Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 106: Sanitation surprise inspection


The four checked all their evaluations, and found that only Tang Xinjue's evaluation had changed.

"No, according to the performance of the last exam, the mvp must still be yours. How could there be an accident?" Guo Guo scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

Mvp symbolizes not only a title, but also a generous reward of double points. Once this reward is gone, the points obtained by the entire dormitory will be reduced by at least a quarter!

"Then let's look at the points first."

Tang Xinjue was not in a hurry, so he called up the results of the dormitory exam.

[Exam Completion: 100%]

[Dorm member survival rate: 100%]

[Dormitory integrity: 10%]

[Basic score: 60 points]

[Your total score in this exam is 75 (out of 100), and the evaluation grade is: good]

[The C-level exam rewards you get are (group X2): each dormitory member gets 4 credits, 16 student points, the upper limit of health value increases by 15, and the four-dimensional physique randomly increases by 2~4 points]

[Pass the group exam for the first time, and get an extra competition invitation letter X1]

[Get a good score or above in the group test, and get the game resurrection card X1]

"Invitation to the competition?"

"Resurrection card!"

"Why do we only have 75 points this time?"

The three other than Tang Xinjue spoke at the same time, and each of them noticed a different point.

Tang Xinjue focused on counting the points: "I got 32 points this time, twice the normal score, so I should still be the mvp."

I just don’t know why, but the title of mvp is not shown this time, instead it was replaced by [examination room discipline maintainer].

"That's good, that's good, otherwise we'll be miserable in such a difficult dungeon until we pass the level, and the points won't be enough for us to eat at the end."

Guo Guo breathed a sigh of relief and patted his head.

Zhang You hesitated to speak: "Fruit... don't touch it yet."

Guo Guo: "?? What's wrong?"

She looked up suspiciously, and suddenly realized that there was still a chill on her head.


Guo Guo took a deep breath, then rushed to the mirror of the sink, stared at his hair for a while, and let out a scream: "Why is my hair still bald!!!"

Apparently, the dungeon's final fantasy repaired their injuries, but not the hair she had shaved off in the dungeon.

Zhang You comforted her: "Maybe Jiang and the others think this is your personal characteristic, and it doesn't involve any specific physical injury, so they didn't change it back."

Guo Guo wants to cry but has no tears: "Spiritual injury is also injury, I don't want this kind of personal characteristics!"

All she wanted was hair, such a big handful of black and lush hair!

Just when Guo Guo collapsed, Tang Xinjue reviewed the report card and came to a conclusion:

"The reason why the test scores are lower than before may be because of the special nature of the test itself."

Zhang You: "Specific... because it's a group exam?"

There were a total of 16 people in the women's dormitory examination room, and each person's contribution value was apportioned. Even Tang Xinjue could only get more than 20% of the output. According to this ratio to convert the scores, the score that each dormitory can get will naturally decrease.

Tang Xinjue: "The team battle is only one of the factors. The high probability is that this dungeon was not completed by us alone."

Normally, a one-time special dungeon like [Health Inspection] will only produce an exam, and the exam-passing dungeon will also perish accordingly. But there was something wrong with the male dormitory candidates who entered first—they were stuck in the dungeon instead of clearing the level or destroying the group.

This caused the two exams to be combined into one when everyone in the women's dormitory entered. Although the customs clearance was successful in the end, neither side got all the step points.

From this point of view, everyone sucks. The four of them immediately became more balanced.

After explaining, Tang Xinjue smiled: "Our score may already be considered high among all the dormitories."

"It's too bad, are group exams like this?" Guo Guo shuddered: "Then let's take a detour from now on."

Although it is a good thing to meet other students in the game who share difficulties, the corresponding danger of the exam has also been greatly increased. If she had to choose one of the two, she would rather stay at home with her three roommates and pass the level by herself, at least the difficulty would be relatively safe.

"The idea is very good, but the reality may be a bit difficult."

Tang Xinjue patted Guo Guo on the shoulder: "According to the rules given by the game now, the next test copy we have to face is likely to become more and more difficult."

The physical strengthening and points brought by each customs clearance make them stronger and stronger. Even Guo Guo, who has the weakest physique, has been able to complete the entire copy of [Health Inspection] from the very beginning when he faced ghosts with a blank mind. Even if she is put back into the original [Dorm Civilization Code Test] alone now, she still has the power to protect herself against Xiaohong.

But at the same time, their customs clearance process has not become easier as their strength has increased, and they have to fight hard every time to come back.

Even if the test grade is still B-level and C-level, everyone can feel that the test is getting more and more difficult.

"In the beginning, there was a system chaos level error, then high-level ghosts broke into the examination room, and now it's a group battle..." Zhang You counted the dungeons along the way, and the more he counted, the more he felt incredible: "How many ways does the game improve our exams? An excuse for difficulty?"

It’s okay if everyone is like this. From the last round of Ou Ruofei and others, we can see that the exams they face are still of normal difficulty, and even if they are lucky, they can pass the customs while lying down. Why are they here? Do not give up the same

No matter how strong the dormitory is, it can't stand such a rush!

Zheng Wanqing comforted: "Think of the best, what if we are simply unlucky?"

Zhang You frowned: "Don't learn cold jokes from Tang Xinjue."

Zheng Wanqing: "..."

Tang Xinjue: "..."

She coughed softly: "In short, whether it's an individual dormitory assessment, a team assessment, or a confrontation between dormitories...we have to be mentally prepared."

For customs clearance, for graduation, for survival.

After a moment of silence, Zheng Wanqing took the lead to break the silence: "That's right! Have you noticed, what is a competition invitation letter?"

Zhang You explained: "It is written in the rules of the game that every Monday to Friday is the exam time, and Saturdays and Sundays are the rest time. During the rest days, students who meet the entry requirements for the competition can choose to participate in the competition."

The competition invitation letter is obviously one of the conditions.

Guo Guo took a deep breath and collapsed in the chair: "I thought it was painful enough to pass the customs every day from Monday to Friday, but I forgot that there are games on Saturday and Sunday?"

Can you give the candidates some living space

Everyone clicked on the words of reward that kept jumping on the phone screen, and a gold-plated black invitation letter appeared on the desk in an instant. Under the four blood-red characters [Sincere invitation], it was marked with the signature of [United Academic Affairs Office of University City].

Tang Xinjue narrowed her eyes: "Dean's office... yes, I almost forgot about it."

In the next second, she opened the customer service consultation box:

[The Academic Affairs Office of the University City abused its power by pretending to be public and self-serving, and sent students to the unlicensed Pheasant University in the name of exchange students. Is it legal? ]

There was a moment of silence in the air, and Guo Guo said quietly, "God Jue, now I probably understand how you got your evaluation title."