Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 256: Online dating scam documentary


There was no response at the door.

Behind the bookcase, Guo Guo clenched his teeth tightly, and for a moment he even hoped that his breathing and brain nerves would stop within a few minutes, so as to prevent people outside from using mental power to control him.

Boom boom boom.

The knocking sounded again.


Tang Xinjue asked softly again outside.

"Don't worry, it's me, I'm Tang Xinjue."

... Thank you, it is because of you that I have to worry more.

Guo Guo still didn't make a sound.

The other party said don't worry, but never mentioned why he said he would not go out in the spiritual connection before, but appeared outside the door on the fifth floor in a blink of an eye.

If Guo Guo was unsuspecting or not, at this time he would definitely ask the other party back.

— This is precisely the last thing to do!

Because it will only help the other person to confirm that she is in this room.

"So it's not here."

After asking several times, there was finally no sound outside the door. But Guo Guo could feel that Tang Xinjue didn't leave.

The other party was waiting quietly outside the door, as if waiting for her to go out by herself.

But in the deathly silent stalemate, Guo Guo gradually relaxed a little.

She began to realize that the other party seemed unable to enter this door—or in other words, the people outside the door were afraid of this room. Otherwise, Tang Xinjue could just open the door and come in to find someone instead of fishing outside the door over and over again.

More importantly, during this period of time, she never felt any traction and fluctuations in the spiritual realm. Is it because the other party didn't use their mental power, or was it isolated for some reason

The only source of light in the dark is the dim light of the mobile phone screen, on which the time passes minute by minute, pointing to 5:20.

An Ya, the girl who helped Guo Guo skip class, once emphasized that the effective time of skipping class can only last until 5:30, and she must return to the corresponding evening self-study classroom before the deadline.

There are only ten minutes left for her now.

Either Tang Xinjue outside the door took the initiative to leave, or even if Guo Guo didn't want to, he had to bite the bullet and go out to face it... For a moment, he couldn't tell which situation was more dangerous.

Just when Guo Guo raised his heart to his throat again, a new message popped up on his phone:

[Virtual Lover 211: Dear customers, the 100-day celebration of our store opening is about to begin, and there will be a lot of benefits for new and old customers, don’t miss it when you pass by! (Image] [image)]

Guo Guo: "..."

Didn't you block me

[Customer Service No. 1: I'm sorry, I signed up for that number just now, and I forgot to switch the number when I took it back. Want to know about new welfare activities?]

[Guo Guo:? ? ?]

[Guo Guo: Are you behind this virtual lover account? Do you work two jobs at the same time? ?]

[wrong. ] She immediately realized: [You are talking about recovering the account, the account of the clerk in charge of me was recovered by you?]

[Customer Service No. 1: Yes customers, all clerks whose performance is not up to standard will be cleared and their accounts will be taken back by us. This is the platform's regulation. If you still want to continue ordering the virtual lover service, we can recommend new shop assistants for you.]

... clear

Despite being tense, Guo Guo still noticed some special information in these few sentences: [What happened to the original clerk?]

[Customer Service No. 1: Don't worry, the customer has already been dealt with by us.]

[Guo Guo:...]

I'm sorry, but it's difficult for you to use the word "reassuring", right? !

She didn't want to be distracted and continue to reply, but the customer service changed her previous cold and shameless attitude, and instead started to sell enthusiastically:

[Do customers really not consider participating in our welfare activities, or subscribing to a new virtual lover? With our 12% discount and upgraded service, the new lover is guaranteed to satisfy you. As long as you want, he can bring you everything you want.]

Guo Guo frowned at this kind of exaggerated description that he can't even use in TV shopping. Can this kind of sales really deceive people

But when she glanced again inadvertently, she asked mysteriously:

[I can achieve anything I want?]

[Can you live forever?]

[Customer Service No. 1: ... ]

[Customer Service No. 1: It is recommended that customers make some practical wishes for their virtual lovers. Of course, as long as you propose it, the virtual lover will go all out, after all, you paid the corresponding reward, didn't you?]

These two passages fumbled in Guo Guo's mind for a couple of times, and the resulting guesses gradually became outrageous.

But she still didn't act rashly, and still focused on the possibility that the people outside the door could leave as soon as possible.

In any case, the opportunity for her to help with an NPC is subject to a strict time limit, so she doesn't believe that the other party can wander outside without restriction, even if the other party is 90% sure that she is inside.

At least in the past day or so, the other party refused to even take the initiative to advance the speed. How could they stand here and interfere with the situation

Two minutes later, it turned out that she was right.

The enthusiasm of the blood jade pendant quickly subsided, and the sense of danger in his intuition also disappeared. All signs indicated that Tang Xinjue outside had indeed left.

Even the customer service of the scam group who had been harassing and selling non-stop, seemed to know what happened just now, and the news that swiped the screen stopped abruptly.

[Customer Service No. 1: If you need it in the future, you are welcome to purchase services at any time, the door of the virtual lover platform will always be open for you.]

Guo Guo: Thank you, I think it is better for you to close it.

She opened the door cautiously, and found that the lights in the corridor had been turned on at some point, illuminating the space as if it were daytime. Raising his hand, the sweat in his palm had already soaked those watches. Under the light, a few familiar names happened to appear on the wet piece:

[Guo Guo, junior student... whether he participated in the previous incident (tick), whether he participated in evening self-study (cross), whether he committed any violations (cross)]

[Zhang You, a junior student... whether to participate in the previous incident (tick), whether to participate in evening self-study (tick), whether to commit violations (tick)]

[Zheng Wanqing...]

Seeing that besides himself, the information columns of the other two people were all marked with ticks, Guo Guo felt more and more depressed.

The three of them used to act together before, and only dispersed after evening self-study. None of her skippers were marked as violators, but Zhang You and Wan Qing... what happened to them

Looking down, there are rows of unfamiliar student information.

Tang Xinjue's name was indeed not in it.

Guo Guo already had points in his mind, so it was no surprise at this moment. I only used my mobile phone to take photos of all the above information and save them, then put them back intact, and then walked towards the blue door of the Academic Affairs Office.

She can escape for a while but cannot escape for a lifetime. She will know the specific content of the evening self-study soon.

Bang bang bang.

Just in case, Guo Guo knocked on the door twice first, and what came out was a very rough sound. There was a rustling sound from inside the door, and a few seconds later, with a click, a small crack opened.

Guo Guo's heartbeat gradually increased, his throat rolled twice, he opened the door and walked in.

However, to her surprise, there were no greasy and weird school leaders, and no teachers with serious faces—the Academic Affairs Office was pitch black, and there was nothing there.

She got it wrong

Isn't this her evening self-study classroom

Suppressing her panic, she searched the room in the dark for a while according to the seat number suggested by the original note, and found the number "36" on the upper right corner of a desk with the light of her mobile phone.

A heart finally fell to the ground. Guo Guo wiped off his sweat and was about to sit down when he found another problem:

This is obviously a desk that belongs to the teacher. Behind the long and wide desk is a thick black office chair, which is full of solemnity.

But she came to class to receive education, but she sat in such a position... Is it appropriate

Is this school really right?