Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 100: Health Assault Guide


Zhang You was startled: "You mean..."

If the red line didn't appear after everyone turned into ghosts in the game, then could it have been-

Tang Xinjue: "A pheasant university just for cheating money will kill all the students in the school. It has never changed the address of the school. Can it still recruit new students one by one without being affected?"

No matter how many students are cheated, how much can the tuition fees add up to? The money defrauded from a student has to bear a series of exposure and criminal dangers that follow after she is imprisoned and killed-and if she really has this kind of skill, she doesn't need to make money by running a pheasant university.

Zhang You frowned more and more, and finally said almost in horror: "The background information given to us by the copy is incomplete!"

"Most of the information we see at the beginning is from the perspective of students, which is naturally incomplete, and once the mindset is formed, it is easy to ignore the inconsistencies."

Tang Xinjue sneered: "When the game came, why was this school selected as the dungeon? What does it have in common with the dungeons we saw before?"

Zhang You fell into deep thought, and the moment Jiang and the others ate up the red line share, her eyes lit up: "Before it became a dungeon, there were already ghosts in this dormitory building!"

They have been busy fighting against the trap laid by the Academic Affairs Office, and have little time to think about the whole picture of the dungeon. They even overlooked one point: Jiang and other ghosts did not appear after the dungeon was formed after the black mist engulfed the dormitory building.

Judging from the memories of the original freshmen on the 9th floor, whether it is the "walking dead" who were mistaken for living people in the two dormitories 919 and 921, or the whining and crying every night on the 8th floor, it all proves that ghosts have long existed... and the school, is it Don't you also know this

Zhang You felt that she had grasped a certain thread, followed the train of thought, and realized a hypothesis that she had never thought about before: if the purpose of the school is not at all, or not just to cheat money, but from the very beginning to make money Students tortured to death

She used to be a staunch materialist, but who said that the school's management must be the same

Not only is it possible for them to be fully aware of everything, but perhaps the ultimate goal of this group of people is to catalyze the existence of ghosts!

The corpse and the red thread... Zhang You was agitated, not letting his thoughts continue to diverge, so as not to be disturbed in the future. She took a deep breath and said, "The three-year death record, the headless ghost talk, and this copy, are there similarities between them?"

Li Xiaoyu in Class Three, Wei Xian's master in Headless Ghost Story, and the school in this dungeon.

If the first two dungeons can be said to be just a coincidence, then this dungeon almost showed them the process and core of the advent of the game and even the formation of the dungeon. I have gone through so many exams.

Receiving Tang Xinjue's affirmative answer, Zhang You also confirmed his guess: "'s a sorcery."

If their conjecture is correct, then the origin and identity of the Academic Affairs Office are open to question. At least they are not simply school managers, but more like a gang proficient in magic!

Similar to the tragic end of Jin Wen and the four in the headless ghost story, the students in this "school" were forced to become victims of some kind of sacrifice or plan, and the entire dormitory building was even turned into a Gu farm. No matter what, I didn't expect that the game would come.

Where the black mist spreads and engulfs, reality is pulled into the game field. The living become ghosts, the ghosts wake up from the ground, the rulers become rats fleeing in the gutter, and the weak who have been exploited and mutilated have a higher power.

"So the Academic Affairs Office can only use the red lines and their original abilities to urgently set up a formation that can restrain the student ghosts, and suppress the red lines under the ground, which also suppresses the ghosts here."

Tang Xinjue slightly raised the corners of her mouth: "Is this operation a bit familiar?"

"Is it very similar to those metaphysics or horror stories that Guo Guo liked to read before, where he did something wrong and was afraid of being retaliated by ghosts, so he had to act first?"

When Guo Guo heard his name, he immediately leaned over and asked cautiously, "What's wrong with me? What are you guys talking about?"

She turned her head and looked at the two curiously, but she saw Zhang You sighed with a serious expression, "We are praising you for your foresight."

Guo Guo: "..." I believe you have ghosts!

She just thought the two were fooling around and perfunctory her, curled her lips and turned her head to look at the door, only to see that Jiang and the others stood there dumbfounded after swallowing the red line. I can't see the expression on my head, and I don't know what happened.

… This is

Someone wanted to check the situation, but was stopped by Tang Xinjue.

Tang Xinjue shook his head: "Wait a little longer."

After about three full minutes, Jiang and the other two girls slowly raised their heads, but at this moment, their eyes were bloodshot, and they were extremely red.

"I remember."

Jiang's voice was hoarse, and it was rare that he didn't have too many ups and downs, but it made people feel the calm before the storm.

Tang Xinjue: "Remember everything?"

Classmate Jiang raised the corner of his mouth: "Part of it. The power and memory in our souls are sealed together. The more we eat, the more we recover. If I want to recover all of it, I'm afraid I have to eat myself to explode."

The cold air flowed back and forth above her head one by one, as if comforting her.

"It's okay, I'm rational now, and I won't do anything to hurt myself." Jiang showed his white teeth: "Thanks to your reminders, I have prepared myself. If I can find the red line by myself and eat it, I may die." Dazed by the anger in my memory, I would rather blew myself up to gain full strength to seek revenge from the Academic Affairs Office... But now, I don't want to do that."

She opened her hands and her eyes fell in the air: "Besides me, there are many, many girls here, some died earlier than me, some died later than me, they have never left here, and some of them have never left. Think again and forget why you exist.”

"They need strength, and they need to get out of this cage... The red line can't give them, but I can."

After all, Jiang showed a bright smile and looked at the invisible figures of ordinary people: "From now on, you can use my power as you like, my ability is your ability, and my freedom is your freedom .Get out of here and go for revenge!"

Some kind of invisible power poured out from her fingertips, and her eyes quickly became weaker and dimmed. At the same time, the cold air current that existed in the room became more and more obvious, and the strong wind was stronger than before. Even more fiercely, there seemed to be a translucent figure faintly appearing in the air.

The two girls attached to No. 5 and No. 6 also looked at each other, and silently took Jiang's hand.

They are the first batch of awakened ghosts among the many ghosts, and they are also the most powerful leaders who have been guiding everyone's actions. But they know that these souls who don't look very smart are not really stupid or clumsy. It was these companions who sent power to them at the beginning, but stayed in the dark corner themselves, so that they can persist until now. Without the gathering and interaction of all the ghosts of the girls, no one would wake up, let alone hope for today.

They don't need to kill their enemies with their own hands, but all their companions must have freedom and the possibility of revenge, and none of them can be missing!

With the addition of the two girls, more and more power was transformed and released from the red line, and the bustling phantoms in the air also turned into visible entities one by one.

Some of them were still dead, some looked around ignorantly, some wanted to jump over to stop Jiang and the three of them, and some hugged each other, laughing loudly or crying silently.

When the transformation of the last phantom was completed, the body of number 10 fell to the ground like losing its support, and the same was true for number 5 and number 6. Everyone rushed forward to support the bodies of the three, only to find that the ghost attached to the body had disappeared.

No. 5 took a breath and opened his eyes, and asked weakly and suspiciously, "This is, what's going on here?"

They also received part of the power bestowed by these ghosts, and their life at the end was extended again for a short period of time.

Guo Guo, who witnessed the whole process, opened his eyes wide, but no matter how he adjusted his yin and yang eyes, he couldn't see the shadows of the original three ghosts: "Could it be that Jiang and the others..."

Did it just dissipate

Tang Xinjue raised his head as if feeling something, and used his mental power to sense the surrounding environment. He didn't see a figure there, but he seemed to hear a girl's voice:

[Don't worry, we just became the weakest state, just in time to be lazy. This place will soon become very dangerous, you guys leave quickly]

The voice drifted away like the wind, and a group of girl ghosts who had just obtained the power of the real shadow and the red line had already come to the exit and took the first step.

Get out successfully.

In the next moment, all these figures flew into the corridor screaming, and the whole corridor began to vibrate slightly, even the space buzzed and vibrated continuously. Tang Xinjue immediately turned to grab his roommate, and the roommates also searched for each other at the same time. They followed the ghosts and left the women's dormitory and re-entered the corridor. Others also rushed out very quickly.

Jiang Lan and Ke Ke supported Ah Nian, No. 5 supported each other, No. 11 and No. 12 pulled No. 13 and No. 15 who had just woken up, and No. 7 quickly rushed in and dragged Ou Ruofei... Stepping out of the women's dormitory, the wall that had already cracked a big hole made a loud noise and collapsed!

The broken cement and structure tightly blocked the junction of the two spaces. Without looking, one can guess that the dormitory inside has probably collapsed into ruins, and the same fate as the men's dormitory.

"Let's go quickly! The corridor is about to collapse!"

The person in front turned his head to remind the back, the voice was intermittent in the howling airflow.

I don't know why, as the girl's ghost spewed out and acted, the frozen air almost turned into a knife-like gale, blocking everyone's progress. Every step seemed to be walking on a cliff, and it was difficult to resist the airflow. say.

"Ahem, I can't see the way, it's so big dust!" No. 5 covered her mouth. They had only extremely weak strength left, and they quickly fell to the bottom of the team under this environment.

Just when the three were struggling, a powerful thrust suddenly appeared behind No. 5. She turned her head in surprise and saw No. 7 who had retreated back with Orofe at some point.

No. 7 nodded briefly, and his voice was still as cold as ever: "Let's go."

Although the girl is not good at words, No. 5 has already seen that she has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart just like Keke. If she didn't have the strength to do extra movements now, she would definitely rush to her in gratitude and said excitedly: "Thank you!" If you can clear the level in the future, cough cough, I will definitely treat you to dinner when we meet again. The white rabbit and golden monkey candy are full... "

No. 7 put more force on his hand: "You guys go through the customs safely first! I don't want to..."

No. 5 didn't hear clearly: "Don't think about anything anymore?"

No. 7 didn't answer, but pushed the three people with one hand, and grabbed Ou Ruofei with the other hand, and said in a barely audible voice:

“… never want to lose a companion again.”

Tang Xinjue and the others walked in the front.

The crazy airflow in the corridor seemed to be the last counterattack of the Academic Affairs Office hiding in the dark. From time to time, there were sharp and injurious objects in the strong wind, most of which were blocked by Tang Xinjue's hammer and Zhang You's dictionary. Wan Qing was also eager to use her fists to confront the strong wind, but she looked behind and chose to use it to protect Guo Guo, who seemed to be blown away at any time.

Guo Guo covered the wound on his wrist, and moved forward desperately holding Zheng Wanqing's arm. He was afraid that he would drag the team back, so he walked with his head buried for a long time, but he heard Zheng Wanqing's reminder: "You should raise your head."

Guo Guo shook his head frantically: "I won't lift it!"

She doesn't look at the road in front of her, maybe she can be a little more courageous, if she sees something terrible, her legs will be so weak that she won't be able to walk!

Zheng Wanqing was silent for a moment: "Are you really not going to lift it?"

"No! Unless you die if you don't lift it!"

"It's not enough to die... that's fine."

After an unknown period of time, Guo Guo felt that the airflow around him seemed to be a little weaker, and the screaming in the airflow was no longer so scary, and his roommate's pace also slowed down, as if he saw something.

She raised her head cautiously, and before she could see the scene in front of her, she felt a chill on the top of her head.

No, it was too cold.

Guo Guo raised his hand in a daze and touched his head. He didn't touch the familiar hair, but felt a little chilly and bald.

Guo Guo: "???"

She was blown bald by the wind?

Facing Guo Guo's devastated gaze, Zheng Wanqing shrugged her shoulders: "It's not like you're going to die, but you'll be bald."


Tang Xinjue at the front suddenly stopped, interrupting the thoughts of everyone behind.

The dust in the air gradually dispersed, revealing the scene ahead.

At the end of the corridor in front of them, there was an extra door.

A red-painted, locked iron door.