Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 21: Four Seasons Protection Guide


"What, what did you say?"

Guo Guo huddled against the wall, his whole body was half bent, his pale face was blank, "I didn't understand."

Tang Xinjue's eyes were serious.

If it hadn't been for turning around this time, she would not have noticed that Guo Guo's face was already so pale—leaning in the shadows almost gave people the illusion of translucency. The temperature of the whole body is normal, and only when the body touches can one feel the strange coolness, as if a thin layer of cold water has accumulated, and the coldness is overwhelming.

In the previous test levels, the dormitory has always shown a protective posture against ghosts, which also made her subconsciously ignore the danger from this aspect.

But it turns out that any negligence can be fatal.

When did the exam rules say that the dormitory is absolutely safe in the face of ghosts

Just like Xiaohong in the first instance, as long as certain conditions are met, ghosts can appear in the dormitory.

Thoughts flowed, in reality it was only for a moment, Tang Xinjue had already yanked his hand like lightning, and pressed Guo Guo's neck with his right hand to press her down!

A phantom that could follow in the future appeared above Guo Guo's back.

The shadows in the air are so faint that it is almost impossible for human eyes to catch them. It's just that for Tang Xinjue's extremely keen senses, its concealment is completely useless at such a short distance.

In the next second, the brilliance in his hand flashed, and the toilet was smashed down on the head!

The phantom didn't seem to react, was caught off guard, and instantly detached from Guo Guo's body a few centimeters, and the shadow became lighter.

After reacting, it seemed to be enraged, and it gave up on Guo Guo and rushed towards Tang Xinjue.

Tang Xinjue watched coldly, she didn't even need to do anything now.

[Ding dong, the light of righteousness shines on the earth! ]

Without even struggling or screaming, the phantom was flashed by the golden light of the buff, and disappeared in smoke.

Guo Guo was shocked, and the color slowly returned to her face. She raised her head and touched her head in a daze, "Xin Jue, why did you beat me up all of a sudden? You even took out the toilet... No, why is it so cold?"

Seeing Tang Xinjue's serious expression, the roommate realized something belatedly, and his lips turned white: "I remembered, you just said that ghosts and evil spirits are not part of the recovery of all things. Why, why did you suddenly So ask?"

"You were possessed by a ghost just now." Tang Xinjue replied directly, "One step later, it's not just cold."

Guo Guo: "!!!"

"I said how my head was muddled just now, I couldn't think about things and just wanted to sleep..." Guo Guo wanted to cry without tears: "I didn't expect that the bed is not safe, why do these things always attack me!"

"You were originally timid and easily frightened, but now you have the extra yin and yang eye ability, which makes you more yin."

To put it simply, it is like a shining target, if you don't look for someone, you can look for someone.

Tang Xinjue said, "However, it may not just be after you."

As a physique that has been soaked in nightmares for three years, in the eyes of dark creatures, she is probably a prey that needs to be devoured urgently. It's just limited by the Buff on the body and can't get close.

What's more, with the arrival of spring, all things will recover, if this rule also has an effect on ghosts...

Tang Xinjue turned her head and looked under the bed. In her eyes, Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing were diligently cleaning up the house, as if they were not aware of the movement above.

She turned to Guo Guo and said, "Look, what's going on down there now?"

Guo Guo poked his head cautiously, and was taken aback for a moment: "Why are the two of them lying down on the table? Are they asleep?"

Tang Xinjue's heart sank—Guo Guo was completely different from what she saw, which meant that there were still problems in the dormitory.

She opened the bed curtain, and directly used a leather stick to spray two streams of water downward. From her perspective, the water fell on the "roommate", but the roommate did not respond.

A scene that goes against common sense appeared, the logic system in my mind was awakened, and the scene in front of me suddenly changed. The scene was exactly the same as what Guo Guo said: two roommates were lying on the table, their bodies undulating gently, as if they were really asleep.

"Wait, there won't be many ghosts down here now, right?"

Guo Guo hugged Tang Xinjue tightly and shivered.

"Then you have to go down and have a look to find out."

After waking up Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing, both of them looked dazed. They were clearly going down to clean things up, so why did they fall asleep by themselves

Seeing Guo Guo who was trembling all over, Zheng Wanqing was full of question marks: "The dormitory is almost cleaned up, so what is there to be afraid of? Do I look scary?"

Guo Guo's face was terrified: "'s not you who are scary, but the thing lying behind you is scary!"


"Wan Qing, don't turn around!"

Under Tang Xinjue's sudden cry, Zheng Wanqing forcibly restrained her subconscious movement of turning her head to look, but at the same time, her eyes widened suddenly, and her facial features were covered with an uncoordinated and ferocious shadow.

Guo Guo screamed: "That thing is going to get into the body!!!"

Tang Xinjue directly stepped up and pulled the person into his arms. According to the coldest place in the senses, the leather stick fell on the back where the heart eye was, pressed hard and then pulled out——

"Zheng Wanqing" seemed to feel the outward suction, and immediately struggled vigorously, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Tang Xinjue's hand, and finally with a "bang", a faded phantom popped out, before she had time to react He was slammed a few times by Pi Zizi, and disappeared with a scream.

"It's gone, it's gone now." Guo Guo supported the railing with weak legs, looking more frightened than Zheng Wanqing who was almost possessed just now.

Zheng Wanqing woke up, with lingering fears in her heart: "What was that just now? I almost thought I was back in winter."

In just a few seconds, she felt as if she had been drenched in cold water, feeling weak all over.

Guo Guo explained over there. Tang Xinjue didn't speak, she lowered her eyes to check the toilet. After her roommate finished explaining and thought she could relax for a while, she suddenly said, "Zhang You, help me hold this."

She handed over the toilet.

Zhang You was taken aback, and pursed his lips: "Why did you let me take it all of a sudden?"

"Check the temperature for me." Tang Xinjue replied softly, "I've been frozen for too long, and I can't feel the difference in temperature."

Zhang You smiled: "This is your weapon. It's not good for me to take it. What if a ghost attacks you?"

Zheng and Guo looked at each other and turned their heads together.

"It doesn't matter," Tang Xinjue also smiled, "You have a malicious sensor, if there is a ghost approaching, you should also notice it immediately, right?"

Zhang You opened his mouth halfway, but the words behind him did not come out, and he froze slightly. Immediately she seemed to realize something, her expression changed suddenly, she turned around and was about to run!

"This is a closed dormitory, you are on a human body, how do you want to run?"

Under Tang Xinjue's sneer, the other party also realized that he had no way to escape, and its reaction was much faster than the previous ones. Zhang You's body flickered, and he was about to fall down.

"Want to slip away when the situation is not good?"

Tang Xinjue was faster than the other party, and stopped him with a single swipe. The freezing talisman had already been shot at some time, and the newly condensed icicle that contained the phantom's stump exuded a faint cold air.

"Come out and die."

Things on Zhang You: "..."

A minute later, Zhang You was tied to a chair by Wu Huada, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

Zheng Wanqing hadn't fully reacted yet, "Wait, why did you kidnap Zhang You all of a sudden?"

Guo Guo shrank behind Tang Xinjue, hating iron for being weak: "Miss, you are so stupid, you can't see that Zhang You is already possessed? Even the ghost on Zhang You reacts faster than you!"

Just like what Tang Xinjue said - Zhang You clearly had a malicious sensor in his pocket, but this morning, no matter whether it was Guo Guo being possessed or the ghost behind Zheng Wanqing who was close at hand, she didn't respond. It was as if no warning had been received at all.

In addition, during the violent exorcism of Zheng, Zhang You had no intention of helping at all, and he was unwilling to approach Tang Xinjue afterwards, which was abnormal in itself.

All kinds of anomalies add up, and there is only one reasonable explanation, that is, Zhang You has already been possessed long ago.

This was the answer that Tang Xinjue had already determined before he spoke out.

Moreover, the ghost on Zhang You is smarter than the previous two. Not only can it pretend, but it can also judge the situation in time, which is obviously stronger. If there were only Zheng Guo and Zheng Guo in the dormitory, even if they found something strange about Zhang You, they might not be able to catch the possessing ghost.

Being smart means being able to communicate.

"It's just a few simple questions, don't be nervous."

Tang Xinjue stood in front of the bound Zhang You with folded arms, his voice soft and polite.

"Zhang You": ... I believe your ghost! If you have the ability, put down the toilet in your hand and talk about it!

But under the threat of being wiped out, it still had to restrain its arrogance, and said in a low voice, "What do you want to ask?"

"First of all, when did you show up in the dormitory?"

"Zhang You" said slowly: "When spring comes, we will naturally wake up."

Sure enough, the appearance of ghosts is related to the change of seasons.

"What's your name, what ghost do you belong to?"

"We are wandering spirits, without names."

The other party sneered, "But if you can eat you successfully, maybe you will have a name."

Several people looked at each other thoughtfully.

It seems that even the ghosts in the game have obvious differences in levels. Some are powerful NPCs, some are evil spirits hiding in the dark, and some are little ghosts that swarm.

Just like candidates can improve their strength, killing people may be the ladder to climb up the level of ghosts.

Without delay, Tang Xinjue continued to ask: "How many ghosts like you are there in the dormitory? Where are they all hidden?"

Good guy, do you still want to turn the offensive

Hearing this sentence, "Zhang You" had a complicated expression, "I am the last one... There were many of you who wanted to possess you when you were asleep, but as soon as I got close to you, they all disappeared."

For some reason, from these words, several people seemed to hear a bit of aggrieved and melancholy.

Tang Xinjue's expression remained unchanged: "Then there will be new ones?"

"Of course..." The other party slowly grinned, and smiled sinisterly, "Spring is here, and we are endless..."

The toilet bowl was hung above the head, "Speak well."

"I'm sorry," the possessed ghost withdrew his smile instantly, with a dignified expression, "I just thought of something happy."

Tang Xinjue lowered his eyes and looked down. His slender body fell into the eyes of others, but it made people feel an instinctive sense of danger and oppression.

Her voice was soft and clear:

"The time, frequency, quantity, weakness, trigger and termination mechanism of your appearance."

"Say it all."

Possessed ghost: ... Is this what you said [simple question]

Why, it has become a ghost, can't it escape the exam defense