Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 14: Four Seasons Protection Guide


In fact, before the first test, Tang Xinjue decided to tell the story. However, there is no respite during the test, so we can only come out and talk again.

Now is the time.

"Actually, I once dreamed about the scene in the game, a week ago."

"No, to be more precise, it was three years ago."


In Tang Xinjue's slow statement, everyone's eyes widened.

For the first time, they knew that Tang Xinjue had been in a car accident three years ago.

It was also this car accident that caused her to look thin and weak now. No matter how she supplemented her nutrition and exercised her body, even if she developed skills and strength far superior to her peers, her appearance would always remain in this malnourished state.

It was also from then on that Tang Xinjue began to be haunted by nightmares and hallucinations. His academic life was affected, so he had to change his major and spend his time and energy on maintaining his mental safety.

And in her lingering nightmare, there is always lingering darkness, all kinds of monsters, forcing her to flee at the risk of her life.

"...One of the most important escape scenes is the dormitory." Speaking of this point, Tang Xinjue was cautious: "The monster who knocked on the door on the first day appeared exactly in the dream."

You can attack by touching, and you can escape by tearing apart. This is also the unspoken rule in the dream, and it also takes effect in this game.

The three roommates were speechless for a long time, they never thought that behind Tang Xinjue's formidable strength, there was such a hidden secret.

"Then what else did you dream about?"

Zhang You thought for a while, then picked the key point and asked, "If this is some kind of foreshadowing dream, then the dream may contain a lot of game content."

Several people concentrated, but Tang Xinjue shook his head: "Most of the memories of dreams are repetitive and vague. I can only recall the specific dream content when I come into contact with it in reality."

"However, I guess it may be because of these dreams that I am more sensitive to ghosts and dangerous auras. Sometimes I can ignore the rules and use their items directly."

Guo Guo immediately added: "There is still San value! No wonder your San value is like an iron strike. I lost all of it, and you are still standing still."

It turned out that it wasn't because she was too novice, but because of the damage compared - the teammate was too strong!

"Thank you for being willing to tell us these things." After a brief discussion to no avail, Zhang You sighed, "Although I always thought you had a secret, I didn't expect you to bear so much alone... If you can understand the relationship between your dreams and games alright."

Nightmares for several days in a row can make ordinary people mentally exhausted. Tang Xinjue has endured for so long, but his mental patience is getting stronger and stronger, which is both shocking and admirable.

"Since it exists, it will not exist in vain." Tang Xinjue smiled, "We will understand it one day."

After explaining the dream and abilities, Tang Xinjue took out his phone again and called his roommate who was still in a state of shock back to reality, "But the most important thing now is to confirm the next step."

[Examination/Competition] interface, there are new prompts:

[The test of the day has been completed, you are currently resting, refresh the test information at 8:00 tomorrow morning]

"The time is now eight o'clock in the evening. The dormitory safety guide says that from now to eight o'clock tomorrow morning, it is our absolute safe time, and we can rest as much as we want."

After Tang Xinjue finished speaking, there was a long sigh in the dormitory, and the few people fell limp as if their bones had been pulled out. The nerves that had been tense until now were finally relaxed in a real sense.

At least they can sleep well tonight.

Nine o'clock at night.

After Tang Xinjue finished washing, he confirmed that there was no injury on his body other than muscle soreness, and then began to check his abilities.

She's reluctant to accept it... but the ability to flush the toilet is by far the best card in her hand. The harm may not be high, but the insult is extremely strong.

Now that it has been upgraded to level 2, the introduction shows that it has new functions. Tang Xinjue tried to sense it and found that there are two more buttons on the top of its handle.

This is the new function

After pressing the first button, the rubber head of the toilet swayed twice, and a stream of water spewed out with a "poof", splashing on the ground.

[Automatic flushing function: No need to manually store water before unblocking, just press the button to make your toilet unblocked! ]

Tang Xinjue: "..."

This thing is actually upgrading and evolving according to the original function of the toilet

What she needs are abilities and weapons! What's the use of evolving a flush toilet for her

Facing the female ghost, Tang Xinjue was in a calm mood, but facing his own supernatural powers, a mouthful of old blood stagnated in his chest, and his complicated mood was hard to express. After a delay of two seconds, she pressed the second button.

In the next moment, the toilet bowl turned into a white light and sank into her palm. At the same time, a cartoon version of the leather pin pattern appeared in my mind, showing its attributes:

[Level 2 object ability, proficiency: 72/100, attack power: to be developed, defense power: to be developed]

[Elementary assistant (developed): Take this ability back to the sea of knowledge, and restore 1 point of health per hour]

(Development source: Holder's strong recovery feature)

Finally seeing a useful ability, Tang Xinjue thought about it. If the development of object-type abilities comes from the characteristics of the ability holder itself, then what is its judgment method

There was a sudden noise in my ears, it was Guo Guo's shout: "My random reward has been exchanged for 2 student points!"

Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing also exchanged points. Although the amount was not much, it was a "huge sum" for the moment, and the three of them were quite satisfied. Tang Xinjue was the only one who successfully redeemed the buff.

"The light of the righteous path? What kind of buff is this?"

The roommate came over to look at it, but found that there was no explanation on the Buff, and it was hung there in a very unpretentious manner, which made people puzzled.

"There is a buff that will only be explained when it is triggered."

Since she couldn't find it, Tang Xinjue didn't intend to waste time on guessing. She returned to her seat and concentrated on researching the current information.

The roommates are also busy, and everyone cherishes this rest time very much. Guo Guo dug out a lot of supernatural books, and vowed to study the yin and yang eyes so that he would not scare himself to death the next time he encountered a ghost.

Zheng Wanqing was practicing taekwondo, hanging upside down on the bed with a golden hook, tilting her head and saying to her roommate: "I feel that my endurance and joint toughness seem to have improved."

Guo Guo: "Get out!! You're scaring me to death!!"

Zhang You spent two hours sorting out the list of all the food and supplies in the dormitory, which was full of ten sheets of draft paper, and each of them used her printer to get a copy, asking everyone to recite before going to bed.

Everyone: "..."

Seven fifty-five in the morning.

Tang Xinjue woke up on time with clear eyes.

This is the first time in three years that she has not had any dreams and slept until dawn. When I woke up, I no longer had a headache and fatigue, but my ears were clear and my eyes were clear, and my body was filled with a light force.

If I have to describe this feeling, it can only be... like a new life.

The house was very quiet, and the roommate was still awake. Tang Xinjue suppressed his turbulent mood, and opened the bed curtain, but his eyes were startled—

Its daybreak.

The light does not all come from the lights in the bedroom, but from outside.

Walking to the floor-to-ceiling windows, I saw that the impenetrable darkness outside the balcony had dissipated, replaced by a vast white mist, covering everything in the field of vision, and nothing in the mist could be seen.

Tang Xinjue subconsciously put his hand on the glass window, and the moment his palm was pressed together, the white mist outside the window suddenly seemed to be alive, and he bit down on his palm!

Through the barrier of the balcony window, she was not physically harmed, only a cold feeling penetrated into the palm of her hand and went up to her bones, as if countless voices were whispering in her ears at the same time.

Greed, covetousness, malice, contempt...

After about four or five seconds, the voice could not penetrate into her consciousness, and it disappeared unwillingly.

Tang Xinjue remained motionless as a clock, looking out the window coldly. It seems that whether it is darkness or white mist, the essence is the same, and there are unspeakable dangers.

She withdrew her hand expressionlessly, holding the toilet handle with a flash of white light in her hand, and the rubber head spit out a stream of water towards the white mist outside the window.

"Sorry, you only deserve to eat this."

Bai Wu: "..."

The white mist returned to stillness again, as if it had never flowed. The other roommates also woke up one after another. Seeing this scene, they all opened their mouths and ran to the window to watch. It wasn't until Tang Xinjue reminded them not to touch the window that they came back to their senses.

"Ding dong dong, ding dong ding—"

A burst of unpleasant music with a strange tune came in from the white mist:

"Happy Monday, class time is up, exam papers have been distributed, everyone is ready~"

"Dear students, did you study hard today?"

The roommate covered her ears: "This is the worst wake-up bell I've ever heard in my life. Fingernails scraping a blackboard sound better than it."

"It's eight o'clock." Tang Xinjue turned on the phone and reminded the three people: "This is the time for the exam refresh."

After hastily eating a few biscuits for breakfast, they checked the exam information.

The APP interface has been updated, and the exam rules are listed at the top:

[Monday to Friday is study time, weekends are off]

[If there is less than one passing course in a week, it will be regarded as the elimination of all dormitories]

[Passing more than three courses within a week, you can sign up for extracurricular competitions on weekends]

[Diligence makes people progress, laziness makes people regress]

Below the rules, three options are concise and eye-catching:

[Please choose one of the following test content, countdown: 15 minutes]

Volume A: "A Brief History of Marine Civilization"

Volume B: "Four Seasons Protection Guide"

Volume C: "Dormitory Survival Experiment of Zombie Siege"

... First of all, the C volume must be the first to be excluded.

After confirming their eyes, none of the four of them wanted to experience a zombie siege. They were just four unarmed college students who didn't even have a kitchen knife. How could they fight zombies

As for A and B...

"A brief history of marine civilization, you won't let us fight sea monsters?" Guo Guo asked.

Tang Xinjue was at the top point, and a brief introduction appeared on the options:

[The best way to learn history is to witness it, and the ocean thinks so. ]

[Note: This volume belongs to the course "Ocean and Human Life", and the corresponding course certificate can be obtained according to the test results (except failing courses)]

… Witness it with your own eyes? What kind of witness method

Tang Xinjue frowned: "At least we know that this dungeon requires a certain understanding of marine life and swimming."

And the four of them have Zheng and Guo landlubbers, and Zhang You and her water skills are also average, and they are not suitable for underwater combat.

"Then you can only choose the B roll?"

Everyone stared at the last option.

[As we all know, there are four seasons in the world, and they all have their own hateful things. How to use the dormitory to survive in the four seasons is a problem that every student needs to face, and it is also the subject of this exam. ]

[Note: This volume belongs to the course "Summary of Student Survival", and the corresponding course certificate can be obtained according to the test results (except failing courses)]

"What the hell is this—what kind of school requires students to learn how to survive?" Guo Guo broke down and held his head, "I don't need to survive the four seasons!"

"It's clear that students are needed in dorm survival schools."

Tang Xinjue had a general understanding in his heart, and looked up at his roommate, "In this dungeon, there is a high probability that there will be an extreme environment."

Zhang You agrees, "And it may take a long time. After all, it is [Four Seasons], so food is also a problem."

But at least, they have a basic understanding of what may happen in each season. If it is hot summer, the dormitory has fans and water, and if it is severe winter, the dormitory has down jackets and quilts.

Compared with the other two doors, this theme makes people feel more secure.

There is no suspense, and the B roll was elected with a high number of votes. Before the selection time was over, Tang Xinjue opened the mall and scanned the items that could be used for the exam.

Two minutes later, she exited the mall with a stack of blue talisman papers in her hand.

"Frozen three-foot symbol, you can designate an area of one square meter in which the temperature drops by 50 to 70 degrees and freezes, 10 points for 10 cards."

If it is in a hot extreme environment, it may have a miraculous effect.

Others also quickly scanned it, and the countdown came to an end in the blink of an eye.

[Ding, the registration is successful, the exam is loading...]

[The Four Seasons Protection Guide Examination has begun, and the test paper has been opened, please work hard to answer the questions! ]

This is an ordinary morning, even the sun is covered with a layer of mist because of the cold.

Winter is always coming unexpectedly, but when buying breakfast, the outside temperature has dropped by more than 30 degrees, you need to hurry through this corridor and return to the dormitory.

Tang Xinjue stood at the stairs in the corridor, holding a cup of soy milk and a bag of buns in his hand, but he couldn't feel any warmth. She turned her head to look further down the corridor.

— Can you make it back to the dormitory successfully

"Without second-person game narration, my success rate should go up a lot."

Tang Xinjue spoke lightly.

Emotional game narration: "..."

The weird voiceover disappeared, and she felt her body loosen, and she regained her freedom of movement.

It seems that this dungeon started with a level system, Tang Xinjue looked at the dark corridor in front of him. This time she opened her eyes and stood at the entrance of the corridor with only a shirt and a denim jacket on her body. The low temperature in the cold winter made her skin instantly pimple, and she was shaking physiologically.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, I didn't expect the dungeon to start directly from winter, because she was negligent in preparing.

Without hesitation, he quickly walked towards the dormitory. 606 was in the middle of the corridor. It only took about 10 seconds to walk briskly... However, within two seconds, Tang Xinjue was forced to stop.

A hand reached out from the door of 602 and grabbed her ankle.

"Help me, Tang, Tang Xinjue..."

The arresting girl raised her head. It was Zhou Xiao who had a good relationship with their dormitory. She used to go to dormitory 606 to share snacks.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao was already haggard, his body seemed to have been ripped apart, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his lips were covered with dry dead skin: "I haven't eaten for five days, I'm really dying... help I… "

The girl's gaze fell directly on the soy milk and buns in Tang Xinjue's hands, and tears rolled down from the dry corners of her eyes.