Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 101: Sanitation surprise inspection


Candidates can be sure that they have walked around the 9-story building and have never seen this red door.

It seems to have appeared out of nowhere, it is both weird and abrupt, and it blends with the corridor strangely.

Tang Xinjue: "We followed the footsteps of ghosts this time, so what we see is naturally what they found."

Similar to her previous guess, the living may not be able to find this place even if they turn over the dormitory building—only ghosts can find ghosts.

Zheng Wanqing's eyes were burning: "Open the door? They've already entered the women's bedroom!"

The accomplice ghosts have already taken the lead, so naturally they can't fall behind.

Zhang You didn't suggest rushing forward: "What if the Academic Affairs Office set up an ambush for us here?"

Now has come to the most critical time, and they don't have much spare energy, and they can't support any Waterloo and sudden changes like red line cuts.

Zheng Wanqing: "Then what are we doing, waiting here?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but at the moment when they finally found the Academic Affairs Office, they didn't know what to do.

Tang Xinjue reminded: "Look at our wounds."

It was only then that they remembered the cuts from the red thread that had been ignored for a long time. When they took a look at the gauze, they saw that all of them continued to mutate to varying degrees. Except for the three of them No. 5, the most serious ones were Ke Ke and Guo Guo. You can already see the red line.

Guo Guo turned pale: "Am I going to die?"

"We won't die for the time being, if we can clear the level before it happens." Tang Xinjue replied.

Jiang Lan sighed: "If we wait here, the speed of customs clearance can only depend on the progress of the girls and ghosts, or it can be said to be left to fate."

Keke snorted coldly: "I still choose to struggle in the last period of my life. At least I should know what the boss who killed me looks like, rather than dying here in vain."

Number 7: "I'm going in too, I don't like waiting."

She paused, and said to Ou Ruofei who was still hesitating: "Don't go in, it won't do anything, it will only add danger."

Orofe: "..."

Although it is true, it still hurts QWQ

Unexpectedly, in the next second, No. 7 threw his knife over, "It can harm ghosts and monsters, and it can also play a certain protective role when necessary. You can reduce a lot of danger by holding it and waiting at the door... at least It should be safer than going through the door."

Ou Ruofei was stunned, holding the knife in her hands in a daze, never expecting that No. 7 would give her such an important weapon.

Obviously, when she first entered the dungeon, No. 7’s attitude towards her and Ke Ke could be ranked as the worst. She also thought that she was too useless to be hated by No. 7. She never thought that she could get the other party’s spare no effort to help at critical times .

No. 7 put on gauze and pulled out a few ordinary daggers and stuck them in her waist. She didn't turn her head to look at O'Ruofei's expression, but said stiffly: "There were six people in my dormitory."

"I don't like them very much. They are like you, stupid and stupid, they don't think about the bad things about people, they can't even see through the lies of ghosts, and they always like to be a saint to protect others."

"Two exams, they are gone."

No. 7 gritted his teeth and continued in a muffled voice: "I don't like them, but I dare not dream every day. I don't want to dream of them leaving one by one in my dreams. I hope that time can come back every day, and I hope that I can change Get stronger and live until you find a way to get them back."

O'Ruofei sniffed: "I can understand you. Every day when I sleep alone in the dormitory, I will think of the moment before my roommate disappeared, and I will feel scared and uncomfortable..."

"So you should live well. Only by learning to protect yourself can you protect others. And remember, only by living can you change everything."

7 finished packing and walked to the front of the line, never looking back from the beginning to the end.

The final result was settled quickly. Those who chose not to enter the door were the four in dormitory 11 and Orofe, while the rest decided to enter the door and fight with their backs for everything that might happen inside.

Tang Xinjue held the doorknob: "So, are you ready?"

Guo Guo rubbed his head and whispered, "If we pass the customs, can I buy myself a bottle of hair tonic in the mall?"

Her roommates replied: "Everything."

"Okay, then I'm ready too!"

Guo Guo gritted his teeth and held the pendant on his chest, facing the opened red door.

The red door opened, and there was another black door inside, and the gap in the middle was just enough to accommodate a few of them.

Feeling no other danger, Tang Xinjue walked to the black door again and pressed the handle.

Guo Guo bit her lower lip violently. She had prepared for the worst mentally, but she still froze for a moment when she saw the scene inside the door.

Inside the door is a square room. There are no ghosts with claws and claws, and there are no eerie dead bodies—only a wooden table in the center of the room, and a thin woman sitting behind the wooden table.

The woman looked up at them, she didn't seem to be surprised at all, she just waved her hand, signaling them to come in quickly: "Come here and sign."

"Sign?" Tang Xinjue repeated these two words.

"That's right." The woman raised her head impatiently again, and looked them over again, "That's right, it's all of you. Come here and sign here, then collect your luggage, and you can go to school."


Everyone didn't move. They didn't know what this normal-looking woman was, and what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

Guo Guo stared blankly at this woman, and suddenly remembered something, and said to Tang Xinjue in his mind, "God Jue! Do you think she looks like the one in the memory fragment..."

Tang Xinjue added the following words: "The woman who stood at the gate of 917 before being engulfed by the black mist is the dean of this school."

Guo Guo breathed out: "That's right!"

In the memory clip, the dean only appeared for a few short moments. The skinny woman in black clothes criticized and ordered the freshmen harshly. Even if it was not their own memory, they could still feel the fear rooted in the hearts of the students through the scene. , which left a deep impression on Guo Guo.

Of course, when the students who have died here find her again, they probably won't be afraid anymore.

There is no doubt that this woman is one of the culprits who killed countless students, and the primary target of revenge for the student ghosts. Now she seems to be sitting here unscathed, but the girl ghosts who had clearly poured into the red door just now have disappeared, which makes everyone's heart beat.

Standing at the door all the time was not an option, Tang Xinjue walked in first. She looked around a few times, and saw a banner hanging on the wall facing the door, which read "Welcome 2021 Freshmen".

She had a clear understanding in her heart: "Is this the admissions office, or the enrollment registration office?"

The dean of education stared at her, with a dry smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are very smart, child, this is the enrollment registration office. Everyone who enrolls needs to register here, and so do you."

Keke folded her arms behind her and sneered: "What are you doing, role-playing? Do you want us to play house with you?"

The dean's face changed drastically, and he gave her a hard look, "Don't talk to the teacher with this attitude, you don't look like a student at all!"

Keke didn't cooperate at all: "If I met a stupid teacher like you when I was in college, I would rather tear up the admission letter and retake the third year of high school. Let me see, this is where you fool the freshmen to enroll? What if there are scammers? Consumer Association, you can go to the level of 315 to crack down on counterfeiting, that's it? Who gave you the confidence to pretend to be a teacher here? When you divided the spoils, didn't you have the money to buy some zinc gluconate to supplement your head? ?”

The girl's speech was like flying bullets, and every sentence burst into the opponent's lungs, and the skinny woman's face turned black, then green, and then black, and finally flew into a rage: "You are the worst class of students I have ever seen! "

Keke: "Really? I don't believe it, unless you call out the previous students and let me see."

Dean:"… "

She couldn't beat Keke, so she vented her anger on the others. Tang Xinjue, who was the closest, was the first to bear the brunt, "You, come here and take all these forms! Today you have to copy 30 copies of the application form, and you won't be allowed in if you don't finish copying." Eat in the cafeteria!"

Tang Xinjue glanced at the paper on the table with her excellent eyesight, and smiled: "Application form, letter of guarantee, disclaimer, school discipline letter... Oh, and there is also a clumsy deception technique. Do you really think that this kind of connection Something that is not even basic fantasy and mental manipulation can control us?"

"A trick that even people with a little bit of perseverance can be immune to is used as an attack method. It seems that the Academic Affairs Office is really at the end of the road, and the donkey is at the end of its rope."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and her mental power rushed straight in, directly tearing up the spell covering the paper.

The academic director who was humiliated and mocked: "..."

Her long face began to twitch, her chest heaved sharply, and she could hardly maintain her expression. After waiting for a long time, a sentence came out through the teeth: "In any case, you are all students of our school now, and you must abide by the rules of the school..."

The Dean of Academic Affairs took out a stack of contracts from under the table and slammed it on the table.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that "Exchange Student Guarantee" was written on the contract this time, and at the end of the contract, each person's real name was signed.

Tang Xinjue raised her eyebrows: "So this is your ultimate reliance."

The identity of the exchange students experiencing the new school is the identity setting given to them by the exam.

Under normal circumstances, background identity generally does not play a crucial role on candidates, and both negative and positive effects are very limited.

But this time the NPCs in the Academic Affairs Office are obviously very thieves. I don't know what method they used to get a batch of guarantee letters in a decent way, but I don't know what restrictions these contracts will have on them.

The dean of teaching looked at the expressions of everyone, put on a haughty sneer again, and grabbed a letter of guarantee: "Did you see it? Here are your names, and the official seals stamped by our school and your school respectively, from you From the first day here, you have been a student of our school!"

"Don't you understand?" A distorted smile spread across the face of the director of teaching, she tore off the expression she had just pretended to reveal the uncontrollable sternness in her eyes: "No matter what you do, you can't escape our control. As long as we don't allow it for a day, you can't leave here-"

"Stop doing useless work, you will never get out!"

Appreciating everyone's different expressions, the dean grinned completely. Before he could laugh, Tang Xinjue suddenly took a step forward, "Teacher, I see something wrong with your official seal."

The next moment before the words fell, the hammer fell heavily on the table, smashing the entire table to pieces, and falling to the ground together with the guarantee letter.

The Dean of Academic Affairs was hit by the impact and flew to the back wall. He held his chest and coughed continuously. When he touched the blood under his nose, his face was distorted like a long and deformed loofah.

Tang Xinjue lifted the hammer, but saw that the guarantee letter on the ground was unscathed, and the paper seemed undamaged, not even the words on it were scratched.

Seeing this scene, the dean of teaching also giggled and shouted loudly: "You will never want to leave! Even if you tear this place down, you will be buried with us...cough cough cough!"

She was picked up by Tang Xinjue who was approaching suddenly, then thrown lightly into a corner, and slid down like a rag bag. Tang Xinjue made a sneer: "It seems that my guess is right, you have no power at all, the traps you set outside are all your abilities, and your bodies here are just like ordinary people Weakness, anyone who comes here can kill you."

The dean coughed up a mouthful of blood, and said ferociously, "Even if you kill me, you won't be able to find a way out. When you are completely nourished, we can also be resurrected, ho ho ho..."

"Really?" Tang Xinjue squatted down and looked at her: "So to let us go out, we only need a word of approval from the Academic Affairs Office, and you have obtained this authority."

"Ho ho, that's right, but with your abilities, even if you kill me here, I won't sign the permission letter. This is your fate, don't struggle." He laughed pervertedly and said: "There were people who broke into this place before you, and they ended up in the same way. You will see them soon. One male dormitory and one female dormitory, they happen to be the new students of our school, hahaha , everything is fine!"

The woman couldn't finish the sentence because there was a thud on the wall behind her, as if someone was trying to hit the wall from within.

Catching the slight change in the dean's face, Tang Xinjue narrowed his eyes: "I'll see them soon, right?"