good!" Huang Jinshan exclaimed, and quickly took out a bottle from his body. The bottle was very small, with only the big thumb and the bottle was dark green.

After he took out the bottle, he immediately said to Qin Lao San, "Quick, open his mouth!"

Then Qin Lao San was also in a hurry, and immediately opened my mouth, Huang Jinshan did not hesitate, and hurriedly opened the cap of the bottle, and poured some *** in my mouth.

The bitterness is extraordinarily bitter, with a slightly astringent taste in the bitterness.

What’s even more strange is that as the ** poured into my mouth, my whole body's sense organs seemed to be activated at this moment, the whole person suddenly recovered, raised his hand and desperately pulled into my mouth, thinking Pick out that **.

When Huang Jinshan saw this situation, he smiled and said to me: "Dongchuan, stop buckling, that thing melts in your mouth."

I frowned and asked him: "What is it?"

He smiled bitterly and said: "This is my housekeeping skill, I can't tell the public, I hope you can forgive me!"

Well, he didn't want to say, and I couldn't force it, but fortunately, the feeling just disappeared in an instant.

"Dongchuan, did you find something?" Huang Jinshan asked me.

With a hum, I lifted my eyes and looked at the stump on the east side, then at the stump on the west side, and said, "The east side of this pond is very sunny, but the west side is very yin. If you guessed it correctly, This pond should have something to do with the stone statue on the top of Mount Hou. I am afraid that Xu Shiqing's death is also related to this matter."

As soon as he said this, Jinshan frowned and looked at Wang Jiong, and Wang Jiong stopped directly and said: "The ghostmaker said he can handle it, don't look at me, I won't interfere in this matter. ."

"Captain Wang, if Captain Peng knows..."

Without waiting for Huang Jinshan to finish speaking, Wang Jiong said, "Even if I know it, it's the ghostmaker kid's business. What does it have to do with my Wang?"

Having said that, he stretched his waist and continued: "I have been here for so long and haven't taken a good break, Li Peng, the leader of this team will take you to go fishing and feel this field life."

After saying this, Wang Jiong led the man next to him towards the village.

Looking at Wang Jiong's back, I honestly couldn't figure out his thoughts, and I didn't understand why he hated the profession of ghost craftsman, so I asked Huang Jinshan the doubt.

He explained to me that Wang Jiong did not have opinions about his profession as a ghostmaker, but had a feast with my senior brother Wang Qingshan. As for the feast, Huang Jinshan said he didn't know.

However, he told me another piece of news, that is Wang Jiong’s identity. He told me that Wang Jiong’s profession is a wizard, strictly speaking a white witch, who prays for rain, exorcisms, and evil spirits. , Deworming, hunting, and soul-seeking, and last night, Wang Jiongneng cured the three of Xu Shimin in a short time by using white witchcraft.

After listening to him, I muttered, Bai Wu

I seem to have heard from the senior brother before that there are very few white witches in this world, and even rare. White witchcraft is similar to our ghost craftsman’s language, which is based on language. Commonly known as a spell.

Their spells are roughly divided into three types: forbidden spells, blessings, and blessings. When chanting a spell, they have to cooperate with a step called Yubu.

What I didn't expect was that Wang Jiong would actually be a white witch, which really surprised me.

Just when I was stunned by this skill, Jinshan gave me a push and asked me: "What's the matter with this pond?"

I didn’t speak directly. I stared at the pond for a while, and then looked at the location of the back mountain. The reason why this pond exhibits the polarization of Yin and Yang should be related to the statue of the stone. What's the matter, I don’t say no. Come out of it.

At the moment, I gave a wry smile and told him that I didn't know what was going on for the time being.

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Lao San didn't know what was going on, and suddenly grabbed my arm tightly, and his speech began to knot. I asked him what was wrong, and he trembled and said, "Chuan...Chuan...Chuanzi," I... I seem to see Xu Shimin in the water!"

I glared at him, and Xu Shimin hadn't been standing on the shore, how could he have appeared in the water, and was about to blame him.

Where do I know, Huang Jinshan also trembled and said, "I...I saw it too."

I was stunned for a moment, then looked towards the pond, stunned, I was completely stunned.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)