Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 257: Online dating scam documentary


Seeing that the time was approaching half past five, no matter how uneasy and speculative Guo Guo felt, he could only grit his teeth and sit down.

As soon as her butt was seated, the lamp on the table suddenly turned on, which made her tense up instantly.

I saw the dim yellow light sprinkled on the table, illuminating this side, and also illuminating a piece of white paper that appeared out of thin air in the center of the table.

There was only one line written on the paper:

[College Town Attendance Form]

Guo Guo just wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly blurred in front of his eyes, and the words on the paper suddenly changed into:

[Evening self-study attendance list]

Below is a black horizontal line with a lot of space, which should be the place for the signature. Guo Guo wanted to sign, but found that there was no pen on the table.

A line of bright characters appeared at the bottom of the paper:

[Please sign in as soon as possible!]

But how do you sign without a pen

Guo Guo hesitantly reached out to take the paper to observe, and felt a pain in his fingers as soon as he touched it—the right index finger was cut by the sharp edge of the paper, and blood flowed out.

As blood soaked into the paper, the words "Please sign in as soon as possible" also turned bright red.

Guo Guofu pressed his bleeding index finger on the signature position, and wrote his name stroke by stroke.

— Guo Guo.

Sign in successfully.

All the handwriting on the paper disappeared and turned into a picture, which was a somewhat crooked stick figure. Guo Guo recognized Xun for a while before he saw the contents of the painting:

In a square room, four tables and chairs are placed according to the orientation, and a match figure sits in front of each table. Although the strokes are simple, you can also see the different movements of each villain: some people are writing on the table, some are reading a book, and some are lying on the chair with their heads tilted, as if dozing off.

As for the fourth one, the villain who was also facing the door of the room was staring down at a piece of paper on the table.

Staring at the fourth stick figure, Guo Guo felt that this action seemed familiar. After thinking hard for a while, she finally realized where this sense of familiarity came from:

Isn't this what she's doing at this moment!

Combined with the placement of tables and chairs and the layout of the room, Guo Guo suddenly realized that what was drawn on the paper was the room in front of him.

Then the other three tables... The table lamp can only illuminate this small piece of tabletop, and most of the room is still in darkness. Guo Guo turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to shine on it, and he could only vaguely see the scene of other tables.

No one was there.

Turn off the flashlight and look down again, the stick figure on the white paper has changed again:

Facing the back of her No. 1 table, the match figure changed from lying down to write on the table, and raised her body, and stretched out one hand to cover her face, while the other finger pointed to the opposite table No. 4. Seems to be complaining about something.

Guo Guo understood immediately this time, it was clearly referring to his own position.

Could it be... Was it the light from the flashlight that "swayed" to the opposite side

He held his breath in the darkness and remained silent for a long while. There was no change on the paper. Guo Guo scratched his thin hair in pain and tangled, and kept thinking silently in his head. What would she do if the heart formula was here

If it was Tang Xinjue, she should...

Guo Guo gritted his teeth, turned on the light of the mobile phone again, and turned to shine on the No. 2 table in another direction.

Shaking one is shaking, shaking two is shaking, neither breaking nor standing!

Find it yourself, just like squeezing toothpaste, you can only dig out information a little bit, it is better to make a mess, and useful information will pop out by itself.

Shaking for a few seconds this time, the paper really changed again:

The villain at table 2 who reads the book seriously also raises his head to block his eyes, but it looks a little more "smart" than table 1, trying to cover his face with a book so that it will not be dazzled by the light.

In the stick figure, only the stick figure at table 3 is still sound asleep. But in reality, apart from Guo Guo, there was still no one on the other three tables.

Guo Guo thought for a while, and tentatively spoke: "Well, how are you?"

"Are you students too? Can you hear me?"

No, among this group of evening self-study students, it seemed that she was the only one who was assigned to the fifth floor. Recalling that this room was originally the Academic Affairs Office, Guo Guo’s voice hesitated: " are, teachers?"

She lowered her eyes cautiously, but there was no response on the screen.

These "people" can't hear her

Then why can it sense the light of the flashlight

After deliberating for a while, Guo Guo decided to get up to check, but his heart skipped a beat: she couldn't move.

It was as if the body had been forcibly pressed against the chair, and once there was the thought of leaving, it would instantly feel like a thousand weights. Only the upper body is still within the control range, and the biggest activity that can be done is to sit on the office chair and spin around in vain.

She squeezed her mobile phone and tried to control the chair in a wider range. She was distracted for a while and turned on the light of the flashlight. The light swayed beside her, and the paper changed accordingly:

The villain at table 3 who had been dozing off seemed to be awakened by the shaking. It shook its head, turned to look at table 4, and then stood up.

One second Guo Guo was still surprised that the stick figure finally appeared in motion, but the next second he was shocked to find that the direction that the villain at table 3 was facing after getting up was his side.

It's coming over!

In just two seconds, the stick figure in the screen stood behind "Guo Guo".

At the same moment, Guo Guo also held the pendant on his chest with his hand, and pinched a purification spell with his other hand, ready to cast it at any time.

But the stickman pulled out from his body, took out a small square, and then swept it at the small square in "Guo Guo".

As the screen lit up, a picture transmitted by Bluetooth was sent, and the QR code pattern came into view.

Number 3 is succinct:

[Add friends to talk. ]

Guo Guo: "..."

She quickly scanned the QR code, and it was added successfully! The opponent's profile picture is a manga image holding a racket, the gender is shown as male, and the name only has a "Z". After adding friends, I sent two contact methods directly:

[Z: The other two. ]

Guo Guoxin understood: [Is it the other two people in the room? ]

Z didn't answer any more. She looked back at the stick figure and found that the other party went back behind the table No. 3 and began to doze off again.


Fortunately, the other two passed quickly, and even formed a group intimately. The four of them were in the same group chat, and both No. 1 and No. 2 were girls who looked young, so the possibility of the teacher could be basically ruled out, and Guo Guo instantly felt relieved.

No. 1 is the first to send a message: [Are you new here? ]

Guo Guo didn't dare to answer hastily, and said vaguely: "I don't know too well. What about you, what are you doing? ]

No. 2: [This is our job. ]

Guo Guo's heart tightened: [Are you teachers? ]

No. 2: [Of course not! don't i look young Oh oh forget you can't see me. But that's okay, you'll see it after a while. ]

Guo Guo actually wanted them to explain every word clearly, but she could only focus on one line and ask:

[But isn't this the Academic Affairs Office? ]

[yes. ]

The other side is confident.

[And you are students, working here? ]

[Yeah, otherwise. ]

[… I mean, the person who works in the Academic Affairs Office should generally not be a teacher, right? ]

[teacher? What are you kidding. ]

On the 2nd, she sent an emoticon pack shaking her head repeatedly.

[Please, this is a university town, where is there a teacher in the university town? ]