Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 107: Sanitation surprise inspection


[The Academic Affairs Office of the University City abused its power by pretending to be public and self-serving, and sent students to the unlicensed Pheasant University in the name of exchange students. Is it legal? ]

Faced with this problem, the customer service was silent for two seconds: [Student, do you want to report it? ]

Tang Xinjue: [Just asking. ]

customer service:…

Spending credits is called artificial customer service, and the murderous intent is overflowing to count the crimes, just to "ask"

Don't try to lie to it, it is no longer the silly Baitian who met Tang Xinjue for the first time!

So the customer service replied very vigilantly: [The rules have been changed, and the reporting and consulting functions are separated. Press 1 for inquiries and 2 for reports. ]

Tang Xinjue: [What about consulting and reporting together? ]

Customer Service No. 1: [Need to consume 2 credits]

"???" The 606 candidates who were watching were greatly shocked: "Can the price be increased?"

The process that used to only take 1 credit to complete is now directly doubled, and the purpose of gagging the candidates is obvious.

Tang Xinjue thought for a while: "Understood."

Then she hit the 1 key.

Customer Service No. 1: [... If you go back now, you can cancel the order without deducting credits. ]

Tang Xin Jue: [1. Don't make me post a third time. ]

Under Tang Xinjue's resolute attitude, the customer service finally reluctantly deducted credits: [About your question, it has been handed over to the University City Education Center for investigation, and no relevant rules or precedents have been found so far. ]

Tang Xinjue quickly asked: [Is it because no one has reported the Office of Academic Affairs before, or is it that the power of the Education Center cannot affect the Office of Academic Affairs? ]

The customer service fell silent again.

Tang Xinjue waited heavily, and his roommate also realized something, and stared intently at the customer service interface waiting for a reply.

Perhaps the information answered by the customer service next is the most critical part.

After a while, the answer popped up on the screen: [All relevant units in the University City are under the jurisdiction of the Education Center. There is no relevant reporting record in the education center file. ]

It's done!

Tang Xinjue curled up his lips: [2, I want to report. ]

When Tang Xinjue finished his complaint, the last sentence also showed that it had been accepted. Guo Guo and the three of them had already felt in a trance that they had really witnessed a conspiracy transaction between two "Academic Affairs Offices", and they were the poor little ones who were sent out as sacrifices.

Although they didn't see each other, the image in their minds of the Academic Affairs Office of the University City has become a group of sinister and treacherous middle-aged people.

Guo Guo asked in a daze, "Jueshen, is the Academic Affairs Office of the University City really that dangerous?"

They are not the student ghosts who have been reborn in the dungeon. Once they fall into the hands of the dominant academic affairs office, won't they become fish on the chopping board

Tang Xinjue closed the dialog box: "Half of it is a guess and the other half is made up. Don't take it to heart, it has no reference value."

Guo Guo: "..."

Zhang You's thoughts stretched to a farther place, and he was a little worried: "Then if you do this, will you be held hostage by the Academic Affairs Office?"

Just like the "Four Seasons Protection Guide" exam that was reported by Tang Xinjue for the first time, the teacher of this class has hated the whistleblower to the point where the university city is offering rewards for arrest. Although the report was made anonymously, judging from the information sensitivity among ghosts, Tang Xinjue's identity was probably already known.

Tang Xinjue said without hesitation, "If the report is successful, that's for sure."

"But if we don't report it, will we be let go?" She changed the subject and said with a smile: "Just like what I just told the customer service, no matter whether the Academic Affairs Office is malicious or not, it has sent us into a dangerous situation. In the copy of the extreme. It can do this once, it can do it the second time, and the third time. When we really die in the copy, it will not have any effect on them. "

Their lives are like insignificant ants in the game, and they are crushed silently.

"So, we are already the most disadvantaged students, so why can't we just squeeze the wool of the rules in reverse?" Tang Xinjue spread his hands: "If you squeeze it, you will make money. If you don't squeeze it, you will not lose money. The big deal is to change it next time." object."

Points, props, attributes... These are the most important resources for survival. If they honestly wait for the game to be released, the speed at which they become stronger will never match the difficulty of the game.

Facts have proved that what they have to do is not to wait, but to fight with the game - the way to survive is not waiting, but robbing!

What's more, she has a lot of debts, she is like a target full of arrows, and the high-level ghost marks are still floating in the sea of consciousness. Even if the person being reported wants to seek revenge, he has to line up first.


Good guy, good guy. The three of them were speechless to this kind of behavior of plucking wild goose, and even began to feel that it was very reasonable.

This feeling reached its peak when they saw Tang Xinjue's "Dungeon Harvest".

"Wait, why is it also a gift from an NPC, you have two sacks, and I only have one schoolbag??"

Guo Guo opened his eyes wide and questioned what he was seeing from the bottom of his heart.

After replaying, we know that the fantasy dream of living as a "student of the Red Heart University" at the end of the dungeon was experienced by each of them, but they couldn't see each other in the dream. At the end of the fantasy dream, Jiang and other sisters can also be said to be very generous, giving everyone a full "graduation gift".

These gifts are brought back to the dormitory together with the dungeon clearance, and they are different in the hands of the four.

For example, most of Guo Guo’s schoolbags are snacks, and the rest are small things such as eye masks, earplugs, purses, etc. After Tang Xinjue’s skill appraisal, these small objects have weak protective power, and they can also play a psychological role in the face of ghosts. soothing effect.

Guo Guo: "...Although I don't want to admit it, it does fit me better."

Zhang You's schoolbag contained a lot of functional supplies, and he brought back almost all the cleaning supplies he had seen in the dungeon, taking them out to almost fill the entire washing area.

Zhang You fell into deep thought: "Will there be a second-hand trading market in the game?"

Zheng Wanqing opened the zipper of her schoolbag, and a pair of huge boxing gloves had already stuffed it to the brim. In the gap was the crumpled "Fitness Guide", which she kept fondly, and decided to practice tonight.

When they finally arrived at Tang Xinjue, they were stunned by two big sacks that fell from the sky.

Either of these two snakeskin sacks has the capacity of three schoolbags, not to mention the full volume. It's not like a gift I just received... more like I just swept the dormitory floor.

Guo Guo yelled that it was unfair: "This discrimination is too serious!"

Zhang You was worried: "Xin Jue, you didn't do anything to Jiang and the others, did you?"

Zheng Wanqing was more blunt: "Did you go to rob? Were you injured?"

Tang Xinjue smiled: "I didn't do anything, and I didn't rob. I just had a friendly exchange with them during the gift-giving session. Anyway, after they graduated, they officially became game NPCs. These small props are all outside the body, so I collected them all."

"Officially become a game NPC?" Zhang You caught the word: "You mean, Jiang and the others will be like Xiaohong in the future, professionally becoming ghosts in various dungeons?"

Tang Xinjue nodded while unpacking the sack: "You can say that. Do you remember those students who disappeared on the 9th floor? They were called away by the game when the dungeon was just formed, so we couldn't find them inside. "

The two big bags were opened, and seeing the dazzling array of "gifts" piled up on the ground, everyone finally had a real sense of being full.

From pots and pans to door locks, bed curtains, umbrellas and light bulbs, you can almost assemble an entire bedroom. Even Tang Xinjue picked up a safety lock and weighed it, but couldn't help clicking his tongue: "They're all possessed by demons."

This wave of them is equivalent to empty gloves. There are countless cheap props in the game store, the kind that are more than enough to redecorate the dormitory!

Just when everyone was still immersed in the emotion of "making a lot of money", Zhang You put on his gloves silently and began to assemble the items.

Facing the gaze from his roommate, Zhang Youyan succinctly said:


Everyone: "!!!"

The completeness of the dormitory is also an important factor in judging the test score.

In the past, random ghosts would turn their dorm upside down, like being parachuted into a fountain in a tower defense game, which was very humiliating and insecure.

Now that they finally have the materials, it's time to replace the shotgun with the cannon in their small dormitory.