Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 16: Four Seasons Protection Guide


Antique radio rustled: "Interview time is limited, we're only waiting 30 seconds."

"30 seconds! We need to hurry up!"

Hearing that Zhang You wanted to ask their roommates for help, Guo Guo and Zheng Wanqing tossed the quilt over to the radio, and immediately realized that they didn't know how to contact this radio station!

He didn't even say his phone number, which was obviously a deliberate attempt to dig a hole. Whether they can answer the question is another matter. If they can't make a successful call, then there is no possibility for them to delay Zhang You's time.

Among the three of them, Tang Xinjue remained silent and focused his eyes on the radio.

"There are only 20 seconds left. We haven't received any calls~" Lily's sweet voice was accompanied by giggles, without concealing the maliciousness in her tone.

On the radio, Zhang You anxiously fought for a chance for himself, but only got a cold answer.

[—We don't need to be reminded, all the students in the school know how to contact us, this is a very normal thing, isn't it? ]

With these words lingering in his ears, Tang Xinjue's eyes moved.

The next moment, she picked up the phone and dialed a number. The roommate asked in amazement: "How do you know the number of the station?"

"In the school, everyone knows about the Student Union, so it's quite normal for its contact number to be posted in the corridor of a dormitory building."

Sure enough, the game will not give any completely unsolvable dead end. Recalling the various posters hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor when he just walked back to the dormitory, Tang Xinjue dialed the number: "One-third chance."

Instantaneous memory can only remember part of it. Tang Xinjue can recall a total of 3 numbers, but can't remember which clubs and activities they belong to. They have only two chances of trial and error before the countdown ends.

Fortunately, the first time I tried, the sound of the connection sounded.

The person who answered the phone was Lily. Perhaps because of the unstable electromagnetic waves, her voice was a bit grinding: "Hello, this is the Student Union."

"I'm Zhang You's roommate." Tang Xinjue's voice was as gentle as ever, "I just listened to the radio. You will solve the heating problem for us, won't you?"

Facing the sudden anti-customer, Lily choked on the phone, Lily's prepared words were blocked, and she smirked twice: "Of course... After all, the school will not just sit back and watch all the students freeze to death. But, can we find a solution? It also depends on whether the answers given by the students are correct."

Can heating be changed just by asking students to answer a few questions through interviews? From a practical point of view, this is obviously untenable logic.

So there is only one possibility - this is one of the checkpoint tasks of the exam.

Tang Xinjue agreed without hesitation: "Okay."

[Ding dong, task reminder: Please cooperate with the student union's broadcast to find the real reason for the heating failure, and help all the students in the school spend the big cooling night. ]

[If the task is completed, winter will end early]

Trigger new missions!

Several people in the dormitory exchanged brightened glances, and then heard a question from the other side of the phone:

"So, my dear classmate, what is your name?"

"Tang Xin Jue."

"Very well, we will remember this lovely name. Next, I believe you will be able to help your roommate answer this question—do you know the reason for this heating failure?"

Facing the problem, Tang Xinjue pondered for two seconds: "I can offer a few ideas."

"First of all, heating is mainly provided by electric facilities, and judging from the failure of all electrical energy sources in the dormitory, the failure of heating may be due to a problem with the circuit network in the school."

"Very good." Lily interrupted impatiently: "Is this your answer?"

Before Lily could continue speaking, Tang Xinjue continued speaking clearly and without pause: "Of course, as a university that considers students carefully, it will definitely not rely solely on electric energy to maintain the complex project of heating in winter."

Lily: "..."

"So I'm more inclined to say that the plumbing in the school is also faulty. Because in the morning, my roommate had to unclog the frozen pipe. So it is very likely that the pipe is blocked, which makes it impossible to provide heating such as hot water and heating. measure."

"Oh—then this is Student Tang's answer—"

"And, after combining the above two points, I came up with a new possibility, which is from the biological and artificial perspectives. Because this drop in temperature was too sudden, many people were taken into custody without proper measures to keep warm." It was freezing outdoors, so it is also possible that the staff in charge of heating accidentally suffered accidental injuries such as frostbite, which in turn affected the heating of the school."

Tang Xinjue didn't pause for a second, it was as smooth as reading a manuscript, and he finished the three points in one go.

"... So, what exactly is your answer?"

Lily's voice contained the irritability that she was trying to suppress: "Student Tang, our radio time is limited, please give a clear answer."

"Calm down, classmate Lily."

Tang Xinjue smiled instead, "My final answer is that due to the combination of physical, biological, coincidence and other factors, today's heating has suffered an irresistible delay, but I believe that the student union will definitely have a way to get it back as soon as possible. It's resolved, above."


"Well, um, well, we've received your answer. If so, let's hope it's correct."

The phone was hung up roughly, and it was obvious that the other party didn't even bother to do yin and yang, and completely didn't want to listen to Tang Xinjue's speech.

The dormitory was quiet for a moment, until the radio started to rustle again, and the roommates recovered from their stupefied state and asked, "Where did you find this information...?"

In contrast, they seemed to have lived a fake four hours. Apart from "lying on the ground and freezing to death", he didn't notice anything.

Tang Xinjue breathed out lightly: "It's made up now."

Three years of liberal arts plus three years of Chinese major, relying on the skill of answering the paper quickly even if she doesn't know a single knowledge point, the three points she summed up temporarily cover almost all possibilities, and can be wiped out more or less Point side, referred to as Tai Chi.

Roommate: "..."

There are no words, only awesome.

Then, on the radio, the student union started to interview the next person. Lily smirked and asked, "It's still the same question. The student union hopes you can give an answer within thirty seconds."

After learning from Tang Xinjue's lesson, they increased the time limit this time.

"I, I..." The second boy almost repeated half of Tang Xinjue's words stammeringly.

After he finished speaking, Lily laughed happily: "Ah, what a pity, you repeated more than 30% of the interview answers with the last classmate, and the answer is invalid~"

"No, I can say it again, no, eh!"

After struggling twice, the boy fell silent, and a girl sobbing in horror came from a distance, and she was the next interviewee.

Outside the radio, Guo Guo said in a low voice, "These interviewees in the back are real students, or?"

If it is a real person, it means that they are not the only dormitory in this exam, there are other "candidates", and some people may even have been eliminated at the beginning.

Tang Xinjue frowned, "It's more than 70% likely that they are the same kind as us."

As for the so-called student union, it is 100% not human.

Four more people were interviewed later, and it could be heard that they were all college students. There was uncontrollable panic in their voices, and the struggle when they were eliminated was also hoarse. And the calmest person inside was actually Zhang You.

In the end, only Zhang You and a boy survived with the answer "natural disasters caused monsters to be born and destroy heating".

Only then did the dormitory heave a sigh of relief. Judging from the state of his speech, Zhang You should have some measures to keep warm at this time, and there is no danger of frostbite for the time being.

Lily picked up the microphone with a sweet voice: "Then it's time for our field trip~"

"Both students gave very reliable answers. From them, the student union detected four alternative inspection sites, which are—"

"One, the power generation room; two, the water supply room; three, the heating staff lounge; four, the school swamp."

"However, it is a pity that we can only choose one place to investigate each time. Where to go first? Where to go next? Where can we find the truth, or... none? The choice is left to the students in front of the radio! You The number of votes will determine the final location!"

"Friendly reminder: the voting time is only three minutes, and each student can only cast one vote~"

The radio suddenly fell silent, as if waiting for something.

Tang Xinjue was the first to react, "We need to choose an option immediately, and then send the text message."

Guo Guo took a sharp breath with his red nose, opened his eyes wide and asked, "If you can't choose, what will you do?"

"If you can't choose, it will be decided by [other students]."

When Tang Xinjue's face was gloomy, there was an aura of not getting close to strangers naturally exuded from his body. Both Guo and Zheng knew that this was her performance when she was thinking about problems quickly.

Tang Xinjue was indeed thinking.

Countless possibilities whizzed in her mind, shaped and peeled off, and corresponding answers were derived one by one.

The language trap of the student union, and too little information, the four options correspond to the four possibilities proposed by her and another boy. To some extent, her answer broadened the choice space, but the premise is that there are correct options among them.

Assuming that there is really a correct option, if you want to choose it, you need to go through the voting process. Who is the subject of the vote? The "candidates" who were pulled into the survival game like them? Or are they similar to the "student council"

If it is the former, then the correct rate will undoubtedly increase, because their purpose is the same - to end this winter before being frozen to death.

And if it's the latter... Their purpose is obviously exactly the opposite of theirs.

The former is towards life, the latter towards death. This bit of logic took shape in his mind, and Tang Xinjue felt relieved, and suddenly had a measure.

She asked her roommate to take out her mobile phone: "In my answer, we will vote for the first three position options involved."

"Ah?" Guo Guo was at a loss, "Isn't it impossible to choose?"

"We don't need to choose." Tang Xinjue pressed the send button with clear eyes: "Someone will help us choose."

— "Ding dong, three minutes is up!"

Lily's voice was a little excited, and she seemed to swallow her saliva before reading out the result: "Let's take a look, ah, 75% of the audience chose [School Swamp], 15% The audience chose [power generation room], 8 percent chose [water supply room], and only 2 percent chose [heater lounge].”

"It seems that the result is already obvious."

She giggled: "Our first field trip will be [School Swamp]!"

"Then, let's meet in an hour~"

"Fuck, why wait another hour?"

If it wasn't for worrying that the old radio wouldn't be able to handle it, Zheng Wanqing would have stretched out her hand and slapped it away.

Now they are so cold that they are almost unconscious, painful and hungry, and they feel suffocated at the thought of waiting another hour.

"By the way, is it possible to find the truth about heating in this school swamp?" Guo Guo was full of worries.

Tang Xinjue said firmly: "Impossible."


Guo Guo was about to cry this time, "Really, really? Is this bad news?"

If she read it correctly, Tang Xinjue seemed to be relieved

Guo Guo didn't understand, and Zheng Wanqing didn't understand even more. The two roommates huddled under the down jacket and quilt, staring at Tang Xinjue with confused black eyes.

"Of the four options, Marsh is the least likely to be correct." Tang Xinjue explained.

If Tang Xinjue's answer was at least a routine summed up based on the three people's tasks in the morning and the dormitory situation, then the boy's answer was obviously made up, and he only passed the judgment by pretending to be calm.

If the students who participated in the exam voted, even if they voted blindly, they would not vote for this item.

"But now, the most outrageous option has won overwhelmingly with more than 70% of the votes. What does this mean?"

The roommate thought for a while, and his face gradually turned pale:

"Explain...they don't want the correct answer to be chosen?"

Did voters vote wrong on purpose