Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 1: The game is coming


[Do you think school life is boring? ]

[Do you think dorm life is boring? ]

At 8:00 p.m. Beijing time, in the living area of University A, the girls' dormitory building.

Looking out from the balcony window of the bedroom, silence and darkness enveloped the surrounding area.

The street lights, all the lights in the dormitory building, and even the lights in the teaching building area in the distance were all extinguished, as if there was only darkness left in the whole world.

From a common sense point of view, this scene could not have happened on the first day of school, at 8:00 pm in the university dormitory area.

But this illogical scene is real, at this very moment.

Tang Xinjue stood in front of the window, and the mobile phone became the only light source. At this moment, it was shining fluorescently, buzzing and vibrating.

Dialog boxes with black background and red letters popped up from the screen one after another, and bright red traces ooze from the edge of the screen, like a ferocious smiling face:

"Welcome to the bedroom survival game..."

"Happy dormitory life has begun!"

15 minutes ago.

This small four-person dormitory is as usual, because it is the first day of school, the atmosphere in the dormitory is not very high.

Because a roommate's flight was delayed and he hasn't come back yet, there are only three people in the dormitory. From time to time, the shrill laughter of other dormitories sounded outside the corridor, making the room even quieter.

On the aisle that barely separated the four beds, there were several bags full of daily necessities that they had just purchased.

"Ah, I don't want to start school!"

Under the No. 1 bed near the door, there was a long-awaited howl, and the short-haired girl with thick black-rimmed glasses collapsed on the table, lifeless.

Guo Guo is a staunch student-weary person. He has been wailing in the dormitory group since the week before the start of school, denouncing the boring education system.

"Just talking nonsense. How can you find a job if you don't go to school? How can you make money if you don't find a job?"

On bed No. 2 near the balcony, a pair of white and slender legs stretched out, followed by a graceful figure, with a delicate face supported by a straight swan neck. The words that spit out are rough:

"If I were your parents, I would send you to the construction site to move bricks, and let you know what a good life is hard-won. If you are depressed and half-dead in funerals all day long, you will be angry."

The two beds are next to each other, Guo Guo can see the face of the country and the city as soon as he looks up, and rolled his eyes in a place where the other party can't see: "Nonsense, you are the school belle, and the love letters you receive on the first day of school can block the sewer. Of course, I don’t realize how boring the university life of ordinary people is.”

She said sourly, "If I can't find a job after graduation, I will write an autobiography called "How does it feel to be in the bed next to me in University A?"."

Zheng Wanqing, the school belle of the Finance Department of University A for three consecutive years, proudly shook her head, flung her black hair onto her back, and clambered down the stairs with her toiletries in her hands.

"Then you will have to thank me well then."

Well, I can't hear good words. Guo Guo was so angry that he felt lonely, and threw himself on his back in anger. When he turned his head, he saw another roommate who was unpacking shopping bags.

She suddenly seemed to have found her backbone: "Tang Xinjue! Look at her, I'm about to die of anger!"

Hearing the shout, the girl who was silently unpacking the shopping bags raised her eyelids, and glanced at the air perfunctorily with out-of-focus eyes, "Yes, it's too much."

Guo Guo: "It's outrageous for you to be perfunctory."

She moved her mouth to complain, but she looked at the gentle and quiet Tang Xinjue who seemed to have a good temper, but she didn't dare to speak.

Not only because she didn't dare to owe Tang Xinjue, but also because Tang Xinjue was obviously tired and impatient today. It also makes the girl's already thin figure look slimmer and looks very weak.

Of course, only the big-chested and brainless Zheng Wanqing believed that Guo Guo would not be deceived again.

Sure enough, Zheng Wanqing yelled over in a rough voice: "Didn't you see that Xin Jue is so tired? It's good to say something to you! Don't disturb her!"

Guo Guo: "... Big sister, can you look in the mirror and see how double-standard you are?"

At this time, Zheng Wanqing had already proudly walked to the door of the dormitory, and opened it savagely: "I'm going to take a shower, please leave a door for me... Hey, why is there no light in this corridor?"

From her point of view, the corridor lights were all turned off at some point, and the farther away the place was, the darker it was.

The corridor is long and narrow, so it looks very creepy.

If Guo Guo stood here, the screams could directly blow off the roof. But Zheng Wanqing looked at it for several seconds, but she didn't feel anything wrong, she raised her leg and was about to step out.

"Wait a moment."

Suddenly someone called her from behind, it was Tang Xinjue.

Tang Xinjue was dismantling a toothbrush, without looking up, her voice was gentle: "Be careful, it's too dark outside."

"Oh good." Zheng Wanqing agreed and stretched her legs into the darkness.

Behind her, the bedroom door slowly closed with a long creak.

Hearing this voice, Tang Xinjue suddenly put down his toothbrush, rubbed the center of his brows, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

To some extent, Guo Guo guessed right, Tang Xinjue was indeed very tired.

But not because of the start of school, but a nightmare.

She hasn't had a good night's sleep in a week.

For Tang Xinjue, being haunted by nightmares was not uncommon. But this time the situation is more serious. It even affected her real state.

Just now, Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing exchanged words, but she didn't listen to a word. There were only some vague noises and whispers in her ears, and bursts of tingling pain spread from her temples, making it difficult to concentrate. force.

Of course, these feelings are not understood by outsiders.

After adjusting in place for a while, Tang Xinjue walked to the sink by the balcony and turned on the faucet.

In the mirror above the sink, a girl's face was reflected. The girl in the mirror wore a clean and refreshing single ponytail, but under the focus of the light, her fair skin looked a little too cold. With a slender oval face and very pale blood on the lips, at first glance the whole person looks like a capital malnourished person.

The tails of his eyes drooped slightly, and he seemed to be smiling even when he wasn't smiling, looking weak and harmless.

Tang Xinjue didn't have much opinion on his deceptive face, but looking at the pair of black eyes in the mirror, some nightmare scenes suddenly flashed in Tang Xinjue's mind.

The endless night, the thick black fog...

Before she could go deep into her memory, the muttering of her roommate brought her back to reality.

"Thank you for not having a private bathroom in our dormitory, at least I can catch my breath for half an hour when Zheng Wanqing takes a shower..."

Guo Guoxu whined and complained, caught a glimpse of Tang Xinjue, and rolled his eyes: "Hey, how about we play a game of Die Xian while the eldest lady is away?"

"Miss" is Guo Guo's nickname for Zheng Wanqing, and it is used to complain secretly. Everyone in the dormitory had been nicknamed by her, but Tang Xinjue didn't know what her nickname was.

Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes for a few seconds, squeezed out the toothpaste, and put the toothbrush into her mouth, "If Wan Qing comes back and sees it, you will definitely quarrel again."

Zheng Wanqing is a staunch atheist, and she is extremely repulsed by all monsters, ghosts, and snakes, let alone games like pen fairy and dish fairy.

Unfortunately, Guo Guo is a serious fan of metaphysics. There are "Detailed Explanations of Zhouyi", "Tarot World" and various divination compasses on his desk all year round, and he is keen on urban legends and games of strange powers and gods.

Sure enough, when this point was mentioned, Guo Guo rolled his eyes to the sky: "She is a rotten wood that can't be carved. But you are different. When I saw you, I felt that your bones are strange, and you have a destiny with metaphysics..."

Seeing that Tang Xinjue had automatically ignored it, and even continued to unpack the shopping bags, Guo Guo jumped up anxiously, shaking his head and persuading him: "It's just to celebrate our promotion to the third year of hard work, why don't you play with me?" ? Six-line divination, horoscope arranging, summoning spirits and ghosts are also available!"

As soon as Tang Xinjue raised his eyes, the other party immediately shrank his neck, aggrieved and silenced his flag.

"It's not that you don't know that I'm timid and scared by myself. You are the only one in the dormitory who is not afraid of these things, except for the eldest lady. I..."

Tang Xinjue shook his head helplessly, just as he was about to speak, his gaze accidentally passed behind Guo Guo, and suddenly froze.

The roommate was still talking endlessly, but in Tang Xinjue's senses, there was no sound coming out of the opening and closing of his mouth.

Her eyes were fixed on the window.

On the balcony, she saw a huge yellow eye that took up the entire window.

What's this? Hallucinations from nightmares

The yellow eyeball stared at Tang Xinjue coldly, full of malice. The long and narrow brown pupils suddenly stretched and contracted, and the entire huge eyeball suddenly split open, turning into countless fist-sized yellow eyeballs, scrambling to fill the entire window.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee…

Buzzing and whispering overwhelmingly pressed down, Tang Xinjue took a deep breath, bit his back teeth, and did not scream or back away.

Three years of illness, a week of continuous nightmares, when the scary monster in the dream appeared in reality, she was much calmer than she imagined.

After a pause of almost a second, Tang Xinjue quickly took out his mobile phone and took several photos in rapid succession of the eyeballs on the glass window.

She had long expected that she would have hallucinations one day. In such a situation, the first thing to maintain is to maintain a stable mental state. Return to reality by suggesting to yourself that "everything in front of you is an illusion".

The photo has been taken, and the next step is to check it—Tang Xinjue opened the phone's photo album, and said silently in his heart, this is just an illusion.

Seeing an empty photo, the brain realizes that everything is false, and starts a self-healing mechanism.

The album opened, and as the pictures popped up, a bunch of eyeballs that were about to come out appeared on the screen of the phone.

The moment they popped up, I don't know if it was an illusion, and I could even catch a trace of bewilderment from these eyeballs—

Seeing mental pollution beyond cognition, the first reaction is to take a picture with a mobile phone. What kind of operation is this?

Tang Xinjue also frowned: Her symptoms suddenly worsened, and she even had hallucinations when looking at photos

No, she has to contact the doctor first.

Opening the phone's address book, Tang Xinjue dialed a number, while deliberately ignoring the eyeballs outside the window, neither avoiding nor looking directly, so as not to induce more hallucinations.

As if aware of Tang Xinjue's neglect, the eyeballs outside the window seemed to be angry, they began to tremble, hitting the squeezed glass window one after another, making a dull crashing sound.

"Huh? Who's shooting the window?" Guo Guo was tearing open a bag of snacks, and turned around in response.

Tang Xinjue was taken aback, but it was because of Guo Guo's words.

If the eyeball that was hitting the window was her hallucination, how could the roommate hear the sound

A sharp sense of uncertainty flashed across his mind, Tang Xinjue immediately made a move to prevent Guo Guo from turning around, but it was already too late—


Amidst a shrill scream that could knock over the skull, the lights in the dormitory flickered twice, and then went out in an instant.

It was dark all around.

Tang Xinjue didn't care about the phone that showed the busy signal, and immediately went to pull Guo Guo, but when he stretched out his hand and didn't touch anyone, his roommate was already sitting on the ground limply, "Damn it, what did I just see..."

"God Jue, God Jue, where are you? I'm so scared, woohoo!" After realizing the power outage, Guo Guo jumped up and looked for someone, and only after catching Tang Xinjue did he howl in peace.

However, within a few seconds, a sharp laugh interrupted her wailing.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee-"

The laughter seemed to come from outside the balcony. Even though the windows were closed tightly, it seemed as if you were in the wilderness, so that people could hear the echo clearly.

The weirdest thing was that with the power outage in the dormitory, the densely packed huge eyeballs outside the balcony windows also disappeared, leaving only darkness, as if the entire dormitory area lost power at the same time.

"Do you think school life is boring?"

"Do you think dorm life is boring?"

The voice was like that of a child, humming a cheerful and weird tune.

Tang Xinjue stood closest to the balcony, and could even faintly hear exclamations and screams outside.

The cheerful voice is still singing: "Respond to your wishes, fulfill your requests... Exciting games are coming, do you want to participate?"

During the singing, Tang Xinjue heard the beating of his own heart, like a drum beating, showing the truth of everything in front of him.

— This is exactly the scene that recurs in her lingering nightmares.

"yes... or... yes!"

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