Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 63: I still have to take the college entrance examination


After leaving the Cheng family villa, Jiang Xiu walked on the street. The memories of Cheng Lingran that had long since been dusted came back to him like they were awakening, and finally turned into a puddle of endless regret and pain.

Pain makes people unforgettable, but in this life, even if Jiang Xiu wanted to feel pain, he might not get pain. His parents were still alive, his ambitions were ahead, and the path to immortality was his destination.

His heart was bound.

Jiang Xiu, the dignified leader of the Tianxing Sect, is a genius, capable of overcoming obstacles and being invincible. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he can kill all the conspiracies with one sword. Naturally, he himself is fearless, but he is afraid of causing trouble to Cheng Lingran. Afraid of hurting him, I didn't even dare to pursue him.

In what name was she pursuing the down-and-out Jiang Xiu? How could she like it? The powerful Mr. Jiang also had to worry about pressure from people around her, forcing her to do things that would wrong her.

If I betray you for one lifetime, I am unkind and unrighteous. If I betray you for two lifetimes, I will have no face to stand in the world again.

It started to rain lightly in the sky.

He raised his head slightly and saw the drizzle falling continuously, water droplets falling on his face.

"Mr. Jiang, several leaders from all over Jiangcheng have come to Jiangcheng. They want to see you."

After Jiang Xiu unified Jiangcheng's underground, he would inevitably unify or reorganize the terrain, business, and resources of various places. Tang Zhenshan, Ye Yiliang, Boss Zhong, Wen Zuolin, none of them are not good people, and no one is willing to give up their assets. Strength was given away.

After so many days, there was no movement from Jiang Xiu, and they couldn't stand it any longer.

"Come to my villa."

Mr. Jiang said that there were a lot of luxury cars in front of the villa, and one famous person got out of the car one after another. They were too anxious. When they came, Jiang Xiu himself did not arrive, so they could only wait outside the villa. , the queue stretched for a mile, all holding umbrellas in their hands, the momentum was so spectacular.

A taxi wanted to drive into the villa area, but was stopped.

"Cars are prohibited, move to the side!"

The taxi driver had never seen such a scene before, and he didn't dare to say no. He quickly pulled the car to the side, secretly guessing which big shot was coming.

The two girls in the car were unhappy. These two people were Ouyang Qian and Li Dan who had celebrated Cheng Lingsu's birthday party. Considering that they had classes tomorrow, the party ended a little early.

"How can we stop here? I still have ten minutes to walk home."

The driver said: "You two ladies, I don't want any money for this trip. Please walk a few steps on your own."

Hearing that the driver didn't want any money, Ouyang Qian and Li Dan had no choice but to say, "It's raining outside, so we can't leave."

The person who stopped the car said, "Then just wait on the side of the road. It will probably be here soon."

Ouyang Qian and Li Dan stuck their heads out of the car window in the rain and took a look. They were frightened to death. There were men in black holding umbrellas on both sides of the road. There were clouds of luxury cars along the way, and the road stretched on with no end in sight.

"Wow, big brother, who can stop this?"

The girl asked curiously.

The man glanced at the two girls and uttered three words in a cryptic voice: "Jiang! Sir! Sir!"

The two women looked at each other with uncontrollable excitement in their eyes.

"Mr. Jiang, is this the one you're talking about?"

Ouyang Qian cried out.

"Other than that person, who else has such a pomp? All the talkers in Jiangcheng are here."

"Okay, let's wait, let's wait!"

The two women were so happy that they did not expect to have the opportunity to see Mr. Jiang.

Just as they were talking, a man wearing ordinary clothes walked through. The rain fell on him, soaking his clothes. The canvas shoes under his feet were also soaked. He stepped into the rain with steady and powerful steps.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Xiu walked back for more than three hours, and these people also waited for more than three hours. Someone with sharp eyes ran over and helped him hold the umbrella.

Hearing the sound, the two girls in the car looked quickly. The street lights were dim and the rain was misty. They only saw a tall man's figure. But when they saw him walking all the way, people on both sides bowed and saluted, and respectfully called Mr. Jiang. , is really extremely arrogant and majestic, making people feel inexplicably excited.

"He, he is Mr. Jiang."

Seeing such a character, the two young girls couldn't help but become a little crazy. I thought to myself that one day I could hold her arm, walk on this path with him, and share his glory, and this life would be ninety-nine percent satisfied.

The next second, Jiang Xiu turned slightly sideways, revealing half of his handsome face. The two girls stared as if they had been shocked by electricity: "How is that possible!"

When they wanted to see more clearly, Jiang Xiu had already turned around.

"I must have seen it wrong. The sky is so dark. There must be a resemblance between people."

"It can't be the one who sets up the fruit stall."

He kept watching Mr. Jiang go away.

It was a stormy night in Jiangcheng, and the light rain kept falling. Everyone felt extremely nervous and solemn, with only dim street lights shining on them.

"Come inside."

Except for the speaker, no one else has the qualification to enter the villa, including their personal bodyguards. Even Mr. Lin next to Ye Yiliang cannot follow him.

"Mr. Tang!"

Jiang Xiu only said hello to Tang Zhenshan, and everyone else ignored him, including Ye Yiliang. This made Ye Yiliang feel vaguely uneasy. He had offended Mr. Jiang, which was more troublesome.

Entering the villa, we sat at the long table in the living room according to seniority. On the left was Tang Zhenshan, and on the right was Ye Yiliang. There were more than a dozen people sitting there. Those who could not sit or stand before now had to be honest and smoke. None of the cigar smokers dared to light it for fear of offending Mr. Jiang.

"Mr. Jiang, regarding business..."

Tang Zhenshan spoke. He was the oldest and closest to Jiang Xiu.

"I'm not interested in business matters."

Jiang Xiu said: "As it was before, it will be the same in the future."

Everyone present was surprised when they heard this, but they could no longer hide the joy in their eyes. They all breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Jiang Xiu would open his mouth. Under Jiang Xiu's lewd power, he would not be able to get what he wanted. No matter what I give you, you can’t resist even if it takes your life, let alone money.

"Jiangcheng is not small and the surrounding population is nearly 10 million. You also have a lot of resources, but there is too much vicious competition. Let's reorganize it."

Everyone present heard this and nodded.

"Let's discuss this matter."

"If you can't decide, come back to me."

What he is doing is actually managing by doing nothing, which is very clever.

Mr. Tang said: "There is one more thing."

"Mr. Jiang, you have unified Jiangcheng's underground for some time. According to the rules, Mr. Jiang will be allowed to handle housework within seven days, but you must not exceed seven days without going to the provincial capital to worship Wang Xuehai at the dock."

"Worship the dock?"

Tang Zhenshan said: "Yes, Wang Xuehai is based in Hangzhou, and his influence covers many surrounding cities and covers most of Jiangnan Province. He is considered a leading figure in Jiangnan Province."

"When you take office, you have to visit the dock. You also have to visit during the holidays. This is etiquette."

Jiang Xiu smiled coldly: "Etiquette?"

"What is Wang Xuehai's background?"

Tang Zhenshan said: "Wang Xuehai's ancestor was the great warlord Wang Xueqi. He conquered most of the south of the Yangtze River and had hundreds of thousands of troops under his command. He left behind an amazing family fortune and countless followers. Although a hundred years have passed, times have changed. But the family has a profound heritage, and it is one of the best inherited families in Jiangnan Province."

"Any time you mention Jiangnan, you must mention the Wang family. When you mention the Wang family, you must mention Wang Xuehai. The Wang family has been operating in Jiangnan for generations. On the first day when Gu Shu came to Jiangnan Province, he did not go to his office but to the Wang family first."

Jiang Xiu said: "Local nobles."

Tang Zhenshan said: "That's what it means."

"They are heirs to martial arts, but they have many disciples who are extremely intelligent. The Wang family has stood in the south of the Yangtze River for hundreds of years. How many people have tried to replace it, but no one has succeeded. With the economic boom in Jiangnan Province, many people have stared at this piece of fat, but no one has ever succeeded. Xiangjiang, Bao He has driven away all the forces from the island, Japan, and Korea, and it can be said that they are unbreakable."

Mentioning Wang Xuehai, Tang Zhenshan showed admiration on his face.

"Mr. Jiang, we still have to visit Wang Xuehai's dock."

Jiang Xiu said: "So what if I don't bow?"

"this… "

Everyone present looked at each other in confusion. I had never heard of a high-ranking official in Jiangnan who did not go to Wangjia Pier. Lin Zhenbei must have been so good in Jiangcheng back then. When he went to Wangjia, he was not even qualified to enter the front door. Those who entered through the side door could only enter through the side door. Mr. Wang was called out and sent back. Everyone actually had the same idea in their hearts: Wang Xuehai had to weigh Jiang Xiu's weight.

"If Mr. Jiang doesn't go to visit the dock, he will be disgracing the Wang family and may cause trouble."

In Tang Zhenshan's view, Jiangcheng needs to be integrated internally, so where can it have the energy to deal with the Wang family.

Little did he know that Jiang Xiu had no intention of doing this.


Jiang Xiu smiled lightly: "I will take the college entrance examination next month?"