Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 10: Dorm rules


"My face! My face!"

Guo Guo screamed and rolled on the bed. When Tang Xinjue broke his shoulders, his hair was rubbed like a bird's nest, and his face was covered with tears. Other than that, there was nothing on his face.

"What happened to your face?" Tang Xinjue asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu like a skeleton or like a centipede […]

Guo Guo gradually calmed down, and realized that what he said was a bit wrong. She touched her face again, and the fleeting pain was gone.

Tang Xinjue understood it clearly, and comforted him: "This is an illusion, don't believe it."

Looking at Guo Guo's [Body Information] interface, the health value has dropped to the bottom layer of yellow, and it is coated with a layer of almost dark red color.

[Sanity collapse (mild): Your San value has dropped significantly, the surrounding environment is no longer safe for you, and the attacks you receive may undergo irregular distortion]

[Note: During this process, your health value will continue to decline]

Looking at the phone interface, Guo Guo took a few deep breaths before regaining his language skills: "Ever since that ghost appeared last night, I feel cold all over and can't move, and the phone keeps popping up reminders. I know that the health value has been declining, but I didn't expect it. It has dropped so much.”

The health line has just dropped to the bottom of the yellow line, and the horrible hallucinations have already entangled her. If it falls to the red line, it will even return to zero... Guo Guo tremblingly said:

"Xinjue, do you think I will die if my health goes to zero?"

"Don't think about things that won't happen, you need to rest now." Tang Xinjue pushed her back.

The more pessimistic and tense you are, the more precarious your mental defenses will be. To some extent, Guo Guo's current state is much more dangerous than Zheng Wanqing's.

Guo Guo shook his head vigorously, and struggled to get off the bed, "We must find what we need for the task. Today is the deadline. If we fail to deliver, we will all die here!"

Perhaps because of the potential of a bigger person in a desperate situation, Guo Guo's movement speed is even faster than yesterday. She didn't want to die the next day!

Tang Xinjue didn't say anything else, after confirming Zheng Wanqing's safety, she also searched for it.

Searching the same location for the second time was much more familiar than the first day. Coupled with Tang Xinjue's special sensitivity to ghost items, he searched the entire dormitory in less than fifteen minutes, but found nothing new.

The two got nothing.

"how can that be possible?"

Guo Guo's face was pale, and he rushed to his seat to search again in disbelief.

Tang Xinjue flipped through Xiaohong's cell phone and notebook for a while, went to get two bags of fully packaged bread, and called his roommate: "Eat something first, let's have a rest."

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat after I find it."

Guo Guo's voice was muffled, with heavy steam.

Tang Xinjue's voice was firm: "Eat first, then find."

In this test, the time of the day was compressed to one and a half hours. Yesterday, they only ate a piece of bread all day, and their bodies could not bear this kind of hunger and consumption.

Guo Guo was silent, and suddenly, she trembled all over, as if she saw something extremely terrifying, she screamed and collapsed on the ground, "There's a ghost inside!"

She pointed to the vertical cabinet under the table: "It's right here, it's looking at me from inside, and it's going to grab me in..."

Tang Xinjue opened the cabinet door, and it was empty inside. This was still Guo Guo's hallucination.

Guo Guo gasped for a while, gave up searching, and turned around silently to take the bread. After a few bites, her shoulders trembled more and more, and finally she couldn't help crying: "Why is it always me...why am I so unlucky!"

Obviously, everyone entered the game together and received the same attack from ghosts, but when she was attacked, she suffered the most damage and her san value dropped the most? Is it because she is timid

Hearing his roommate's sobs, Tang Xinjue was also speechless for a moment.

This question, from the day she was in a car accident to the years when she was haunted by nightmares, she has asked herself many times.

Why is she the only one who has to experience endless nightmares? Why did she suffer from such an inexplicable strange disease? Why can't she live like a normal person

Why, why is it me

Tang Xinjue frowned unconsciously, muttering to herself, "Why is it always you..."

A certain point in her mind was suddenly poked, her eyes sharpened, she raised her eyes suddenly, and stared at her roommate: "Yes, why is it always you?"

Guo Guo: "... hiccup?"

She watched Tang Xinjue get up with a dazed expression, and repeatedly checked her phone and Xiaohong's belongings. As time passed, the girl's expression became more and more dignified, as if she had discovered something.

A few minutes later, Tang Xinjue let out a heavy breath, "I think, I seem to understand."

Inside the shelf, Zhang You held his breath, not daring to make a sound.

Half a foot away, across the simple wooden shelf full of food, a fat and bloated body walked slowly, with heavy footsteps falling on every step.

Boom, boom, boom.

Through the gap in the shelf, the man tore off a bag of puffed food casually, tore open the bag and chewed heavily. Amidst the heavy chewing sound, the plump figure gradually walked towards the end of the shelf. And if you look carefully, you will find that the man is clearly walking forward, but his face is behind him, his eyes are closed tightly, which is indescribably weird.

Zhang You didn't dare to breathe out until the figure completely disappeared from sight.

She knew that the supermarket boss didn't have his face reversed, but had two faces at the same time—every fifteen minutes passed, the man would open the eyes of the other face. That's how she nearly got caught last time.

Fortunately, the supermarket owner can't leave the supermarket. She can hide in the white mist outside and hide when she encounters other monsters, but she can't go to the phone booth anymore.

Although she completed Xiaohong's mission last night and saw "Xiaobai" who looked like an ordinary young man, but before leaving, the other party's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person... Zhang You didn't dare to think about it.

Now her health value is declining, and her body is hungry and weak as if she has not eaten for two days. It is not certain whether she can survive the next inspection by the supermarket boss.

Hungry, very hungry.

From birth to now, Zhang You has never experienced such a feeling of being so hungry that he is about to faint. But at this moment, there were all kinds of supermarket snacks in front of her, and she was saliva constantly secreting, but she didn't dare to reach out to take them.

There are no human beings in this area, and the supermarket owner is not human. How dare she eat the things sold in such a supermarket

But I'm really hungry... I really want to go back to the dormitory...

Every second passed, the hunger became stronger and stronger, Zhang You leaned against the wall weakly, and his consciousness began to slacken.

According to the time in this test, it is already seven o'clock in the afternoon, and there is one hour before the night will come again.

I don't know if Tang Xinjue and the others are in danger, and whether they can complete the task

As his mind became more and more blurred, Zhang You finally stretched out his hand unconsciously and touched a bag of potato chips on the shelf.

"Finally found you, little classmate, little guest..."

The cold breath ran along his arms to his back, Zhang You woke up in a start, and heard the viscous and gloomy voice of the supermarket owner from outside the shelf.

"Xin Jue, what do you understand?"

In the dormitory, Guo Guo couldn't help asking, his eyes were full of doubts.

Tang Xinjue looked at her, "I probably understand what Xiaohong wants."

Guo Guo was overjoyed, but immediately saw that there was no smile in Tang Xinjue's eyes, the corners of his mouth froze, and he had a bad feeling: "Yes, what is it?"

Tang Xinjue sighed silently, and pulled out a chair to let her sit down: "From the very beginning, I thought that the hint information given by this game is too little, so little that it doesn't match its difficulty."

The ghosts that will attack on the first night, only one chance of trial and error, and almost completely unknown mission items... It is almost a dead end for them who were completely ordinary female college students two days ago.

This is obviously not the difficulty that a novice field should have.

Guo Guo sniffled blankly: "So, so?"

"So, there must be some hints hidden in the test, which were not put on the bright side, and we missed it."

"Do you still remember the first night, when Xiaohong appeared in the dormitory, the order of waking us up?"

"I didn't notice this at first, but now that I think about it, ghosts are limited by rules, and their behavior itself contains certain rules. The order at that time may be a certain order we are in."

Tang Xinjue took out the paper used to draw the relationship diagram on the first day, and wrote the names of the four people in turn behind "Xiaohong - bedroom".

"First it's me, then you, and then Zhang You and Wan Qing."

"If they are arranged in this order, then the next day, it should be my desk that is chosen to be [Little Red Desk], but it becomes yours. Why is that?"

"Because I suffered the most damage and was the weakest at that time." Guo Guo was dejected. She is a serious lover of metaphysics and supernatural stories, and knows that the weaker a person is, the more so-called "yin qi" is, the more opportunities for ghosts to take advantage of.

"So from the first day, our order has changed." Tang Xinjue moved Guo Guo's name to the top.

"The only condition for customs clearance is to find the correct character and item, but we just found nothing. Either it is not in the dormitory at all, or it needs certain conditions before it can be found."

Guo Guo seemed to understand something, but she couldn't grasp the specific clues. The decrease in San value made her consciousness become a little chaotic, and she struggled to follow Tang Xinjue's train of thought.

Tang Xinjue continued to speak. "Similarly, another reminder from the test clearly reads: Xiaohong likes to be tidy, please don't mess with her desk."

"I like to be tidy and don't like desks to be messed up. Is this character trait familiar?"

This sentence was like an electric current, which made Guo Guo's vague thinking frighten, and he opened his eyes wide in a moment of sobriety: " is very familiar."

"Because in our dormitory, there happened to be two people with this characteristic." Tang Xinjue pointed to himself and then to the other party.

"Me and you."

"From the beginning, the tests have given hints."

Tang Xinjue said word by word: "Xiaohong is indeed a member of our dormitory. Here is her desk, her belongings (mobile phone), and her memories and personality traits (diary). What is missing now is the last Same: one identity."

Who is Xiaohong

As if the sound of the wood was finalized, Guo Guo finally regained his senses, took a deep breath, and his voice trembled.

"Xiaohong... is it me?"