Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 118: Dorm Friendship League


The arrival of the heavy rain instantly pushed the atmosphere of the competition, which was slightly relieved, to the peak of tension.

All the examinees who thought they could survive by hiding in the dormitory were completely chilled by the rain—

If they don't go out, the game forces them to go out!

On the mobile phone, the bright red dazzling countdown was enlarged and fell down second by second.

4:59, 4:58, 4:57...

"It's okay, as long as you get the props, as long as..."

In front of the window, he kept repeating this sentence in a low voice, and after repeating it more than ten times faster and faster, in the quiet dormitory, a girl suddenly opened the window and rushed into the rain with an umbrella.

Similar situations happened in different places.

Even if Tang Xinjue didn't use mental power to scan, he could at least see dozens of dormitory windows open, and those who rushed out were either boys or girls, alone or together, braving the heavy rain and pulling the black cloak on the clothes rack. .

At this moment, the arena, which tried each other to maintain balance, fell into chaos.

Compared with the five-minute countdown to obliteration, even the threat of an informer who may fall on them at any time seems tolerable—at least everyone can take chances, thinking that the informer may not necessarily choose them.

Until the countdown is 4 minutes, the death prompt appears.

[Students have died, all participating students have a superimposition difficulty of 1%, and the current total superimposition is 3%]

"It's the third one."

Looking at the rainstorm outside the window, Zhang You almost regretted not installing an automatic wiper on the window during the renovation yesterday, at least to make the vision a little clearer at this moment.

It was impossible for Tang Xinjue's mental vision sharing to be open all the time. They could only use their own eyes to distinguish the situation outside, and then they came to the conclusion that there was no way to find the murderer.

It can only be judged from the fact that there is no "advanced customs clearance reminder" that the informer who just shot is not the masked man who has already killed one person.

Who could it be? Is it the psychic Gao Ying who just died of his roommate, or some other hidden informer? Or is it normal candidates who fight back, and the informer steals chickens and loses money

"Ah, I finally saw it!" Guo Guo bowed his waist and squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but slapped the window, "I saw the opposite side!"

Directly opposite the window, that is, the location of Building A 606, the window that had been closed tightly was carefully pushed open, and the heads of two heavily armed boys were exposed.

Instead of running out to pick up the clothes, they stood inside, protruding from a distance with a ridiculously long clothes fork, which just reached the position of the clothes drying pole, and then, like performing acrobatics, they began to dangle and try to put The cloak is hooked down.

"They tied up the two laundry poles, and then wrapped the other end with tape around their hands." Tang Xinjue, who saw it most clearly, glanced at it and explained to the roommate who didn't know why.

This dormitory is obviously after consideration-only taking a clothes fork is likely to be swept into the rain by the strong wind, and it is not safe to go out alone, so the method of extending the clothes fork was invented.

There is more than one dormitory with the same sword and slant, and the desperate situation always makes people burst out with strong creativity. They even vaguely saw someone tie the sheets to the two chairs, using the weight and friction of the chairs to fight against the madly flying cloaks.

The countdown is 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

[Students have died... The current superposition difficulty is 4%... The superposition difficulty is 5%]

The death reminders sounded almost together, indicating an increasingly dangerous external environment.

There was faint cheers coming from nowhere, the dormitory with a stronger strength got the props first, and the windows were closed again in the rainstorm.

Invisible pressure spread among the remaining bedrooms.

The smaller the number, the greater the chance of being attacked by whistleblowers. They not only have to complete the task to avoid obliteration, but also complete it faster than others, every second counts.

"What is a game?"

In the quiet dormitory, the boy frowned and closed the curtains, threw the binoculars into the hands of the peering roommate, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little: "This is the competition."

It is crueler than exams, more dangerous than dungeons, and more terrifying than ghosts.

[... Overlay difficulty 6%... Overlay difficulty 7%...]

[Candidates have advanced ahead of schedule! Current customs clearance number: 5]

This time the reminder appeared directly in everyone's minds. Tang Xinjue unleashed his mental power to search the moment he received it, but as soon as he stepped into the rain, he was almost hit by a shield flying towards him—

The oval-shaped sharp golden light broke through the heavy rain, and flew upwards with awe-inspiring killing intent, as if it had reached its full attack state!

Tang Xinjue mobilized his mental strength to dodge quietly. I saw that the shield had obviously locked on the target, and flew straight to a dormitory on the fifth floor opposite, but it just slammed into the floor-to-ceiling window, and the dull impact sound was covered by the rain.

The shield paused for two seconds when it missed a hit, and right in front of it, a clear and huge mark lay across the balcony window.

It was a green circle, which represented that the dormitory had been cleared and left.

Looking closer, the house number of the dormitory is 501.

Just ten minutes ago, Tang Xinjue had just recorded this house number on the paper. At the same time, the second dead candidate in the whole competition was born here.

Building A 501, the informer's dormitory where the psychic is located.

Tang Xinjue thought of the girl named Gao Ying, and she knew it. Mental skills are one of the very few abilities that will not be affected by the rainstorm. Coupled with the shaken minds of the candidates, as long as they can seize the opportunity and make a decisive move, it can be said that it is a breeze to pass the level.

There should have been 6 people in their dormitory, but after being cursed by the masked man, there were still 5 people left. Therefore, the number of people who passed the level naturally became 5 in the whole dormitory.

As the thoughts turned, the field of vision dropped and landed on the balcony where the girl with the shield was. The long-haired girl stood in the rain and touched the shield without saying a word. The rage a moment ago had calmed down, and she didn't know what she was thinking at the moment.

Tang Xinjue noticed that the shield was stained with blood. The smell has been diluted by the rain, but it still lingers faintly in the nearby space.

—The good student who was killed just now was either the roommate of the shield girl, or a nearby examinee, or even died in front of the girl's eyes.

Tang Xinjue had the answer in his mind, and turned his gaze to the other end of the balcony.

308. The dormitory where the masked man lives is still closed. But if you look closely, you can still see the remaining marks on the glass. It was as if someone had struggled outside trying to open the window, and a dagger or something had slashed at it.

The scratches were shallow and not long, and the man died silently. According to the habit of the girl named Gao Ying last time, he probably fell down.

Is it a man in a mask

Most likely not, the man in the mask is not as strong as this.

Tang Xinjue pressed his thoughts and saw the long-haired girl put away her shield, ignoring the pouring rain on her body, turned around and walked towards 308, and began to knock on the window.

Her guess was confirmed.

The dead student was indeed a member of 308, at least one of them was. The man in the mask didn't show up, and the girl with the shield knocked a few times and there was no response, so she said to herself, "I didn't catch that classmate just now... but he has a bracelet on his wrist, and he stayed with me."

The girl turned her hand, and a silver chain appeared on it. She bent down and put the thing in front of the window, turned around to leave, stopped slightly, and said in a low voice: "I am not an informer, and I will not hurt you. If you are afraid , I will go back to the dormitory first, and you can come out to get things."

The window of 307 was closed, and the figure of the shield girl disappeared on the balcony. After a few seconds, the window of 308 opened, and a familiar figure wearing a mask appeared in front of Tang Xinjue.

This time Tang Xinjue saw it very clearly. The boy has short black hair and short hair. He is tall and thin. His skin is as cold and white as hers. His eyes are indeed crooked as if they are smiling, but there is no smile inside.

He bent down to pick up the bracelet, and rubbed it a few times like playing with it. Suddenly, the finger bones were forced hard, and the bracelet shattered into powder.

Stripes of black breath came out of it and quickly sank into the rain. Tang Xinjue used his mental power to quickly grab half of them, and the remaining half dispersed without a trace.

The man in the mask didn't notice the existence of "other people" nearby. He leaned against the window frame with his pockets in his pocket, as if he was waiting for something.

Ten seconds later, the game prompt sounded:

[Some candidates pass the customs in advance]

[Current game progress: Death 8, customs clearance 12]

The masked man standing in front of the window disappeared in an instant, leaving only a green circle on the glass window.

Count down for 2 minutes.

Death reminders and customs clearance reminders were intertwined, but few people cared about it.

For those who haven't got the cloak, not being obliterated is more important than anything. Even if someone screamed and fell down in the next dormitory, they could continue to hug the guardrail and fight the rainstorm for clothes without distraction.

"Don't come out and kill people! Hurry up and reincarnate in these two minutes! Whoever makes trouble again will die together!"

Someone's mentality was completely lost, and he took out a prop and threw it under his feet, and the area with a radius of one square meter instantly lit up with red light, blinking ominously.

Those who couldn’t make such a threat had to find another way. Some people took out a lot of supplies from the dormitory and inserted a whiteboard to "take it for themselves". Some people tried to destroy the clothes rail by violent means. They almost died and wanted the dormitory. What's the use of completeness-some people even talk about business temporarily and want to hire nearby big-name candidates to help pick up clothes.

The balance maintained at the beginning of the game has long since collapsed, leaving only disorder and madness.

[Countdown 30 seconds.]

Tang Xinjue withdrew his mental power, and said to the three who were still observing, "Get ready."

Guo Guo held the props and the corner of the cloak tightly, looked at each other nervously with his roommates, and nodded vigorously: "Ready!"

They know that clearing the customs and entering the next stage does not mean that they can breathe a sigh of relief. Even on the contrary, the game has been revealed through various details, and that is the most dangerous moment.

[10, 9, 8...]

"got it!!!"

On the balcony on the sixth floor, a girl held the cloak she had just pulled down with ecstasy, and turned to wave to her roommates, only to see even more terrified expressions on their faces.

"What are you afraid of? I've got..."

The girl's waving froze. Because as all the cloak fabric was pulled off the clothes rail, a skinny blue hand hidden under the cloak stretched out from the corner of his eye.

It was a pair of dark blue arms covered with tumors and as thin as a skeleton.

At the last second before being pushed off the balcony, the girl's eyes were still wide open, as if she couldn't believe what she saw.

[Congratulations, you have successfully entered the next level of the competition.]

[Total number of people cleared this time: 327 Deaths: 76 Competition superposition difficulty: 76%]

[Difficulty has been updated, the Friendship League continues!]

Tang Xinjue opened his eyes. At the moment of clearing the level, the world was covered in 0.5 seconds of fragmented darkness, and then returned to normal.

The dormitories, balconies, and two dormitory buildings seem to have never changed.

But she could clearly sense that changes had already taken place.

[Ding dong!]

[The sky is clear, and through communication with other dormitory students, you decided to take out your important clothes to bask in the sun again. You're glad it didn't get blown away by the rain, but drying your clothes is the most important thing after all.]

[Task 3, please put the props back in place to dry, count down for 1 minute]

Zhang You also saw the game instructions and looked over: "Let's go?"

Tang Xinjue glanced outside, and said decisively, "I'll come."

During the familiar countdown, dozens of floor-to-ceiling windows were pushed open almost at the same time. Tang Xinjue's speed was extremely fast, and when most people just showed their heads, she was already standing by the guardrail.

The calm sun and the fresh air came together, but something else came faster than the air.

"Heart formula!"

"God be careful!"

- These are two menacing attacks that go straight to the door, and they are completely different skill attacks.