Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 102: Health Assault Guide


As soon as Tang Xinjue finished speaking, the wall trembled again. The dean shrank his neck subconsciously, and his mouth twitched silently, as if he was swearing some bad words.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the movement behind the wall.

Guo Guo became excited: "Is it Jiang and the others? Are they coming?"

Tang Xinjue's eyes moved slightly: "Judging from the frequency and strength of the impact, it doesn't look like a ghost, but like... a person."

If talking about living people, they are all here, and Ou Ruofei and the others are outside the door, so who else is behind the wall facing the door at this moment

The curse just spit out from the mouth of the dean resurfaced in the ears, everyone exchanged glances, and thought of a noun at the same time:

"Men's bedroom!"

It is known from the male ghosts that both the men's dormitory and the women's dormitory have become exam dungeons, and the men's dormitory exams started earlier than theirs. Most of the candidates died in the dungeon, and only a few broke out in the end and disappeared.

Since they haven't seen any male dormitory candidates so far, the group has almost tacitly agreed that their group died here, but just now, the words of the dean of teaching seemed to contain another message——

Are the male dormitory candidates still here? !

"We misunderstood you just now." Tang Xinjue raised a smile: "You said that we will see [them] soon, so that is what you meant. It seems that you still have some knowledge of the strength of the Academic Affairs Office. "

Dean:"… "

It doesn't mean that!

The skinny woman stared with her eyeballs bulging, and maintained her imposing manner sullenly: "Don't dream, those disobedient students have been locked up in the punishment room for an unknown amount of time, and even if they haven't rotted, it's impossible for them to have the strength to come out again .How, are you scared? This is your consequence... "

Its intimidation was forced to stop again, because this time there was a more obvious tremor coming from behind the wall, and even complex voices could be faintly heard, no matter how you heard it, it was obviously not a girl's tone.

Tang Xinjue: "The punishment room is next to the admissions office, you guys are pretty good at saving space."

The dean's face finally turned completely blue, and he turned his head with such force that he could directly break his neck, and looked at the wall in disbelief: " is this possible?"

"So surprised? Is it because I don't believe that the students who took the last exam have not died yet, or I don't believe that all the students who took the exam can survive this exam, or I don't believe that the students who were killed by you will one day die?" And come back for revenge—”

With the sound of the impact on the wall, Tang Xinjue's voice became clearer and clearer, exposing the truth of the last effort of the Academic Affairs Office:

"If the whole school is standing in front of me, then it should contain at least three groups of existence: the student union, dormitory management, and the academic affairs office. But now not only do you not see the shadow of the other two parties, even the academic affairs office is only you alone .”

Dismantling the logic and exposing the inconsistencies, the appearance of the dean's threats and intimidation was shaky. Even if he continued to scream and curse, he couldn't stop Tang Xinjue from logically coming to a conclusion:

"So, you have to distract the ghosts of girls so that they can't find them here temporarily, and you have to imprison a wave of candidates to bear the damage of fighting with them. All your available people have been sent out, and in the end The only thing left is the most core and the least threatened existence, right?"

Tang Xinjue had a smile on her face, but the director of academic affairs standing opposite her couldn't smile.

"I'm going to take you into the punishment room, and I'm going to cut off your mouth piece by piece, so that you'll never be able to speak even if you're a ghost."

She pointed at Tang Xinjue and cursed fiercely, as if she was about to pounce on him in the next moment, but every time she almost touched the hammer, she shivered and shrank back in fear. In the end, she could only jump on the spot, looking helpless and furious, like The shrew scolded and roared in the street.

The ghosts panicked, but the examinees felt relieved.

Many people's tense shoulders relaxed, their eyes lit up little by little, and they realized that success was just around the corner.

The fastest people have already moved into the air, and No. 7's blade touched the head of the academic affairs department's neck, and it was only a hair's breadth away from cutting it directly: "Stop talking nonsense, let us go out now and leave you with a whole body. "

Tang Xinjue stopped her in time: "Don't do anything to it here, it will probably trigger the final mechanism!"

The Dean of Academic Affairs, Ghost, is a weak chicken. He has no power to resist in front of the candidates. He dares to curse and provoke here. It is definitely not relying on the self-confidence that can fool the candidates.

Number 7: "Then what can we do, wait here with this idiot?"

Tang Xinjue: "Don't worry, the real owner of the copy has been released, and they won't last long."

As if in response to what she said, the dean's body suddenly trembled, his eyes twitched frantically, and he kept glancing around the room.

Following its line of sight, there was a rustling sound from the gap in the ceiling, and then a blue-black palm suddenly grabbed in!


"Got you… "

"Dean of Education... Teacher Zhang!"

Countless hands protruded from the ceiling one after another, followed by the shapes of the body and face, but it seemed that there was a thin layer of membrane preventing them from really entering here.

"It's the last door..."

"Let's find the entrance..."

"I want to set a fire in this room... hee hee hee..."

"I found it, I found it!"

The distant discussions of the girls came and went, mixed through the wall and from the ceiling, covered everyone's eardrums, and pressed down inch by inch.

If you don't know the identities of the sources of these voices, everyone will definitely be nervous. But now that it is known that the voices are made by ghosts in the dormitory, the effect of mental pollution is not only greatly reduced, but it even makes people feel much more at ease.

It was another ghost who reacted the most—the director of academic affairs had already covered his ears and shook his head, and finally screamed unbearably.

No. 7 was shocked and stopped immediately, but it was already a step too late. A viscous black liquid sprayed from the head of the academic affairs director's neck. It didn't fall down, but took the opportunity to retreat to the corner of the wall with two strange laughs. The black blood fell to the ground drop by drop, corroding a large amount of blood in an instant.

Seeing the familiar black liquid, everyone finally realized why the previous black liquid took the initiative to attack them. It turned out that the Academic Affairs Office was manipulating their own blood

[Be careful, don't touch the corroded ground. ]

Tang Xinjue's voice rang in the minds of the four people in dormitory 606. She had just dodged the splash of black blood, but number 7 next to her was not spared.

No. 7's arm holding the knife was accidentally splashed with a drop of blood. Before she could wipe it off, her feet suddenly sank down—a pair of black hands suddenly stretched out from the ground, grabbing her ankle tightly!

Kacha, Kacha... All the places on the ground where the black blood was splashed, there were huge swelling bubbles. Countless black withered hands protruded from the broken swelling bubbles. go down.

"Hahaha, let's die together, come and be buried with us!"

The academic director smiled like a deranged mental patient, but his movements were not sloppy at all, he covered his neck and hid in the corner of the wall, fearing that all the blood inside would flow out, and his eyeballs rolled rapidly.

Boom! !

The dean, who was half-laughing, was knocked out again, and a round hole exploded in the wall behind it with another loud noise, revealing a few unclear figures in the dust.

"Made, finally found the place to fight the final boss... Huh?"

Taking the scene in the room into his eyes, the boy outside the wall turned pale with shock, and said loudly, "There are so many Bosses???"