Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation

Chapter 64: Cheating


Jiang Xiu's words made all the talk leaders present look at each other in shock. Does the dignified Mr. Jiang still have to worry about the college entrance examination? What is the college entrance examination for? It’s not about finding a promising job in the future!

But now the entire Jiangcheng underground belongs to you, plus that miraculous strength. Not to mention, Ye Yiliang, Tang Zhenshan and the others have many top students in the companies under their control, including Imperial University and Huaguo University. Work for them.

Do you still need to take the college entrance examination? Are you kidding? This is a naked provocation to the Wang family and Wang Xuehai.

However, the Wang family is not an easy person, and I am afraid that Mr. Jiang will cause a big disaster.

Time passed, and the seven-day period passed quickly. The underground in Jiangcheng was secretly stunned. Jiang Xiu really didn't go to visit Wang Xuehai's dock. He still thought that he might delay it for a day or two to gain some face for himself. Everyone waited for another three days. , still missing Jiang Xiu got up and headed to Hangzhou, and still didn’t go on the fourth day...

Half a month later, everyone had to believe Jiang Xiu's words that he would not go to Wang Xuehai's dock.

But our Mr. Jiang has never been obedient in reviewing his homework to prepare for the college entrance examination, and he has no discipline to practice at home. The joy that practice brings to him is like a primary school student playing with pesticides on his mobile phone. He is addicted to it, even if the progress is so slow that it makes him feel uncomfortable. No matter how much people say it, he enjoys it, and the feeling of running it for a week is also very good.

When I came to school that day, the atmosphere in the school was even more tense than usual. It turned out that there was an examination area to be arranged that day.

This is assigned by the computer. We will try our best to avoid people who know each other sitting in the same examination room to avoid cheating. You must know that cheating in the college entrance examination has occurred frequently over the years.

I don’t know if it was fate, but Jiang Xiu and Ye Bing were rarely placed in the same classroom, and the examination room was in Grade 1, Class 3 of No. 1 Middle School.

"Jiang Xiu!"

Hearing someone calling, Jiang Xiu turned around and saw Cheng Lingsu and the others. Ouyang Qian and Li Dan were also among them. The moment Jiang Xiu turned around and looked back, he saw the figure under the misty street lamp. However, they didn't think that Jiang Xiu would be Mr. Jiang Luoxia, who was famous in Jiangcheng.

"What's the matter?"

Cheng Lingsu asked: "Which examination room are you in?"

"No. 1 Middle School, Grade 1, Class 3."

Cheng Lingsu said: "We are not in the same examination room, I am in my own school."

Ouyang Qian next to her said: "Then today may be the last time we meet." It felt like getting rid of an annoying fly, with a look of joy on her face.

"Ha, Mr. Ye, he seems to be in the same examination room as you."

Ye Wenchen pushed up his glasses and said, "It's true that you can be in the same examination room as the future provincial champion. Jiang Xiu, this is your luck. You can brag with others for the rest of your life."

A sense of superiority came over me.

The look in Jiang Xiu's eyes was so dismissive.

Jiang Xiu smiled lightly.

"I think the chance of you becoming the top scorer in the college entrance examination is zero. Whether you can get into college is also a question."

Ye Wenchen's expression changed: "What?"

After saying that, Jiang Xiu turned around and left.

Lin Shu, who was standing next to him, said angrily: "Is he an idiot? I don't know that Young Master Ye has not fallen out of the top three in the province for seven consecutive final exams in the past month. He actually said that Young Master Ye can't get into college."

"When the college entrance examination is over, he will not even be able to pass the junior college entrance examination, and he still needs to take the high school entrance examination, then he will know what reality is." Ouyang Qian also said fiercely.

Cheng Lingsu also shook her head helplessly. She was extremely disappointed with Jiang Xiu. After all, they met each other. She actually didn't really wish Jiang Xiu bad luck, but this person was really hopeless. If he didn't work hard, he still expected others to follow him. Just as unlucky.

How could she marry him? Absolutely not, not even to death.

Perhaps, it was also because he was there and he wanted to save face. Hateful people must have pity.

The day of the college entrance examination.

All noise around the examination room was ordered to stop by the Jiangcheng government, and some vehicles were even restricted in order to smooth traffic and avoid traffic jams.

The first exam is Chinese.


Before approaching the examination room, Ye Bing stopped Jiang Xiu. This was the first time Ye Bing spoke directly to Jiang Xiu in more than a month since the conflict.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Jiang Xiu's arrogant look, Ye Bing's anger that had finally subsided started to rise again, but he still said: "Take the test well... Come on!"

As a classmate, she felt that it was still necessary to cheer Jiang Xiu up. Although his grades were very poor and he would definitely not get any good results, she still hoped that he could use his full strength.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do better than you in the exam."

I was so angry that I had good intentions, but ended up getting yelled at.

Ye Bing stomped his feet and entered the examination room angrily.

The invigilator was a very ferocious-looking teacher. They were a man and a woman. When they entered the examination room, their eyes widened like wild beasts. As an invigilator, he also did his homework. He had investigated the student's performance in advance and locked it in immediately. Jiang Xiu is a student who doesn't want to be nice and is ready to cheat at the first glance.

"My mobile phones, books, and schoolbags are all left outside. Only pens and stationery are allowed into the examination room."

The next step is to distribute the test papers, and this process is also very smooth.

As soon as the bell rings, the candidates officially begin the exam.

"Have you seen that examinee? His name is Jiang Xiu. He is the student with the worst grades in No. 2 Middle School. I heard that the school's conduct is very bad. He is the most likely to cheat." The male teacher secretly told his fellow invigilator.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on him." The female teacher said.

She walked leisurely down and walked to Jiang Xiu's side without leaving a trace. She cast a sidelong glance at Jiang Xiu's drawer, and her eyes suddenly widened. This kid must be too arrogant.

I saw that Jiang Xiu's drawer was full of exam preparation materials. This cheating was too cruel and inhumane. Did he just ignore the invigilator

"This classmate, take out the books from the drawer."

Everyone present in the examination room seemed to be looking over after hearing the sound.

Someone got caught cheating

Oh my gosh, this is just the beginning.

Ye Wenchen also turned around and took a look. He was happy. It was Jiang Xiu and he cursed: "Idiot!" He actually cheated in the college entrance examination. He was extremely stupid.

Ye Bing frowned when he saw that it was Jiang Xiu. This bastard, if he was caught cheating, he would get a zero score. This was Chinese language, which accounted for a large proportion of the total score.

"What book?" Jiang Xiu asked in surprise.

"You're still pretending... Hey, where are the books?" The teacher reached into Jiang Xiu's drawer and was about to take the books out, but he put his hand in and found an empty space. He lowered his head and looked inside. It was also empty, but he clearly saw it just now. ah.

She was confused, wondering if I had seen it wrong.

"Ah, no, it's okay, you continue..."

She felt that there was no reason for her to see it wrong. She could see it clearly. Could it be that the weather was too hot and her eyesight was dazzled.

Jiang Xiu said: "Teacher, I hope you won't disturb my exam."

"The college entrance examination is a test that determines our destiny for us."

The candidates present were also affected and cast disgusted looks.

The female teacher said sarcastically: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry everyone, I made a mistake. Let's continue."

Only then did all the candidates look away and continue taking the exam.

The female teacher wondered why she was just looking at it. She slowly walked back to the podium, but when she turned around, she saw a scene that made her even more stunned. Jiang Xiu took a book and put it on the desk and started copying. stand up.

Damn you, I've never seen someone so arrogant. I didn't catch him this time. "Let's see what else you have to say this time!" the female teacher yelled and rushed over.

He rushed to Jiang Xiu with a few quick steps on high heels, and then grabbed Jiang Xiu's book, but... But the book didn't grab it, and held Jiang Xiu's hand.

The female teacher looked confused, "Hey, where is the book? Why did it disappear out of thin air?"

The book I had clearly seen just now was suddenly gone.

The candidates looked over again and saw the invigilator holding Jiang Xiu's hand tightly. Many candidates murmured: "They say candidates are under a lot of pressure. I didn't expect the teacher to be under such great mental pressure. Is this teacher crazy?" "

"I think it's possible!"

Jiang Xiu said: "Teacher, it's not good for you to hold my hand like this."

The female teacher shook her head and said, "It's impossible. I clearly saw you copying a book, and it disappeared so suddenly."

"Where are the books?"

"This teacher is crazy."

The female teacher started to scratch her hair. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. She could clearly see that the hair that was made for fifty yuan was quickly turned into a chicken coop by her.