Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 114: Dorm Friendship League



The three of them paused and moved towards the inside of the bedroom without a trace.

Guo Guo whispered nervously in his mind: "Through the dormitory windows and baffles, can others see us?"

Tang Xinjue's voice was low: "If there are props that can break the barrier of the game, or if the mental power is strong enough, then it will be fine."

Hearing the explanation, a bad guess suddenly rose in the minds of several people. Their eyes met, Tang Xinjue nodded slightly, and gave an affirmative answer:

"Psychic powers."

"Did you make it?"

At the same time, in another dormitory that was a building away, the atmosphere was also tense.

Six people gathered around the floor-to-ceiling windows, and a total of five people's eyes were glued to a short round-faced girl who was closing her eyes.

A few seconds later, the round-faced girl opened her eyes, her face was ugly: "I can only see the part of the dormitory near the window, and it seems that something is blocking my eyes, and I can't see anything."

The tall, thin, short-haired girl who asked aloud before immediately urged, "Then keep watching, Gao Ying, we have spent all the props, and if we work harder, we will definitely see it. What's the matter if you give up?"

The round-faced girl named Gao Ying frowned, and her face became even uglier: "... I also heard the warning!"

What she didn't say was that at the moment the warning appeared, a sense of danger rushed over her face, and she retreated subconsciously before she even had time to think.

"I think," Gao Ying pursed her lips and let out a voice between her teeth:

"There is also a mind controller in that dormitory."

"She found me."


The short-haired girl retorted without even thinking about it: "Psychic power skills are burned out by money. It's not enough for five of us to provide you with one. The dormitory you chose only has four people, so you can pay for it."

"Okay, Jiang You, please don't say a few words." The others hurriedly smoothed things over, and went to persuade Gao Ying:

"Jiang You spoke bluntly, she didn't mean to be angry, that is, you also know that [Binoculars] and [Travel Line] are consumable props, and we can spend all the points on them if you use them less once. look… "

Gao Ying's face softened a little, thinking of all the hardships of her roommate, she comforted her:

"It's okay, this time it should be just an accident. I still have two chances in my hand, just change the dormitory."

"Phew, it's good if you have confidence." The roommate came up and put his arms around her shoulders: "Whether we can pass the level depends entirely on you!"

"That's right, don't have psychological pressure when using skills. If you want to blame, blame the game for setting us as informers. We just want to pass the level."

"That's right, that's right..."

Hearing the chatter of her roommate, the smile on Gao Ying's face gradually froze, and she felt a buzzing in her head.

The newly installed mental skills are still not used in my mind, and now is the time when I need to be quiet the most, but my roommate hasn’t shut up for a minute, everyone has — Luokung suggested pointing at her, as if it wasn’t her who had the supernatural power Gao Ying, but these people are the same.

But... Gao Ying pursed her lips in silence, she couldn't express her request directly. Because she was able to have what she is today, because everyone in the dormitory worked hard to provide for her.

Every spiritual skill in her body was purchased by her roommates with little by little points, just to train the only person in the dormitory with spiritual talent and become the hope to lead the dormitory through dangerous difficulties.

The roommates protected her, supported her, but also restrained her and ordered her. Therefore, Gao Ying remained silent as usual, but her thoughts wandered to the spy just now.

The first time she picked the thin ponytail girl, she knew that the other party was probably not a good person. In that case, whoever dares to open the balcony window first is either extremely stupid or confident in his own strength.

That kind of calmness and self-confidence secretly stabbed Gao Ying to a certain extent.

She couldn't help thinking of herself: Even if she dared to go out, others would never allow it. So what about having a powerful ability? Or hide in a dark corner with vulnerable roommates.

But why? She is not reconciled.

Gao Ying couldn't help but wonder, did the game choose her to be the "informant" because at a certain moment, she heard her dark desire and inner voice

Before she could finish thinking, her thoughts were interrupted, and others were urging her to continue. Gao Ying quickly adjusted her expression, closed her eyes and reconnected to her mental power, and began to choose her next target.

Gao Ying knew that she had to choose a soft persimmon, and she had to send the dormitory to the customs clearance first. The mental vision swept aimlessly between the two buildings, looking at the dormitories connected by rows of balconies, she warned herself to put away her useless competitiveness.

Mental power skills select prey, and there are two types of people that must not be touched. ——Like the shield girl on the third floor, she showed great strength and arrogance, most of them were firm-willed and highly vigilant.

The second is like the thin ponytail girl on the sixth floor, who makes people confused about the depth of the peers.

Thinking of the failure just now, the initial impulse subsided, and regret surged up.

Wan—that girl has a higher level of spiritual power than her, so why did she follow her instead

Wan—is that girl also an [informer]

Ten thousand-…

Gao Ying bit her lip violently and forced herself to calm down. She must not fail again because of wild thoughts at this time!

She quickly found her prey—spiritual power locked onto a balcony on the fifth floor, and after breaking through the natural defense of the balcony window with a prop [telescope], she saw three girls shivering in their arms, one of whom was almost caught before. Shady boy—unlucky guy who got his head shot with an arrow.

The three girls didn't notice the abnormality at all, and they couldn't see that there was an invisible silver line on the top of their heads at this moment, which was manipulated by invisible forces to sink into their celestial caps.

"You're tempted to get out on the balcony right now and see what's going on. It's all right, just go out and see—look, there's no danger. … "

The expressions on the faces of the three girls gradually disappeared and turned into a daze, their necks pulled their heads stiffly and turned their heads, looking out the window.

"Get up, first you need to open the windows..."

A girl was the first to stagger to the window, stretched out her hand, and opened the window following some strange order.

Her figure was instantly exposed to everyone's gaze.

Watching this scene, the corners of Gao Ying's mouth curled up slightly. Dominating others gave her a subtle sense of pride and pleasure. She continued to impose orders on the girl's consciousness:

"Walk over to the railing, look down, lean, keep leaning..."

The girl's waist became more and more severe, and almost half of her body was folded outside the guardrail, and she was only about to fall directly at the last point.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed from her waist, the girl's body shook violently, her eyes suddenly regained a bit of clarity, she grabbed the guardrail tightly and screamed!

Gao Ying suddenly took a step back, panting heavily, just opened her eyes when she was bumped by Jiang You who rushed up.

Jiang You threw herself on the window and screamed: "Why does she have protective equipment on her body? Gao Ying, didn't you see it when you just selected the target?"

Frustration of failure and anger of being blamed surged up at the same time, and Gao Ying's face sank: "Didn't you guys rush me to find someone to do it?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing!"

The others rushed in and pulled Gao Ying's arm hard: "Quick, before those three people are fully awake, let's make them jump off the building first!"

Gao Ying quit, she shook her arms vigorously: "I'm exhausted mentally now, let's talk about it later."

"Why wait-for a while?" Jiang You stared wide-eyed: "Then how do we count the props we spent?"

Gao Ying also blurted out: "Then you can save up points to buy more props. I'm only a rudimentary mind control right now, and I'm already unstable. If you don't want to make mistakes, just buy me more advanced skills? Who can blame me for not being able to afford them? "

Jiang You's chest rose and fell sharply, and his face contorted for a moment: "Okay, then don't even try to get a single point from me in the future, and I will only upgrade myself in the future, and I will never support you, a waste-"

Before she could finish speaking, the anger on her face suddenly stagnated, her mouth was still open, but her eyes were already looking down.

—a dazzling red burst from her chest.

As the girl's body crashed down, blood spattered on the window, showing a skull-like pattern.

It took several seconds for Gao Ying to recover her voice from the dead silence:

"I didn't do it! It's a curse!"

In the tens of seconds that Jiang You was leaning against the glass window just now, someone caught her figure and cast a death curse on her.

When they choose their prey, they are also prey in the eyes of others.

[Competition reminder: Students have died, all participating students have a superimposed difficulty of 1%, and the current total superimposed is 3%]

In another building, bedroom 606.

Tang Xinjue withdrew his mental strength and opened his eyes, the afterimage in his vision still remained on the shocked expression of the round-faced girl.

Zhang You handed over the drawn layout of the dormitory building: "Did you find the person spying on us? Is she an informer?"

Tang Xinjue picked up the pen and made red marks in two different positions.

"I found it, and there's more than one."