Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 15: Four Seasons Protection Guide


Tang Xinjue's gaze stayed on the girl's face for half a second, then turned his head expressionlessly and continued walking forward.

"Heart formula, heart formula!" Zhou Xiao grabbed her leg and begged bitterly: "I only eat a bun, or you can give me some water, just a little, please help me, I'm only 20 years old, I'm only 20 years old. don't want to die..."

The girl wept bitterly.

Tang Xinjue couldn't pull his leg out, and didn't want to flush the toilet in front of a familiar face, so he lowered his head and said to the crying girl:

"Your tongue fell out."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and immediately lowered her head to look for it. When she found that there was nothing there, she was about to raise her head, but she heard Tang Xinjue say: "It really fell, it's just under your neck, and it was crushed immediately."

It was startled, and instantly arched its body to look carefully, and subconsciously let go of its hands. Tang Xinjue immediately seized the opportunity and walked away, quickly leaving "Zhou Xiao" behind.

Within two seconds, there was a scream behind him, as if Tang Xinjue hadn't heard it.

The monster's disguise didn't work in her eyes, let alone a monster that had appeared in a dream. With just one glance, she knew that this was an "old acquaintance".

In the nightmare, there is a monster named glutton, who will turn into the appearance of a familiar person and ask for food. Once the food in his hand is given out, it will be marked at the same time. After nightfall, the gluttons will come along the markings and devour the person.

There are also such big pits in the level that is less than fifteen seconds away, and Tang Xinjue dare not take it lightly.

604, 605... Arrived.

Under the house number 606, Tang Xinjue stopped in his tracks. The door is ajar and can be pushed open directly. Her already cold teeth could not stop chattering, but she did not rush to reach out to push the door.

Something is wrong.

She has lived in the dormitory for three years, from walking to the door and then pressing the doorknob, it should have been a smooth and natural body memory, but before reaching out her hand, she felt a fleeting sense of disobedience.

The roommate's familiar voice sounded from inside the door: "Xin Jue, are you back?"

"The door is open, come in, come in, it's too cold, who has a thick down jacket?"

"I have I have..."

The miscellaneous conversations eased the discomfort at the door, Tang Xinjue frowned, but still did not open the door.

After a pause of two seconds, she took out the key from her pocket, put it outside the keyhole of the concealed door, and parked it at a distance of about 5 mm.

From the distance of her upper body, she could still clearly tell that the shape of the key and the keyhole did not match.

This is not bedroom 606!

Taking a step back, Tang Xinjue found the cause of the discomfort: it was the wrong sense of direction.

Turning back, on the opposite side, on the closed door of "616" dormitory, Tang Xinjue inserted the key belonging to dormitory 606.

The moment the door was opened, the conversation from the "roommate" behind her suddenly stopped, and the next moment, the gloomy breath rushed to her back. In the end, she couldn't catch up with the speed of her entering the door, and disappeared out of the door resentfully.

"Heart formula! You are finally back!"

In the dormitory, Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing were wrapped into two penguins, staring at her with round eyes.

Seeing the two fat dumplings in front of him at first glance, Tang Xinjue thought he had entered the wrong place, but after realizing it, he couldn't help laughing, but his lips couldn't be raised—he was already frozen.

The roommate hurriedly took down jackets and cotton jackets and put them on her body. Tang Xinjue changed the denim jacket into a thick sweater, quickly put on the thickest down jacket, put on gloves, hat and scarf, and felt that she could breathe again.

Opening her mouth for the first sentence, she asked hoarsely, "What's the temperature in the room?"

The roommate held out a clock: "It's minus 27 degrees below zero."

It's colder inside than outside!

This is an environmental measurement meter that Guo Guo bought from the student mall at a huge sum of 10 points. It can instantly detect the temperature within one hundred degrees above zero and give a simple warning of danger.

"When you didn't come in just now, this watch kept ringing the alarm at the door, which scared us both to death."

Guo Guo sighed, and a white mist spewed out in the air.

Tang Xinjue understood: "It's not because of me, but because of the monsters behind me. But now they have been blocked from the door... Wait, where is Zhang You?"

There are only three people in the dormitory now, but Zhang You is nowhere to be seen.

Guo and Zheng shook their heads together, "We haven't seen Zhang You since we took the exam."

Guo Guo woke up in the bathroom ten minutes ago, and the voice-over made her knock open the frozen bathroom door. Zheng Wanqing's task is to unclog the frozen faucet.

Tang Xinjue immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call. As soon as he turned it on, Zhang You's call came in.

After connecting, the voice of the roommate's collapse sounded in my ear:

"I was thrown outside again!"

"Wait, why did I say this word again!"

The three of them could understand Zhang You's collapse very well. If their two unlined clothes were thrown outdoors in a world of ice and snow, their mentality would only be worse.

Tang Xinjue asked her, "What is your mission?"

Zhang You: "The task allowed me to find the way back to the dormitory, but the outside is so white that I can't see the way! Now I am very worried that I will meet the supermarket owner last time, and I am walking in fear. Wait a minute, someone is here... %¥#… &*…”

After the call, it turned into a string of unknown current garbled characters, and then it was interrupted.

"Zhang You is really unlucky..." the roommate muttered to himself. It's like everyone is in the spring, only Zhang You is thrown into the wild area again and again, the back of luck is indescribable.

The bedroom door cannot be opened from the inside, and they cannot go out to find someone, and can only wait for phone support at any time. At the same time, the measuring meter for detecting the ambient temperature also issued a slight alarm sound, and the value displayed on it was already minus 30 degrees.

The indoor temperature is still dropping!

Tang Xinjue: "Air conditioners, hair dryers, desk lamps, hot water bottles, hot water card systems, water dispenser heating...all related to electricity consumption can't be used, we can only use artificial heating."

All they could find was a box of birthday candles and matches, which had very limited heating effect.

"In fact, minus 30 degrees is more than minus 30 degrees. The outdoor temperature in the northeast is not the lowest. Mohe, the northernmost point, can reach minus 50 degrees. Especially indoors without the influence of wind, rain, snow and other factors, it is easier to endure than outdoors."

Tang Xinjue folded the cotton and down jackets in the quilt of the bed to slow down their freezing speed. "What's really scary is that we don't know how far indoor temperatures are going to drop, or when it will stop," she concluded.

When I first entered the door, the indoor temperature dropped rapidly at a rate of 1 degree per minute. After reaching minus 30 degrees, it began to slow down to 5 minutes per degree.

"If this continues, after an hour, it will be forty degrees inside the house." Guo Guo grew up in a city where the seasons are like spring, and has never experienced such severe cold. He has the illusion that his brain is frozen together.

If it really drops below sixty degrees, none of them can stand it.

"When necessary, I will directly use the frozen three-foot talisman," Tang Xinjue said.

Roommate: "??? We are all so cold, do we need to lower the temperature?"

She explained: "Frozen three feet will not only reduce the temperature instantly, but also have a freezing effect. The ice cubes produced by it are zero degrees."

This is why some people build igloos in cold areas. The temperature of the ice is actually much higher than the ambient temperature, and it can also prevent heat loss.

Guo Guo cried: "... I never thought that one day, I would feel the ice is very warm."

An hour later, 10 am. The indoor temperature is minus 42 degrees.

In order to resist the cold, the three began to do warm-up exercises crazily, using the heat created by the body to offset the feeling of freezing. Not long after, the roommates gave up one after another and were dragged up by Tang Xinjue to continue dancing.

"You must persevere. Eat to replenish your calories when you are tired." Tang Xinjue was very cold.

Two hours later, at 11:00 noon. The indoor temperature is minus 48 degrees.

Guo Guo's exposed skin had already been frostbitten, and he had to get into the bed and curl up into a ball, and a wailing sound came from the bed: "My health value has dropped!"

"Mine too." Zheng Wanqing's eyebrows were covered with frost.

[Mild frostbite: Your body temperature begins to drop slowly, and it is no longer possible to maintain your activity needs. Hourly Health—2]

Tang Xinjue frowned, staring at the APP screen, but Zhang You on the other end did not call again.

She felt that there seemed to be some information that she had missed.

If this exam can only be passed by relying on dormitory supplies, wouldn't it be a fatal situation for Zhang You, who was assigned outside from the beginning

A well-balanced game system has no deadlocks. Apart from hard resistance, there are probably other ways to survive this extreme environment, which means that there must be some untriggered clue around them.

After a while, Tang Xinjue got up suddenly, starting from the door, and carried out a carpet search of the entire dormitory.

All their activities are in the dormitory, if there is a clue, it must be inside the dormitory.

There are still five minutes before 12 o'clock, and the indoor temperature is minus 50 degrees.

Zheng Wanqing began to practice squatting under the quilt, like a large penguin constantly shrinking and expanding. She stopped suddenly, moved to Guo Guo's bed and shook her: "Wake up! You can't sleep!"

Guo Guo opened his heavy eyes: "This is my brain automatically hibernating..."

Pricking—the loud noise interrupted their conversation, allowing both of them to clear their minds at the same time.

Tang Xinjue, who had been busy for an entire hour, moved Zhang You's entire bed abruptly, moved the desk out two inches, and moved the water dispenser next to it, exposing more than half of the corner of the wall.

"I found it." A smile finally appeared in her eyes.

Hidden in the corner of the wall was a black radio the size of a palm. The style was old, and it was not the original item of the dormitory member at first glance.

"This is?" The roommate looked over.

Tang Xinjue dug out the radio, "This should be an exam prop."

Turn on the FM radio, about two minutes, a voice sounded inside:

"... Hello students, this is the student union radio station. I am Xiao Ming, a reporter. I believe you have discovered that this Monday is destined to be an unusual day. Our school ushered in a sudden drop in temperature. It is expected to be at 8 o'clock tonight. The temperature will drop to minus 70 degrees. Please take precautions against the cold and stay in the dormitory according to the regulations. Those who freeze to death need to be cleaned outside the door. The school sanitation will come to collect... "

Minus 70 degrees

At this moment, the temperature in the hearts of the three of them was colder than outside.

The voice on the radio continued to introduce some information, to the effect of encouraging students to resist the severe cold with perseverance and perseverance. After talking nonsense for a long time, I changed the subject:

"Of course, many students may want to ask, why didn't the school take heating and anti-cold measures this winter?"

"Please don't worry, this is the problem that the student union will lead everyone to try to solve today. First of all, we will randomly interview a few students who have traveled illegally and ask them how they feel about the cooling in winter."

After a few seconds of noise, the speaker changed to a girl: "Hello everyone, I am Lili, a reporter from the Student Union. The student next to me did not stay in the dormitory as required during the cooling-off period, which is a serious violation. Let's interview: Excuse me. Why did you choose to stay away?"

After a long while, the interviewee replied quietly: "... I went out to buy breakfast and got lost."

In the dormitory, the three of them froze, it was Zhang You's voice!

"Ah, then you are really lucky." Lily giggled twice, "After all, according to the regulations, all students who violate the rules must be dealt with centrally. But now, you have a chance to avoid punishment, as long as you can cooperate with the interview and answer the questions , and help us find the cause of the heating failure."

"Our student union also worked hard to get this interview opportunity. If you fail to answer, it's a pity—"

Without giving her any time to react, Lily asked quickly: "Do you know the reason why the heating failed this time?"

"Although I don't know very well," Zhang You gritted his teeth and quickly added: "... But my roommates may know, and I can call them to ask."

"Are you looking for help outside the venue? This is a good way, but because the weather is too cold, the students' mobile phones have automatically turned off, and you seem to be unable to contact them."

Lily raised her voice at the end: "Unless your roommate can take the initiative to call the radio hotline during the broadcast time, the interview can continue normally."

"However — the interview time is limited, we will only wait 30 seconds."

Zhang You hurriedly asked: "But the radio station may not be heard by everyone, do you want to confirm again, or I can find a phone booth nearby..."

"There are only 20 seconds left." Lily interrupted her with a smile, "We haven't received any calls~"

Zhang You: "But, you didn't say the number of the station!"

"There are 15 seconds left." Lily's sweet voice reveals a hypocrisy and coldness that does not match her age, "We don't need to remind, all the students in the school know how to contact us, this is a normal thing, isn't it ?"

Looking at the smiling face of the "Student Union", Zhang You felt cold in his heart.

Only she could see that these students had a second human face on the back of their heads, just like the supermarket owner in the previous dungeon.

They are not human at all!

But now, the other party is obviously certain that no one will call in at all.

Time passed by second by second.

"... 7, 6, 5, tsk tsk, it seems a pity, let's pass the microphone to the next classmate..."

A pleasant ringtone suddenly appeared, and Lily's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Ding dong. The radio hotline is calling, connected—"

"Hello. I'm Zhang You's roommate."

A gentle and clear voice sounded.