Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 258: Online dating scam documentary


Guo Guo looked at the news in the chat group and felt his head was getting a little confused again.

She subconsciously asked: [Excuse me, the university town you mentioned is the same university town as the university town I understand? ]

If the other party refers to the "university" in the background of the dungeon, and there are no teachers in the university town, then what is the "school" in it

If the other party refers to [University City], which is at the core of the entire game system outside of the dungeon, then what are the counselors and proctors who have been in contact with, and the two long rows of big eyes in the welcome ceremony for admission to higher education

No. 1: [There is only one university town in the world. If we say the name together, we are talking about the same being. ]


Guo Guo felt his head hurt even more.

In order to confirm where she is at the moment, she continued to probe: [There was no teacher in the self-study that night? ]

No. 2: [What is evening self-study? ]

It really doesn't look like this copy.

Guo Guo: [Then there are no counselors and entrance exam teachers in the university town? How many universities are you students in, one, two or three? ]

No. 2: [What is a counselor? What is the entrance examination? ? What is one, two, and three? ? ? ]

Guo Guo:? ?

No. 2/No. 1: ? ?

After the two sides exchanged question marks to show friendship, Guo Guo discovered that the things she talked with these "people" might not be in the same brain circuit from the beginning to the end.

So she went back to the source and returned to the original question:

[who are you? ]

This time, the other three people in the group did not respond for a long time.

On the stick figure, the positions of the three stick figures have changed again. No. 1 and No. 2 whisper to each other, as if they are studying how to answer.

After a long time, the screen lights up again:

Number 1: [We are people without names. ]

No. 2: [We also have no identity, no appearance, no proof of existence. We are just working, but we can't tell you what the content of the work is. Unless you also become like us. ]

Guo Guo thought carefully: [Can I understand that you are subject to certain restrictions, so you can't say these detailed things? ]

But since the two parties can chat by adding mobile phone friends, it means that some information can still be communicated.

From the current point of view, the attitude of the other party is not only not hostile, but rather friendly. Guo Guo boldly said:

[But you said that the university town... At least it should be the students in the university town, right? ]

[. ]

The other party acquiesced.

... Since he is a student, why does he seem to know nothing about university towns and dungeons

And according to past experience, the student NPCs in the university town are all ghosts such as Xiaohong and Li Xiaoyu. This is the first time she has seen such a style of painting.

Guo Guo racked his brains to find a breakthrough:

[Then you guys, do you know who I am? ]

No. 1: [A mushroom-headed sister who seems to have a bad grade. ]

Guo Guo: "..."

[I am also a student, but I was forced to be locked up here! Maybe you don’t believe it, but there are a group of terrible teachers out there, they not only force me to come here for evening self-study, but also punish us… ]

Faced with Guo Guo's tragic accusation, Stickman No. 2 doesn't quite believe it:

[Although I don't feel that you are lying, but there are really no teachers in the university town, are you sure you are not dreaming and confused? ]

Guo Guo only hated himself for not using his mobile phone to take photos of those school leaders as evidence:

[But, but how can you be sure that there are no teachers in the university town? Schools, schools, how can a school be formed without teachers? ]

[I can swear to the teaching monument that there are no teachers in the university town! ]

Number 2 was also agitated:

[How can I not be sure? ]

[This place was built by me, brick by brick! … ]

["The next life will not enter civil engineering" has been kicked out of the group chat]

Before No. 2 finished his cannon-like words, he was kicked out instantly by No. 3 who woke up at some point. In a blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the group.

Guo Guo silently withdrew his hand from typing on the screen.

She realized that the speech just now on the 2nd had already involved some undisclosed areas. In Tang Xinjue's words, the NPC's routine was successful.

But going on, she was afraid that she would also be kicked out of the group chat and lose the only chance to communicate with the opposite party.

Fortunately, No. 3 did not do this. He just turned his head and looked at Guo Guo silently for two seconds, and then sent a message:

[You, are you not dreaming? ]

Guo Guo cautiously: [I... should I be dreaming? ]

number 3:[… ]

number 1:[… ]

The originally relaxed atmosphere became serious.

[Number 3 (Z): There seems to be something wrong. ]

[No. 1 (What is the relationship between Zhou Shuren and me, Lu Xun): I think so too. Who is in charge today? ]

[No. 3: It should be the system, shake a computer and come over to throw the blame. ]

[No.1: Huh? You are not a computer? ]

[No.3: I am from the Department of Physical Education. ]

[number 1:… ]

[No.1: Who is in charge of the system? ]

[No. 3: It should be Xiaobu, but he is not here today, I will go find him and bring him in. ]

Guo Guo stared at the messages popping up in the chat box with breathless breath, and his brain gradually went into a shutdown state.

At this time, No. 3 also gave a cry of surprise, and said to Guo Guo: [Why are you still here? ]

After finishing speaking, he said to himself: [Well, it seems that I forgot to kick. ]

Guo Guo: […]

[You have been removed from the group chat]

As the group chat was dismissed, the stick figures on the white paper also disappeared. Guo Guo immediately picked up the paper and shook it left and right, and then took the flashlight of the mobile phone to shoot at other places, but the paper did not respond at all, just like an ordinary sign-in sheet.

She propped her arms on the table in a moment of impatience, and she stood up without any hindrance.

Is that barrier gone

Guo Guo walked into the darkness with a flashlight, and the other three tables were still quietly placed in place. She walked around slowly, but found two items on the desktop of boy No. 3 that didn't seem to be there before:

It is a bronze pen, and there is still a small half bottle of unused red ink.

Looking at these two items, a sense of familiarity welled up in my heart. She gently picked up the ink bottle, but a fishy smell entered her nostrils from the mouth of the bottle:

It turned out that it wasn't red ink at all, but diluted blood!

Suddenly, she also remembered the source of the familiarity:

Aren't the pen and the bottle containing blood the same as the rewards that were released in the copy of "Sanitary Assault Inspection" at the end!

If she remembers correctly, the boss released a total of four props. They are a pen, a glass bottle filled with blood, a bundle of red thread and a piece of yellow paper.

Among them, the blood bottle was finally snatched by another dormitory student named Shi An, and the remaining three were snatched back by Tang Xinjue 606. But maybe because of the lack of "ink", they haven't found a specific use for these things yet.

Guo Guo immediately put away the "ink" and the pen. At this moment, there was a harsh scratching sound outside the door. She turned around in a jerk and used the light of her mobile phone to shine a light on it. The light hit the crack of the door, and a bloody white eye flashed past.

bang bang bang!

Scratching turned into heavy slapping, accompanied by a middle-aged female voice: "Open the door! I am the teacher for your evening self-study! You are not allowed to lock the classroom door without permission during evening self-study. You are breaking the rules!"

Guo Guo backed away quietly, almost pulling her ears to tell her that she must never open the door, and responded with her mouth:

"This is the Academic Affairs Office, not a classroom, and I didn't lock the door, so who knows why you can't come in... Besides, since it's a self-study, isn't it just for the students to study by themselves, what, what do you need the teacher for?"

The voice outside the door became even more angry:

"How dare you talk back to the teacher, it's an even worse crime! What's your name? Which dormitory student are you from?"

Bang Bang Bang!

Knocking on the door gradually turned into smashing the door, and Guo Guo began to look for a place to escape by jumping off the building. At this moment, the customer service from the scam gang sent a message like telepathy:

[Virtual lover can solve all your troubles for you. Order now to have a discount!]

Guo Guo: ...

Although reason is still resisting, she has been shaken a little.

If it can be solved, maybe try it, the result may not be worse

As the saying goes, if you can live, you will live without worrying about debts...

Just when she was about to click into the dialogue box, another more familiar syllable was suddenly inserted into the furious voice outside the door:

"Teacher, a student in classroom 201 has skipped class, please go and look for it."

"Oh, I'm a student in Room 107, here is my leave note. Is there anything else?"

- It's Zhang You!