Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 26: Four Seasons Protection Guide


After Tang Xinjue's message, the glimmering customer service interface paused for two seconds.

Two seconds later, a new message pops up.

[Customer Service 001: Hello, what information do you want to report? ]

Tang Xinjue typed like flying: [I was taking the autumn dungeon exam of "Guidelines for Protection of Four Seasons". The dungeon boss Reaper violated many exam rules and got together to fight but was not punished, which greatly jeopardized the fairness of the exam. ]

This time, the customer service responded very quickly:

[The report has been accepted, is being verified, and the copy information is being loaded... ]

Pat, clack, the footsteps in the corridor were getting closer, and the owner of the sound sounded very leisurely.

Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes: [The reaper will come back soon, if we die, I hope it will be because we failed the exam content, not because of game bugs. ]

Customer service 001: ...

[Ding dong! The dungeon information has been successfully loaded, the test has started, and the test has been suspended during the test—]

The friction sound of the doorknob being pressed, the creaking sound of the bedroom door being pushed open, all the sounds stopped abruptly with the sudden sound of the game prompt, and returned to silence.

In the silence, Tang Xinjue heard his own violent heartbeat.

"what happened?"

Guo Guo had already closed his eyes and waited for death in despair, but was startled by the sudden notification sound, and accidentally opened a gap in the cabinet door, from which he could just see the pushed open bedroom door.

On the doorknob on the side of the corridor, there was a hand that was so white that it was bloodless, with blue blood vessels clearly rooted in it.

One step later, the hand will push the door and enter. But it was too late, and the owner of the hand was forced to stop at the same place.

The entire copy of the exam seemed to have been pressed the abort button.

[Copy detection progress 5%... 25%... 67%... 99%, detection complete]

[Error reminder! Error reminder! Error reminder! ]

The piercing alarm bell was repeated three times in a row, and the child's voice turned into a serious mechanical voice:

"The statistics of the test results show that there were three violations and mistakes in the exam: the examinee's level was wrong, the content of the test was wrong, and the NPC review was wrong."

"Respectively, the major negligence is as follows: 1. Some candidates' grades are lower than the acceptance range of the examination room; 2. A large number of off-site NPCs interfere with the examination process in violation of regulations; 3. The examination rules are disturbed, the invigilator is negligent, and there are violations and concealment."

Listening to the icy mechanical sounds lined up one by one, and feeling the slow and steady beating of the violent heart, Tang Xinjue opened his eyes, sharp and bright.

She won.

"In accordance with Article 13 of the Joint Convention on Games and Examinations, the judgment on this examination is as follows:"

"Candidates who do not meet the requirements end the exam early, and those who fail will be dealt with as a pass. All NPCs outside the venue will be cleared, and those who violate the rules will be detained and dealt with according to the level of crime. The position of the invigilator of the venue will be revoked. After the remaining candidates are over, the exam and course related All will be recovered and await further investigation.”

"Exam time, Leap Autumn 7355.115, 9:31, the verdict takes effect!"

The mechanical sound disappeared, and the dungeon continued to run. There was a slight sound of the closet door being pushed open, Guo Guo was so frightened that he hurriedly pulled it back, but he glanced outside accidentally from the corner of his eye, but was taken aback.

There was still a gap in the bedroom door, but there was no one outside the door.

The sound of footsteps, loud bombing, and all the frightening sounds disappeared, and the world became extremely quiet.

[Ding dong! After everyone's concerted efforts, autumn has been successfully passed! The four seasons reincarnate, and the wonderful year is coming to an end again! ]

The few people have never felt that this weird child's voice is so pleasant to their ears like now.

[I believe that after this lesson, the students have a deeper understanding of the four seasons, let us see what kind of answers the students handed in! ]

As the child's voice fell, Tang Xinjue's consciousness fell into darkness again.

"Dormitory member's personal evaluation is loading... Loading successfully"

"Name: Tang Xin Jue"

"Level: "Four Seasons Protection Guide""

"Output: 80.9%"

"Injury resistance: 45%"

"Assist: 22.2%"

"Effective score: 11 points"

"Unlock Achievements: 3"

"Final Evaluation: Output MVP"

Consciousness returned, Tang Xinjue opened his eyes from the desk and stood up, seeing the intact dormitory, he felt as if he was in a trance for a moment.

This trance is even more pronounced when looking at the old radio on the table.

The other three also got up one after another, with blank expressions on their faces, as if they hadn't reacted much yet.

Zhang You said hesitantly: "What does the test notification at the end of the game mean? Is there a bug in the dungeon?"

"This," Tang Xinjue explained calmly, "I reported it to the customer service."



After listening to Tang Xinjue's ins and outs, a suspicious expression appeared on the faces of the three people at the same time.

"Wucao, why didn't I expect to be able to report it!" Guo Guo quickly took out his phone and searched for a long time before finding the location of the customer service button, "Hey, I'm careless!"

Zheng Wanqing ruthlessly exposed: "Because you have never studied this app properly."

Of course, from the advent of the game to the present, they are too busy to take care of themselves just to save their lives. Except for Tang Xinjue, they only understand the basic functions.

In addition, it takes a full 1 point to connect to customer service. From the beginning, several people did not put this function into the scope of use, and naturally they couldn't remember it at the critical moment.

"Thank you for thinking of this, otherwise we might have been wiped out." Zhang You breathed a sigh of relief, relieved. This exam was too dangerous, and the end was almost a dead end. Other than that, she couldn't think of any other way to survive.

Tang Xinjue also shook his head, "I just planned to give it a try, as long as I could report the reaper, but I didn't expect a whole bunch of gourd babies to grow under one gourd."

The final test result of the game contains too much information.

There are three mistakes in total, and she can match the last two: "A large number of NPCs interfering with the exam process" refers to the "audience" who deliberately voted randomly on the radio in the winter dungeon; "deceitful exam rules" refers to the final harvest By.

But it was the first item that attracted her special attention: Some candidates' grades were lower than the acceptance range of the examination room!

To put it simply - the candidates are weak and the exam is difficult. The two should not have matched, but they were matched together because of some mistakes.

Judging from the fact that the exam was terminated ahead of schedule, these "partial candidates" undoubtedly included their dormitories.

Thinking of all the dangerous things in the exam, Tang Xinjue couldn't help frowning.

I encountered this kind of accident just at the beginning of the game... Is this game really reliable

After regaining their senses, several people checked their phones one after another, and the results of the exam also popped up:

[Exam Completion: 100%]

[Dorm member survival rate: 100%]

[Dorm completeness: 40%]

[Basic score: 64 points]

[Additional points detected, calculated as follows:]

[Leapfrog to challenge the difficult exam: +10 points]

[Significant contribution to the exam: +20 points]

[This time your "Four Seasons Protection Guide" exam (level A difficulty) has a total score of 94 points (out of 100), and the evaluation level is: perfect! ]

The score turned into five red stars and landed on the test record interface.

"A-level exam rewards: each dormitory member gets 4 credits, 36 student points, the upper limit of health value increases by 20, and the four-dimensional physique increases randomly by 2~6."

After reading out the reward, Guo Guo realized something was wrong: "Wait, why is this exam A-level difficulty? What does the leapfrog challenge in the bonus item mean?"


She belatedly wailed: "Damn, we chose a super-difficult dungeon?"

Judging from the final basic rewards, it is exactly four times that of the dormitory civilization test. It is conceivable that the difficulty is at least four times higher.

"Probably more than four times."

Tang Xinjue stated his understanding of the test results and the grades of the candidates.

I checked the rules and regulations again, and finally found it in a corner. The game is divided into 6 exam levels in total, namely double S, S, A, B, C, and D, and the difficulty decreases in descending order.

When selecting test papers, the APP interface will not display the difficulty of the test, but it will not exceed the highest level of difficulty corresponding to the students.

[Sanben University] corresponds to a level of difficulty ranging from D to C, and [Double University] corresponds to level C to B.

Generally speaking, at [a university] and above, the A-level exams will gradually open.

"However," Tang Xinjue said slowly, "Since I didn't find an explanation for this item in the app last time, it's not ruled out that the game didn't give a reminder until this exam, or even after I reported it. Possibility to temporarily add to the rules."


Several people were silent for a while, and they asked questions at the same time: - Is this game really reliable

It's too deceitful! !

Of course, complaints belong to complaints, and the rewards still have to be taken as they are.

Compared with other people's reward screens, Tang Xinjue's app has a more eye-catching message:

[You have received a special email from the course thanking you for your special contribution to the exam]

After clicking on it, a flower with a very middle-aged and elderly style popped up on the screen, and then a row of pop-up reward bars:

[Credits+3][Student Points+30][Student Mall Discount Coupon*1]

Calculated, after deducting the 1 credit for reporting flowers, she still earns 2 points, and now the credits have quickly increased to 7 points.

After calculating the benefits of this game, there was a moment of silence in the dormitory.

Guo Guo was the first to speak, and his tone couldn't hide his excitement: "I got a total of 36 student points, five lucky draw opportunities with valid points, and my physical attributes have almost increased by half."

The so-called getting rich overnight, probably this is what it feels like!

Guo Guo and Zhang You's harvest was similar. After reconciling the accounts, the three of them looked at Tang Xinjue together.

Tang Xinjue pondered: "I got 102 points, 11 valid points, attribute increase and a discount coupon."

Everyone: shed tears of ignorance.jpg

"Oh, yes!" Guo Guo suddenly remembered, "My yin and yang eye skills have also been upgraded!"

She pressed her forehead excitedly, "Can you tell the difference?"

After observing carefully, Tang Xinjue said, "There is a pink trace."

"That's right!" Guo Guo grinned, "After the Yin-Yang Eye reaches level two, the strength of ghosts can be distinguished by Yin Qi. Of course, the most important thing is that I can choose to switch it on or off!"

This is a life-saving straw for her crumbling courage!

After talking about his abilities, Guo Guo couldn't wait to ask again: "Shen Jue Shen, has your toilet been upgraded!"

Tang Xinjue nodded: "Yes."

After the exam, the status is refreshed, and the proficiency of toilet flushing is full, which has been upgraded from level two to level three.

It's just that the changes after the upgrade...

Tang Xinjue took out the toilet bowl, and then took out the phantom's stump, which was about to shatter into slag, and threw the phantom's stump into the rubber head of the toilet bowl in full view.

Then, the rubber head shook up and down twice, eating the phantom's stump.

... Wait, eat it

The author has something to say: Game: guilty conscience.jpg