Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 113: Dorm Friendship League


When the game prompt appeared, Guo Guo was taken aback: "He died too? Is this considered suicide?"

Originally, she thought there would be a big battle, but the original murderer died so quickly that she didn't even realize it.

Tang Xinjue: "Do you think he's dead?"

Guo Guo: "..."

Guo Guo tried his best to turn his brain, and said with difficulty: "Is it dead...or is it not dead?"

Judging from the game notification, the increase in the number of deaths must come from this shady boy who just disappeared.

But... Guo Guo frowned. If she was not mistaken, the boy took out the props and disappeared on his own initiative. He probably used the props to directly withdraw from the game. Does this count as "death"

Zhang You, who also shared his vision and watched all this, fell into deep thought, and quickly came to a conclusion: "Whether you are killed during the game or quit midway, it will be regarded as [dead] by the system. But according to this Logically, the candidates who died in the competition may not necessarily be really dead."

After all, the system did not give a detailed explanation of the game mechanism at all, and the existing rules were almost entirely based on guesswork. Even if she saw the naughty boy withdrawing from the competition with her own eyes, she still wasn't sure that her guess was right.

Tang Xinjue withdrew his mental power to observe, and saw whispers on other balconies, and the fine rustling sound intertwined and spread between the two buildings, making people more aware of the large number of candidates here.

—These vivid, lively brains and thinking that process different information will exist in the state of fireballs in the vision of mental power. Tang Xinjue tried to extend the sensing range to the maximum at the very beginning of the game, but found that he couldn't break through to the dormitory building on the other side, and the building on his own side could only cover a few nearby balconies, and couldn't detect people in the dormitory. people.

This is already the limit of her current ability. The more Tang Xinjue realizes this, the clearer she is in her heart, and she knows the direction of the next step: she must strengthen her spiritual power to the true power of this talent in order to ensure The dangerous scythe won't fall from 606's head.

She wants to make all the obstacles covering her eyes and heart disappear, break through the obstacles and fog of the game, and control everything she sees—of course, this requires a lot of points, and the prerequisite for getting points is such as this moment. Exams and competitions.

Concentrating her thoughts, Tang Xinjue heard a slight exclamation from the opposite balcony. She immediately followed their line of sight to "look" to the fifth floor, only to see that where the shady boy disappeared, the balcony window had turned into dilapidated gray. There are two extremely thick red cross marks drawn on it, like two big seals.

[Ding, the informer's 506 bedroom has been destroyed!]

Guo Guo next to him gasped, and finally realized where the lingering strange feeling came from: the phone screen stayed on the system notification interface, and the cursor kept blinking on the last line.

The competition notice is not over yet!

At this moment, the notification sounded again after a short silence:

[One [Whistleblower] dormitory disappears, and all competition students can learn three additional hidden rules. Please note that the information you have obtained this time is:]

[1. Students in this competition are divided into good students and whistleblowers. Their identities have been generated at the beginning of the competition and cannot be changed.]

[2. The whistleblower kills two good students and immediately gets a chance to clear the level]

[3. Those who pass the level will enter the next task stage in advance, and the remaining students will automatically clear the level at 9:00 with the help of task props]

Finally, the mechanical sound of the system fell cheerfully:

[Welcome to the dormitory friendship league, our slogan is: friendship first, competition second!]

The newly-appeared game notification broke the atmosphere in the strange balance again.

Fierce disputes spread almost instantly, and every dormitory was quickly checking their views on new information. Students who are not good at reflexes are almost dizzy. And most of the dormitories have achieved a high degree of unity in the response in one aspect: they hid back in the dormitory with lightning speed.

The dormitory building, which had just become lively, returned to silence in an instant.

Seeing the window close again, Guo Guocai felt relieved: "This game is too deceitful!"

It turns out that only two candidates need to be killed, and the informer can directly pass the level to the next stage. No wonder the male dormitory of Yin Zhi is so eager to attack. Once the surprise attack is successful, the benefits are almost huge.

They stood outside and were accidentally killed by a prop. The murderer passed the level directly, and the rest of them didn't even have a chance to take revenge. Is there any law for this

Tang Xinjue looked at the time: "There are still more than thirty minutes before nine o'clock."

The "important prop" mentioned in the reminder should be the black cloak they got from the heavy rain before. According to the rules, as long as there is no accident, they will automatically pass to the next stage when the time is up.

Then the safest way is undoubtedly to hide in the dormitory as immobile as a mountain, so as not to give the "whistleblower" an opportunity.

"I feel a little messed up now." Zhang You frowned and wrote 1234 on the paper, then crossed it out and looked up: "Xin Jue, can you smooth it out?"

Tang Xinjue nodded, "It's normal to feel confused, because this is the purpose of the competition."

"The purpose of the game?"

"Didn't you feel it?" Tang Xinjue smiled, "From the beginning of the game until now, who has been setting the rhythm and fanning the flames?"

are the rules of the game.

It goes without saying that the candidates' identities are divided into opposites, and the system prompts appear a few times, which either makes the candidates go into a rage, or everyone feels insecure and suspicious of each other.

Obviously, although it says "friendship first, competition second", the game does not intend to really let the candidates get along in harmony.

"Setting up multiple whistleblower dormitories and hiding their identities is to prevent us from cooperating."

"Give the whistleblower a chance to pass the customs earlier, but others can only be forced to wait, so that the candidates with strong strength on both sides can't stand by." Tang Xinjue used a more understandable way: "If you are an ambitious [Good student] who wants to compete for the first place in the competition, when you see that there is an [informer] who is about to pass the level, the information gap between you will be widened—how would you choose at this time?"

Zhang You frowned: "... it's better to strike first."

"In the same way," Tang Xinjue turned to Zheng Wanqing: "If [the informer] killed us in front of you and wanted to clear the level, but you couldn't stop the rules of the game, what would you do then?"

Zheng Wanqing didn't hesitate: "Kill him at all costs!"

Tang Xinjue finally rubbed Guo Guo's head: "Before the game came, we were just ordinary college students, and we might not be able to kill the same kind. But the rules of the game vaguely imply that we don't have to die in the game. Must be tantamount to total death."

This gives everyone a room for luck, making it easier to break through the bottom line, and it is easier to stimulate the evil hidden in the heart.

Once someone sets a precedent, the boundary will no longer exist. Attacks and killings may happen again at any time. No one can bet their lives on trusting a stranger who meets by chance.

Guo Guo's brows drooped and his eyes drooped: "The dog game is becoming more and more like a thief."

It's like a rule specially designed to block them. The experience of uniting ghosts and monsters in the last dungeon is basically useless here. You can't even confirm who is the enemy, so how can you cooperate

Thinking of the need to always be on guard against the maliciousness and threats from countless candidates, Guo Guo, one head and two big, quickly covered his cold head to comfort himself: "It's okay, the soldiers came to drown the water to bury you, As long as I don't go out, no one can attack me..."

Zhang You couldn't help but glance at her: "If one of the informers is the same as the heart formula, are you sure you can be safe just by hiding?"

"Even if you can't reach the strength of Xin Jue, do you still remember Ke Ke in the last test, as long as there is another psychic speaker, it is enough for us to drink a pot."

Guo Guoxiao's body was agitated, and the scene of the last dungeon couldn't help appearing in his mind, and he felt a sense of crisis: "Then we don't have enough protective equipment? What can we do, and we can't buy it now... Wait, we can buy it now ?"

She raised her head abruptly, and the four of them looked at each other.

After entering the exam copy, most of the functions on the phone, including the mall, will be closed. But if the game...

Soon, several people will know the answer.

"... Race Special Edition??"

On the mall location of [Dorm Survival APP], there is no gray lock that they are used to, but a line of bright red characters instead:

[Special version of the competition in the student mall, let your ranking stand out! ]

Swipe down, and there are only a few rows of complicated product types, which are basically defensive and healing items, such as anti-injury armor, life-saving pills and various strange curses. Candidate psychology.

But when he looked down at the price, Guo Guo's phone almost fell out: "Ten times more? Why don't you grab it?"

The 5-point pills are transformed into 50 points, and the 10-point shield becomes 100 points. There is also a special channel for the entire dormitory to pay together. After reading the price and seeing the reflection of the mobile phone screen, what people see for a moment is not their own face, but the green leeks.

"First, Pinduoduo bundled discounts, and now it's doing group buying for competitions. Next time, you won't have the function of cutting a knife and paying with Huabei, right?"

Guo Guo complained loudly in disbelief, Tang Xinjue smiled: "Be careful of the flag."

She has browsed through all the contents of the mall, and now she comes to a conclusion: "The price is expensive, and there is nothing applicable."

Although there are shopping malls, it’s useless if you can’t buy them. Several people suddenly lost interest, turned their attention back to the game itself, and continued to study the current situation.

"Xinjue, has your mental power been upgraded again?"

Zhang You suddenly opened his mouth and mentioned the matter of sharing his vision just now.

Tang Xinjue nodded: "That's right."

Zheng Wanqing opened her eyes wide: "Psychic power items are so expensive, don't you have accumulated points? How did you upgrade?"

Tang Xinjue showed a hint of a smile: "Upgrading mental power is indeed expensive, but it is not without advantages. For example, first create a mental skill."

"That's right!" Guo Guo suddenly realized: "Your abilities are all awakened on your own!"

The biggest difference between self-awakening and shopping in the mall is that the former can be upgraded by itself, such as Tang Xinjue's toilet and spiritual power, and Zhang You's ability to recycle old things. As for Zheng Wanqing's "Sandbag Big Fist", skills that can only be purchased in the mall can only be upgraded by spending points in the mall.

[Sharing vision] is the new ability that Tang Xinjue acquired after this self-upgrade.

With the help of this ability, although their vision is limited, they have a general look at the layout of the two buildings and the candidates, and they have some ideas in mind.

Zhang You drew the location layout, "If the dormitory building is divided into two buildings, A and B, assuming we are in Building B, then our location is..."

Tang Xinjue helped her to add. While speaking, she also wanted to draw a brush, but Zhang You quickly pressed it down, "This is a more complicated picture!"

Tang Xinjue shrugged: "It's okay, you draw yours, and I'll take care of the other side."

Zhang You: "No, we can't understand what you drew."

Tang Xinjue: "..."

Guo Guo hugged Tang Xinjue's hand: "God Jue, it's okay if it's a simple picture, but if it's complicated, it might be a bit abstract."

Tang Xinjue was silent for two seconds, then looked at Zheng Wanqing, "Is my painting abstract?"

Zheng Wanqing whistled and looked away: "I'm going to check the situation outside."

Tang Xinjue: "... let's do it."

She put down the pen resentfully, and just as she was looking at the paper, her eyes sharpened suddenly, and she grabbed Zheng Wanqing who was about to leave: "Don't go over!"

The three of them were startled and turned their heads at the same time, seeing Tang Xinjue made a silent gesture, and then the spiritual connection was re-opened, and her voice sounded in their minds:

"Someone is spying on us."